Should you buy an e-book: The cost of the gadget, the best model

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Watching the decline in value on the tablet, most people believe that the time of e-books completed. How truthful are the forecasts? Does it make sense to buy something like a Kindle Paperwhite, if by reporting 1200-1600 rubles. you can buy a tablet with a broad functionality?

Do I need an e-book in daily life

The content of the article

  • Do I need an e-book in daily life
  • Pros e-book
  • The cost of e-books

E-books are very popular. What is the reason? The most important thing - it is light weight. The small device weighing 250-350 g can store hundreds of books that are constantly at hand.

Should you buy an e-book

In this case the reader has a certain material benefit. Price good "reading room" about 5-9 thousand. rub., while a decent paper edition costs 250-450 rubles. That is, the reader can recoup itself has 30 book. And there are no problems with the storage of paper products, which throw hand is not raised, and there is no place to store.

Important! Readers are easy to operate. While reading, you can choose the font, set design of header and footer sections. Besides reading, you can see the time, take notes, use bookmarks. Certain devices have a calculator, dictionary, internet access, text applications.

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Pros e-book

The main advantages of the electronic devices to read:

  1. Large range and choice. By purchasing paper edition, a person chooses a particular text. Buying electronic model, you can get full access to the world of literature and the diversity of stories and articles that have been written by men. With the help of an e-book as a frame can be placed in a device of any text, and read it, if, of course, there are certain skills in searching the Internet.
  2. Environmentally friendly. This is one of the main advantages of the electronic device for reading. Now for the production of books do not need to cut down trees and bring more ecological imbalance.
  3. You can make a full-text search. It often happens that the person reading the regular edition, trying to remind himself of certain details of the scenes that he impressed, but more difficult, and we had to turn over nearly all the pages in an attempt to find the necessary chapter. On electronic equipment search is made substantially easier.
  4. The ability to quickly restore the contents. Torn sheets, smeared letters - while using the "reading room" of these problems can be avoided. Even the accidental deletion of the entire story can be an easy fix - simply re-download the text.
  5. It does not require additional coverage. Proper lighting makes it possible to read even in the dark, that is not true for ordinary prints.

The cost of e-books

Most low-end models (rub.):

  • Digma X 600 - 7360;
  • Amazon Kindle Paperwhite - 7990;
  • Pocket Book 614Plus - 7000.

Best device with adjustable lighting (rub.):

  • ONYX Cleopatra - 14500;
  • ONYX Darwin5 - 10200;
  • Pocket Book 631Plus Touch HD2 - 12

Most moisture resistant model (rub.):

  • Amazon Kindle Paper White - 10950;
  • Pocket Book 64 Aqua2 - 11

Top model with large display (rub.):

  • ONYX Gulliver - 40000;
  • AmazonKindle Oasis - 26000;
  • Pocket Book 740 - 16000.

The main factors for the acquisition of a particular model to read books of the electronic device may be, as well as an attractive appearance, and cost. But, anyway, such a purchase is best done in a specialized shop equipment, which an experienced seller will be able to answer any questions, and will also provide warranty service selected equipment.

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