Any modern construction is impossible without the use of a material such as insulation basalt type. Such popularity is due to the fact that it has a high level of resistance to the fire, the most easy to install and can be purchased at an acceptable price index. But very often there is - the question of whether the shrinkage occurs while using this heater? Viewed aspect is very important because it threatens to decrease shrinkage properties of the protective material that fraught with decrease of the characteristics as a result of the heat level in the room is significantly decreases. In order to understand this situation should be possible to uncover the above material specifications.
Technical characteristics of the type of insulation Basalt
- The low rate of heat conduction. Due to the air, but at the same time very strong structure, thermal energy is delayed and does not go further;
- The low absorption rate under consideration of insulation to water and moisture. In this case, the moisture is absorbed, and simply slips on the fiber material;
- High level crossing pair. The complete absence of condensation, and therefore, such a material will also function well in bath rooms;
- The high level of fire protection. Such a material can withstand temperatures of 1000 degrees indicator;
- Excellent insulation properties of different noises and sound effects. It should be noted that due to this quality, noise protect not only the room, which is equipped with such a material, but also the adjacent premises;
- A high level of strength. Arrangement of fibers in a heater arranged in a chaotic manner, making its structure several times stronger than the material fibers which are arranged vertically to each other, and therefore, it is virtually eliminated and further shrinkage deformation;
- The low level of activity of biological and chemical species.
Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to conclude that according to the above technical properties, shrinkage insulation basalt type is minimal and almost imperceptible, since due to a strong structure and high protective characteristics, such insulation can be safely used without fear of losing its useful properties.