How to instantly sharpen drill bits to drill yourself: tips

Drills can be very different, however, often prefer the wizard, which can help in the work of even the most durable materials. Understand what they need sharpening, everyone can. It's enough to begin the process of work.

How do you know that need sharpening drill

The content of the article

  • How do you know that need sharpening drill
  • Set parameters sharpening drills
  • What will it take for sharpening drills home
  • How to sharpen drill on concrete most
  • Self-sharpening drill bits for metal
  • Pobeditovye sharpening drill bits tipped
  • Useful tips from professionals

How do you know that need sharpening drillIf the drill was too blunt, it will be evident if the result: to make a hole will not succeed. Despite the fact that all modern drills are made from special steel grades, as well as subjected to a procedure such as hardening, over time, they still become dull.

IMPORTANT! Responsible master always pays attention to the condition of the tool before it begins work. If it seems too blunt, this is not a reason to throw it away, because the restore operation of the forces of each with their own hands. We need to use the simplest grinding machine, which is also called electric sandpaper. This device allows to rectify the situation and solve all the problems as quickly as possible.

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Also keep in mind that sharpening can have different sizes and depends on the product specifications (diameter) and by type of use. For example, some embodiments are necessary for working with soft metals, while others need to work with hard metals. It is only natural that they may be very different from each other, which also should be considered before starting to grind.

Summarizing, we can say that to understand the need of sharpening can even someone who does not have much experience. This is a feasible task even for those who picks up the drill for the first time. We just need to carefully monitor the process. If he goes very tight, it is likely the problem lies in the lack of sharpening.

Usually the need to sharpen the drill occurs after prolonged operation with a particularly hard and durable materials.

Set parameters sharpening drills

Set parameters sharpening drillsWith a view to the speedy recovery of geometric parameters of the product need to proceed slowly and carefully, otherwise it will break.

During sharpening the edge must be positioned parallel to the working surface of the sharpener axis. Otherwise, it will not succeed. This must know each master. During sharpening should act gradually. If you hurry, you can easily break a product or bring it inoperable even for new and expensive machine. This is possible even if we are talking about an experienced master.

The most important parameters that need to be taken into account during the sharpening can be called a total length of the cutting edges and the tool position angle. If you ignore these parameters, it may be the most serious problem.

What will it take for sharpening drills home

What will it take for sharpening drills homeIt is necessary to purchase a sanding machine, as well as the grindstone. This would be sufficient. If the buy and additional tools, the process will become more simple, however, some tools It is too expensive, so it is important to pre-determine the allowable amount of each individual tool. Otherwise, the cost of home sharpening will be too high and would be more profitable to turn to professionals who have extensive experience.

Run fast processing of metal without tools is almost impossible, so it is important to get all the gear in time. They help to significantly speed up the process and achieve excellent results in a very short time. This is especially important if an urgent need to make a hole in the solid surface.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! All the drills, which are used to work with metal, it is necessary to sharpen often. Options that are used for wood processing, which can boast a longer "shelf life." The thing is that the tree - it is a relatively soft material that does not need too expensive svorlah. He can handle even those who do not have much experience. With all the metal it is completely different, so it is important to know in advance what it is you need to sharpen the drill. Some masters during the drilling metal surface using blunt items. As a result, they have to spend a lot of time only one small hole, so it is important to prepare in advance.

How to sharpen drill on concrete most

How to sharpen drill on concrete mostMany people are afraid of the sharpening process. They think that it is too difficult. Indeed, self-sharpening involves a number of difficulties, so often makes it impossible for an inexperienced master. The most common problem for the people who have very poor eyesight.

In this case, home is best to buy sharpening machine. You can find relatively inexpensive machines made in China. You just need to follow the instruction that comes bundled with the machine. Also, you can sharpen the drill and with the help of the usual "Bulgarian", but this method seems like only experienced craftsmen who are well versed in the repair and know exactly what to do.

Self-sharpening drill bits for metal

Self-sharpening drill bits for metalSharpening of metal products - a particularly complex process. If the drill bit is blunt, then further work does not make any sense. It will lose its sharpness surface too quickly. Only after you have managed to find a high-quality tool, you can start sharpening.

To do this, you must find a special machine and ensure that the angles at which the drill is located in relation to the plane of the material, were correct. Learn the correct angles can be of instructions to the machine. If such an instruction is not at hand, you'll have to explore the Internet and try to find a manual in which all information will be available.

It recommended a number of factors to consider when choosing a machine. It is best to read reviews on core resources and explore customer reviews. Then no problems will not arise precisely.

Pobeditovye sharpening drill bits tipped

Pobeditovye sharpening drill bits tippedEvery modern drill-tipped, despite its strength, sooner or later become blunt. In order to return the still effective, will have to use the diamond wheel. Before you begin the process of sharpening, it is necessary to make sure that the total height of the (cutting) is not less than 1 cm. All work must be done at the lowest speeds. This is necessary in order to not inadvertently break the tool.

Another tip: grind the working surface of the drill need to soldering. It recommended undermine even the front surface. This is especially important if the plate is erased almost to the drill. The front surface should be treated in such a manner that the level soldering thickness was much less.

Despite many difficulties, impossible to do without sharpening. Too dull drill bit will not allow to perform simple work with concrete or metal, which is especially important during the repair or construction work. First time sharpening can cause a lot of difficulties, but over time this process seems fairly simple. We need to be careful not to make too sudden movements. Then the tool will not break and will last one year or more to its owner.

Useful tips from professionals

drill sharpening
  1. Drill - a complex technical tool that needs the most acute svorlah. Otherwise, make at least one hole in metal, concrete or wood will be impossible. It is recommended to use special nozzles in the drill, which will facilitate this process and help preserve the sharpness of the drill very long time.
  2. It is recommended to carry out the sharpening process as often as possible. Then we can get rid of unnecessary problems related to lack of time, as many people know that the drill bit dull, right before you start.
  3. type of metal to be drilled, affects the angle of sharpening. If you forget it, you have to do all the work again, as the drill very quickly become unusable.
  4. Proper storage will increase its service life. You need to use the stand and cupboards.
08.02.2019 at 09:01

Well, well, good on paper, but in reality ooo

To answer
08.02.2019 at 11:57

You should write a book. Which machine? Who he is. In the best case, "winepress" or Bulgarian. And for the inexperienced one condition after sharpening, grind off pyatochku, and you will be happy. Yes, the drill will be more tender, more brittle and will break faster cutting edge. But drill !!!

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09.02.2019 at 10:41

on the YouTube channel there. Viktor Leontiev. sharpening drills. he has a lot of useful video on slesarke

To answer
09.02.2019 at 10:43

Incidentally, the photo in the article seems to his channel. perhaps article correspondence video

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09.02.2019 at 19:00

The author does not give the value of the processing jumpers and thinning ribbons. It does not consider a double sharpening neck.

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10.02.2019 at 09:01

This author has no concepts of the theory of cutting ...

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10.02.2019 at 13:05

And I did not have the specifics! The main infa - that it is necessary to sharpen the drill. And if you do not sharpen it impossible to work. Therefore it is necessary to sharpen. And - for a specific task. Sharpen. Drill.

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11.02.2019 at 06:43

voobscheto title written as sharpen immediately and the author has any crap from books that everyone has read more than once. short article is not about

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11.02.2019 at 19:31

Firstly the author has no idea about the technology of cold metal cutting. For different materials and different grade of steel used drills, and not only: mills, cutters, taps, dies, reamers. The literacy will be the selection of drill steel, applied to the material, the longer it will serve as a drill. Secondly, the author missed the most important point - the cutting speed. For each material and its cutting speed. Without realizing it, every machining tool can quickly ruin. Well, and thirdly - it is the lubricant, which also plays an important role in the processing of materials. The lubricant material may be simply water, and oil, and kerosene, as well as the most simple emulsion. And the last. A good fitter or turner sharpen drill without inclinometer because each material has its own sharpening angle.
Advice to the author. Before writing such articles, corny learn materiel!

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12.02.2019 at 21:37

The best video tutorial for sharpening twist drills, rotary hammers drills, sharpening varieties, all on channel Victor Leonteva on YouTube. I advise you to look!

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13.02.2019 at 09:56

Best video tutorial for sharpening drill bits, etc. cutting tools - to do it yourself and chitsya own mistakes. Personally, I was taught.

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14.02.2019 at 16:50

instantly sharpen drill bits to drill yourself, my friend let you storyteller. But if only the teeth can. Before you write, instantly sharpen drill, and then tell us how it is done instantly.

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14.02.2019 at 19:30

The theory is dry, my friend... Emulsion, water... fat, here's the best lubrication. If you've ever stood in general for the machine, then refrain from such morals!

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15.02.2019 at 10:45

With the world of thought - the author of jeans. Nothing practical. "Niochem" General Theory.
The practice is much easier and more difficult.

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15.02.2019 at 20:30

What's that for clever man who wrote this article. In children. garden know if the drill does not drill, it means stupid. Damn, I read it all and oborzhalsya. Upstart and upstart is very blunt. Who wrote it.))))))))))

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16.02.2019 at 17:23

No instructions do not help, then only need experience. The most important thing to heel was below the cutting part and the cutting parts symmetrical. and the angle should be chosen depending on what the drill. I remember when I was a student, the foreman gave a bunch oblomanyh drill and a pair of imprisonment and sent to emery train. That's because with time and learned thirty years to not sharpened. But now let the drill - the first time to sharpen recall ruchenki it!

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18.02.2019 at 16:25

photo - vivid example of how you can go without fingers, which are located between the drill honed and hard ground.

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19.02.2019 at 14:09

many dozens of "stupid" people came up with "The theory of cutting materials"... .a here a fucking genius says that it's not easy, but Very simple - sharpening drills... .if so sharpen drills, as advised by the author, we will soon not something that will continue to evolve, and will return to axes of stone... there is a hole (no hole) will be his (the author) drills to do... and the author, I have only one question is -a Th "Victory"?

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AvatarEvlampy Suhodrischev:
20.02.2019 at 10:37

Probably according to the author is the one who said "all drill victory."

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20.02.2019 at 19:48

I sharpen win on "blue" circle. Rather before sharpening. Now punch. A few years ago I called "masteryugu" to insert a new lock at the steel door. His drills are not "take" my steel door. I offered him my. It went like clockwork. "Maestro" asked - whose production? I dont know. I'll sharpen. He sharpened his piglets. 19 minutes sharpened full box. Including burnt. Although everyone knows that scorched emission.

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21.02.2019 at 11:16

Well done! I have many years ago there was a similar story with the lock in the stairwell. A new neighbor has decided to insert a new lock on the metal door. I came home, and he had just conjured over the castle. I asked him if help is needed. He told me he could handle himself. But half an hour later called and said that he had blunted the drill and did not drill. Then I took this drill, imprisoned him, and at low speeds drilled all needed holes. He was very surprised by the fact that at low speed drill works better than to claim that it is useless. You probably got the same "expert" on the locks.

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21.02.2019 at 12:56

The author is useful to grind at-least one drill in its "instructions"

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22.02.2019 at 16:55

When I worked at the factory, thousands of reground drill bits, but if I started with the "instructions", they would not have a single sharpened!

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28.02.2019 at 11:21

So, how to sharpen a drill immediately? ...

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28.02.2019 at 22:44

"During sharpening edge must be positioned parallel to the working surface of the sharpener axis."

About the "edge" I finally realized: this is the cutting surface of the drill. But what is "working surface axis of the winepress," I can not understand. Apparently higher education is not enough ...
To teach something other first need to learn how to competently express their thoughts.

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03.01.2019 at 19:52

That was a long time ago. Around '69. He served as urgent. At the headquarters of a woman, safety engineer. Before Dembele took all Acorda. Here we are faced with it. She began to teach us to hammer nails. All of the instructions of the booklet. We just asked her to show himself. She no longer came to us. The author, please contact any peasant in the garage, it will teach you this, not in a book not read. he is a man and the man because he has hands properly grow!

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03.02.2019 at 21:10

(What do I need for sharpening drills home purchase is necessary sanding machine, as well as the grindstone. That will be quite enough) or in hardware with a maximum of $ 100. By the way he learned to grind when I had a lot of drilling on the job, but there were sanding machine, as well as the grinding wheel

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03.03.2019 at 10:29

In this article, I realized one thing, that it is necessary to sharpen the drill, otherwise it is impossible to work.

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03.03.2019 at 14:25

Andrew just called grinding machine, Emery

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04.03.2019 at 09:57

On grinders also sharpened on the grinding and that with drills on a tree, in a round (who knows what they are, I know)

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05.03.2019 at 18:34

How to sharpen a drill at home? Aha! Each apartment grinder that would sharpen the drill! Not everyone will be able to sharpen more! Kick simple. Just that would read the article? For show, so to speak.

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05.03.2019 at 19:37

Grinding machines, abrasive wheels and emery paper is!!! For different types of wood and various metal samples using drills with different angles of sharpening and turns boring!!! In this case the Soviet school trained labor lessons !!!

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06.03.2019 at 18:50

He writes that if something is not clear then look for information in the internet. Just to clarify drill sharpening angles offers to buy a special machine to read the angles of these instructions to the machine.
And by the way I do not drill for drilling and for drilling machine, the author give other instructions.

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08.03.2019 at 11:28

How quickly sharpen a drill? Action must be slow! And how quickly hone?

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08.03.2019 at 15:57

Experience is needed though!

To answer

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