Stones furnace for the bath, which is best

Before selecting the acquisition, of course, you must first learn and understand the basic parameters. Because it will depend on how long the stones will withstand the operation.

Main characteristics

The content of the article

  • Main characteristics
    • Durability
    • Heat capacity
    • health safety
  • What manner of stones to choose for a bath

Stones furnace in bathStones should definitely easily tolerate even the highest temperatures. In addition, have a uniform surface, to protect the people around them from a variety of injuries. As for the appearance, so it is medium size with a large parameter in the mass. It requires extreme density to ensure the absence of cracks. It described the basic requirements. A closer look at the most important of them and you can tell how to select stones for the stove in the sauna, which is better.


Of course, important is the fact that the stones will serve the user bath for quite a long time. Ideally this, if the figure is as high as 10 - 20 years. If the stone can be easily, without any problems beat five-kilogram hammer, it will mean that he will live long.

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So the time period in which it will be able to serve the integrity and perform their functions directly related to resistance. However, this feature will affect the cost of the product. You'll have to choose what is best for you: buy once in a quarter-century, or not to buy long-term option, but to spend money on is a small amount several times.

Heat capacity

No less important component of the overall product performance. A significant requirement of the stones from the owners is the relationship of the thermal impact and rapid heating. In addition, the extremely slow cooling and stress in situations with high degrees of differences in the room.

These can be easily distinguished from other similar rocks with low heat capacity via differences in appearance - massiveness, the weight and the homogeneity in the structure. It is they who will perform the main task in the bath.

Heat capacity

health safety

This indicator is not inferior to the value of the previous label. Most people know the information that when exposed to some of the stones, can give off noxious and even hazardous substances that have the ability to cause harm to health. It is therefore necessary to carefully select future purchase.

Fortunately, there are breeds that are designed specifically for use in the bath, namely:

  • Stones furnaceJade (durable mineral);
  • jasper;
  • chromite;
  • quartz;
  • dunite (igneous origin);
  • jadeite (only semi-precious);
  • china;
  • porphyrite (quickly produces heat);
  • Roding;
  • cast iron;
  • talkohlorit (has improving properties);
  • quartzite;
  • shungit (it has incredible technical indicators);
  • gabbro - diabase (deep mountain variety).

Besides them, the use of exposed river stones, however, when choosing a budget should have special knowledge.

REFERENCE. These products are natural treatment - wind, sun, water. Most often, they have an oval shape with a smooth surface. Only listed are considered to be specially selected species for use in the structure.

What manner of stones to choose for a bath

So, to get the stones, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. river stonesThe shape and size. As I mentioned earlier in this article - they need to be overall, massive and powerful. If you take to the stove, you need a rounded look and a smooth surface. On such parameters can be said about the emergence of a high resistance to damage. This will promote better circulation of more than rough types. With regard to the second characteristic - size - so it is from five to twenty centimeters. Named figure would be ideal for a bath.
  2. Appearance. We must be free of various defects. Otherwise it will lead to lightning unfitness.
  3. Of course, except for appearance, stability is important. Remarkably, if the heated stone will not be able to break away and it will not form cracks and holes. Before buying check its strength either hit with a heavy object, or subjecting it to temperature drop, i.e. in hot state dipped in ice water.

REFERENCE. In the lower part, you can put a cheaper option, and on top - the most beautiful. This will be carried out two functions - fast heating and decorative effect.

If we consider all the points, the most appropriate for the bath to river option.

IMPORTANT! The main thing is not to take limestone, sand varieties of granite, which can be located near the railway and marine products.

Stones bath

A good example would be the ones that are collected in the field. There is a great pebble. At the store choosing, keep in mind that the non-defective product is the inscription that it verified. Choose a bath only good stones.

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