Why Americans do not use electric kettles: Causes

Kettle - this is one of the most common devices in everyday life of every person. Tea in the world today are nothing new, except for the Americans. This is due to the fact that in the United States completely abandon this instrument.

Why not use the electric kettles in the US

Americans do not use an electric kettle: Causes

The content of the article

  • Americans do not use an electric kettle: Causes
  • The substitute for the US electric kettle
  • What was the reaction Australians

If the tourists in the United States to visit various places of public supply and request hot tea, then it will look in amazement. The most common drink in the United States - coffee, tea and Americans most like to drink cold.

However, the most important reason for not using the device - is the electricity voltage. Modern electrical appliances are operated by a network of 220 volts and the maximum voltage in the US - 110. Therefore, normal use appliance does not work, but if you buy at a lower power, the water will be heated to 2-3 times longer than than standard counterparts.

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Attention! The use of such devices for the Americans is not only practical, but also very profitable. Electricity in the United States always differed too high cost payment, so that people are trying to save as much as possible.

Electric kettle

The substitute for the US electric kettle

The most effective way to warm water - is the use of microwave ovens. It is fully replaces a device in the United States. As water is heated, and on gas stoves, in a special pan. The method seems to be very strange and peculiar, but it has a high use in the United States.

In fact, there are electric kettles in the house every other American, they just use them very rarely. Usually, when the guests arrive, or during the celebrations, when you need to quickly make a hot drink.

The soluble coffee in the United States also enjoys low demand, as people prefer to do it yourself. Typically, they are used for this coffee machine, a fully prepared coffee in Turku.

Electric kettle

What was the reaction Australians

For the first time this topic raised residents of Australia, when one of the users of social networks have recorded, and picked up a discussion about what the Americans do not use the kettle. The public was shocked by this fact, many reacted with skepticism to the information.

Electric kettle

But later, when it became clear reasons for rejection of the instrument, the Australians agreed on the opinion that the decision is justified. public outcry quickly died down, and it ended in one of the jokes: "It is not surprising that Trump has won."

20.04.2019 at 23:07

Instant coffee and insoluble

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21.04.2019 at 05:35

I though there are electric kettle, water always I heat in a small saucepan, and not due to electricity savings. Just so convenient. Still, I can not understand people who drink tea. Why a day to pour a some slop ...

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21.04.2019 at 19:24

Before the US and others like them to nod, would have looked better in the home country takes place. I live in Maikop in the ordinary apartment building. Supplier el.en. we PAO Kuban'energo fare nearly RUB 5 kWh. A gas (Gazprom mezhregiongaz Maikop) -chut 60 rub per month. I will use the kettle, multivarka, microwave? Self is not. Stand idle because gas is cheaper. But fellow Chinese almost for nothing of electric power supply.

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22.04.2019 at 03:35

In Japan, the voltage 110, it does not prevent to use the kettle. Just all the equipment on the 110. In Russia, by the way, we use Japanese technology to 110 without any problems, and in Japan, our devices 220 - exist for this adapter. So, in conclusion, well, I drank tea in America, no one was surprised.

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04.22.2019 at 06:30

Poor you our Leo! Discard the Internet and your computer, and you poyavyatsya days are for the use of household appliances!

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22.04.2019 at 06:31

have the money of course.

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22.04.2019 at 13:16

According to the logic of the author, and electric stoves, irons and can not be used due to a lower voltage, however, there is no electric stoves less common, than in Russia. Well, about the iron, I hope it is not necessary to comment :)) Heat generated by passing through a conductor an electric current does not depend on the voltage and the current strength and the resistance conductor (Act Joule)

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22.04.2019 at 20:38

The author has never lived in the States 🙂 Electricity here is just a very cheap... kettle use both at home and at work, just the Americans believe, and I agree with them that tea / coffee making facilities get more delicious water, boiled in a normal kettle, on the other hand - all the water in coffee boil using a similar to our boiler... That is the case, by the way, I live in the United States 25 years 🙂

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23.04.2019 at 04:55

I also like a cold instant coffee.

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23.04.2019 at 20:45

The Internet has bred a lot of American life experts. At best, it is the loser who got there by accident, and then dumped in the worst - never been there... .. The story of tea is generally n... n.

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23.04.2019 at 21:13

Natalia - coffee just soluble. If you want to talk about soluble, speak kofy!

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24.04.2019 at 17:41

You can not say "rather than". Or "rather than" or "less than".

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24.04.2019 at 23:08

With tongue removed ..

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25.04.2019 at 01:53

At first reading, that in a teapot, designed for 110 volts, "the water will be heated by 2-3 times longer" than in the kettle with the power of 220 volts, I thought that the author is a botanist.
And then I read trafficking "rather than" and realized that he was just Losers.

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25.04.2019 at 23:19

Natalia, teach history, coffee has always been it, and only the trend of the worker-peasant class, which destroyed 2/3 literate folk in the country a hundred years ago, it was OH.

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25.04.2019 at 23:21

I do not understand only one thing - they have gas stoves and gas, but no... Conventional metal kettles and so they warm water in a pan? What nonsense ...

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AvatarSergey Stepanov:
26.04.2019 at 13:48

Power = "tension in the square" on "electrical resistance".
Therefore, our tea will warm at least 4 times longer if the voltage is less than half. Given the heat - closer to "5 times".
I was in the United States and more than once. My daughter lives there. The kitchen is no elekroplity or kettle. There is a gas stove and meth. kettle. And it's not in "the apartment for the poor", and in the cottage at 400 m2 cost under a million bucks.
All Soup, based on Ohm's law, the US must have the electrical resistance is 4 times less to run at the same speed as we do. It is not always possible to implement effectively.

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26.04.2019 at 15:38

Implementation kettle same power that for 220 Volt, 110 Volt network will require only half of the thicker copper wire supply. If the heater itself from traditional nichrome (albeit in PETN), its consumption will not increase - thicker diameter smaller length is compensated. The difference in thickness - 0.5 or 0.7 mm is no technological problems.
So the reason for the lack of teapots not technological difficulties, and in the tradition of the consumer.

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27.04.2019 at 18:56

In the Soviet Union, too, after the war, there were 127 and 220, until the 1960s. Bulbs and pots and tiles were on the voltage!!! To quickly boil and cook we rewound email. Spiral made from thicker tiles. During these years in America were the same pots and tiles, as well as Unas and metal housings. And then they had a qualitative leap, and all the equipment has changed and the culture of consumption!!! And we had the Iron Curtain and we are hopelessly behind the Yankees. That's all.

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04.29.2019 at 04:15

You write nonsense, a huge selection of electric kettles in the United States for all tastes, I and all my friends and acquaintances use an electric kettle. Rapidly boil, t. K. A heating rate depends on the power of the device, and not on voltage. And all electrical work as well as in Russia, I do not see the difference. I live in the United States.

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29.04.2019 at 21:33

Comments and coffee-it

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30.04.2019 at 11:13

"Just all the equipment on the 110. In Russia, by the way, we use Japanese technology to 110 without any problems, and in Japan, our devices 220 - exist for this adapter. "- Lisa, super! Such a coupler is called a transformer. Instead of an adapter for the plug, which you had in mind. Particularly impressive look to the Japanese maker is connected via an adapter to our network.

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05.01.2019 at 19:13

Standard of living is determined by the amount of electricity consumed an average family. In the US, he is one of the highest. This is not surprising, as the number of household electrical appliances in the American family, by our standards, very large. But if you look at the power consumption of each of their household appliances, then we'll just smitten by these figures. So electroirons has a capacity of 1-2 kW against our in 0.375 kW. And so all of them have an increased electrical power against our Soviet. Saving it for the poor it is considered to be in the west. And demand, as you know, breeds supply. But this is not about us. We are forced to save, that is, not to live comfortably. Now many of us are trying to increase their standard of living, setting in apartments imported equipment. But, as it turns out, it is not always possible. Often, in the homes lack the necessary power wiring, transformer rooms and the existing cables are not withstand the load, and the houses are apartment Electric, designed for a maximum load of 10 BUT. That is the power of all the appliances in the apartment buildings of the Soviet could not exceed 2.2 kW.
Thus, I conclude that Article vysheoboznachennyh - custom fake. Who ordered? Well, it's not difficult to guess.

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05.02.2019 at 17:01

Live in Russia. I do not use the kettle. It is more difficult to wash than the pot, and drink several times a preheated scale somehow I do not like it, so that water does not boil twice.

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05.02.2019 at 21:20

If our Maker plug in 110, its output will fall by 4 times. A transformer is used for the kettle - it's weird. Just kettles are made with the heater under their network.
We also do not use an electric kettle, a gas hob, because cheaper.

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05.02.2019 at 21:57


To get the same capacity at 110V electric kettle, to miss 2 times larger current. If 220V is 10A at 110V it will be 20A. And it is not only thicker lead wire, but also more powerful sockets, circuit breakers (not on 16A, and 32A) and heavy losses in the entire wiring. I feel, there are electric kettles weaker ...

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05.03.2019 at 17:46

Nonsense. Third decade of living in the States and always use an electric kettle. But nothing wrong voltage - author, the school quickly learn physics! The temperature of the heating element is determined by the voltage and current strength. That is, at any voltage can achieve the necessary temperature by varying the resistance of the cell.

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Avatarsvetlana Ushakov:
05.04.2019 at 13:08

Tami 4, Israel

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05.04.2019 at 13:37

* In the United States the maximum voltage - 110. Therefore, normal use appliance does not work, but if you buy at a lower power, the water will be heated by 2-3 times longer ..
* In fact, there are electric kettles in the house every other American, they just use them.. usually when guests arrive, or during the celebrations, when you need to quickly make a hot drink.
So after all, very slowly or rapidly heat the water their kettles?

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05.04.2019 at 22:04

As for one of the world's highest electricity consumption in the United States - in fact fake, only 10th place, two times less than in Norway, four times than in Iceland.
And twice as Russian.
As for the iron 375W - a joke? Or USB version?
What about electricity 10 A - again hoax. All that I had successfully kept and taken into account up to 50 A.
Now connection is 15 kW to a private home - no problem. If the network is not overloaded.
That in the United States it is more convenient - no long cables to power transformers, substations. Hang on poles 6.3 kV lines, each at the near post your transformer at 110 V.
Hence their loss at 110 for 50 meters to a pole are less than our at 220 for up to half a kilometer large common transformer.

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05.05.2019 at 10:52

Iron 375Vt on this joke. Standard 1.2 kW.

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05.05.2019 at 11:25

There every step of electric vehicles! Constantly traveling for business in the United States in the hotels are always electric kettles. Many times been a guest in the homes of Americans, and as everyone had teapots. So that the water in the microwave to heat it at all tough! Electricity they consume most of the world consume 18% (1 in the world) and 20% of the produce (also first in the world).

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05.05.2019 at 17:53

What does "rather than"?! Or "rather than" or "less than".

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06.05.2019 at 14:33

I am not interested. what they eat, how to drink somewhere. I live as I please, and let them live as they like. Excess unnecessary controversy.

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07.05.2019 at 20:35

"The electricity they consume most of the world" - a shaft.
A per capita less than half in Norway and four times less than in Iceland.
Unfortunately, twice as much as we do.
I suspect the lion's share going to summer air conditioning.

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26.05.2019 at 21:59

I do not have an electric kettle, but for me quite difficult to boil water for tea in the usual kettle on the stove.

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29.05.2019 at 07:50

Not correctly write and speak "American", but imply only sshatovtsev. States (regions) of the continent joined together in the country, and the country still has not come up with the name, and remain "connected by the regions."
Calling sshatovtsev Americans, we often offend Canadians, Brazilians, Chileans... That are on par with sshatovtsami living in a USE are also Americans.

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30.05.2019 at 22:42

I never thought that the Americans (USA) in the home make instant coffee. And in the store to buy not more cheaply? (Soluble coffee in the United States also enjoys low demand, as people prefer to do it yourself.).

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06.01.2019 at 13:01

You have the physics that was repeated before this writing? Like all AC mains voltage is connected with the duration of heating ???

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06.02.2019 at 20:08

If in America at a voltage of 110 volts kettle heats up 2-3 times longer, it means that they have 2-3 times worse Frost refrigerators, 2-3 times slower computers work, etc. throughout the technique.
Dense stupidity of the author prompts to speak obscenely.
By the way dummies in America and everywhere in bulk. Tea ask - you some hot - no problem.

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06.02.2019 at 20:26

Author versed in electricity - as a pig in oranges. It's horror at 110 volts certainly not boil kettle))). Previously, all the Soviet television sets, radios, tape recorders, record players, electric shavers was a switch - 127 and 220 volts.

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06.03.2019 at 15:51

Country headline "Americans do not use an electric kettle: the reasons." I was in Canada, Brazil, everywhere selling and drinking tea. Or Canadians and Brazilians it is not the Americans? Author of the article does not specify, and believes that the word refers only to the Americans sshatovtsam. US stands for the states (regions) of the continent of America. These areas are still not named. Therefore, to call the inhabitants of these areas united Americans, without specifying that we are talking about the inhabitants of these areas, it is incorrect and wrong.

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06.05.2019 at 11:36

I mean the author of the article

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07.06.2019 at 20:29

110 from them - that it can create problems.
On the other hand is more secure. 220 many who beater, 380 as opposed to 220 frequently kills. A 110V on dry skin is much easier to go through than 220. The current strength through the man 4 times will be less, as well as the odds are not affected. That's only a problem for the kettle 2kW, although we still chemist at the school in the 90s said - to heat the water at such a rate - is the creation in it of harmful compounds in larger quantities. Water with a taste of the "iron" sometimes.

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07.06.2019 at 23:30

Kettles in America and 110B are not connected. In America, really very rare to see a teapot, but the reason is that the kettle is not practical. Water in it a little, heated for some time. There is always cooler. And a lot of water and do not have to wait. Would you like a cold, you want hot.

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08.06.2019 at 13:04

Again, some Sergey says "in America." How to understand what America North, home to Canadians or in South America, where tea drinking Chileans, Brazilians, Mexicans??? You think only of teapots! Happy people.

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08.06.2019 at 15:21

"Egghead" article on the kettle. American identity = US citizen is customary throughout the world. The school only taught geography?

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AvatarNikolai Dubov:
12.06.2019 at 03:07

US the dense country in any way.
In Europe, too, fewer use the kettle, because the coffee is prepared in electric coffee makers, and aesthetes use only vintage Italian open-end machines, coffee which has been recognized standard taste.
In recent years, the boom in the complete coffee-makers, especially in offices, and in Russia too.
When the film shows how Americans drink chilled coffee slops of antediluvian filter coffee machines, I have "blue vota" rolls.. .

"Progressive" boondocks ...

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13.06.2019 at 12:21

However cleverly written. Thank you to have fun, especially about 110Volt. Very vumnye reasoning.

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13.06.2019 at 17:31

Kohl, with you, I totally agree, but I am not the author of this article. Subject did not seem worthy of discussion. I wrote about the other, which is not correct to speak and write without any explanation about whom there is a speech, america, Americans. America is a continent, and the Americans all the nations of the North and South parts of the continent of America. USA, United States in translation field, this cleverly-wise country that does not come up until now neither myself nor its inhabitants name, as did all the American countries.

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17.06.2019 at 18:00

Kettle on a gas stove does not switch. Sometimes with a whistle. Which is clearly less secure.
Warm water in a microwave oven is more expensive than a simple electric kettle.

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24.06.2019 at 07:55

What kind of nonsense at all
All the relatives friends and acquaintances are electric

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Avatarwillows. Shmelev:
07.07.2019 at 17:54

Wow, such a mediocre article... but as hooked! Tut ones and coffee: he or it. And the United States or America. I'm not talking about a universal educational program in electrical engineering! Brothers, that you have nothing to do? Let's go to the park!

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07.07.2019 at 18:39

According to the norms of the modern Russian language, the word coffee belongs to the husband. old. Natalia is absolutely right.

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08.07.2019 at 06:33

So we are out of the park ...

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17.07.2019 at 05:10

And about termopoter forgotten very convenient e-mail device and saves electricity.

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18.07.2019 at 12:46

In fact, they have 220 volts. Just two wires 110 and -110.

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18.07.2019 at 16:46

In sum, we obtain a zero!

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Why is formed scale in the kettle: what is in scale, the reasons of its occurrence, why it is necessary to deal with scum in a teapot.

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