Overlock or koverlok what better comparison of the characteristics and functions.

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Overlock or koverlokDue to the rapid scientific and technical progress, on the market for sewing is now a huge selection of sewing techniques. Often, even the professionals get lost among all this variety. Especially popular among the various devices for sewing now used by the 2 devices: Overlock and koverlok. Their names are almost identical, but in spite of that this technique for sewing on different areas of application.

Purpose and overlock koverloka

The content of the article

  • Purpose and overlock koverloka
  • Compare overlock and koverloka
    • functions
    • refilling thread
    • The complexity of the operation
    • Number of coils
    • Number of loopers
    • Versatility

overlockOverlock - single-purpose device for sewing, the main purpose of which is the handling and trimming the edges of bulk tissue products of textile materials. The principle of operation of this device depends on the number of filaments. The most popular is considered trohnitochny overlock seam. During its execution, the fabric is pierced by the needle, and then starts the return movement of the needle, over which eyelet loop formed at this time. As the movements of the lower looper needle movement is performed from left to right. The upper looper while moving in reverse. Laid looper thread fixed sliding needle, simultaneously formed obmotka. For overlock stitch quality meets converter that looks like a small iron bracket.

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ATTENTION! The most comfortable to work overlock, you can enable and disable the converter depending on the need.

Koverlok - a mechanism that combines the function and overlock ploskoshovnoy rasposhivalnoy machine. It is an indispensable tool when working with knit fabric. Basic functions koverloka:

  • turning of tissue sections;Koverlok
  • forming the flat cover hem;
  • execution stachivayusche-overlock seam.

Koverlok grind parts of the product chain stitch. Is such a line in the two strands. It can be stretched without damage and to return to its original state. Professional seamstress almost daily use in this type of devices.

Compare overlock and koverloka

Despite the apparent similarity of names of these devices, the differences between them much more than it might seem at first glance.


Overlock enough quality obmotyvaet tissue. Koverlok cope with such a task at least adequately, but the device may connect between a tissue without cutting. It can both grind and obmotyvat.

refilling thread

To replace the filaments in overlock, enough to cut off the old and install the new spool. Reconfigure the internal mechanism in this case is not necessary. overlock Certain models involve filling yarns even in the automatic mode, which greatly simplifies the process of working with the device.

Koverlok not so convenient in this regard. If there is a need to change the line, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions, to delve into machine device and carefully examine its internal mechanism to know where the switches modes. If the setting is not carried out correctly, a quality line koverlokom do not work.

The complexity of the operation

Work on overlockThe work plan serger is much simpler than koverlok. It has in its functionality is not such a large number of additional lines. Their main task is the handling of the edge, so together they differ only in the number and features of interlacing yarns.

Koverloke On the contrary, you can perform about 20 different seams. And it's not only the joints, aimed at Hoopers tissue sections, but also more complex - joining seams, consisting of five or more threads. To work with this device will require more skills related to setting up and recharge.

Number of coils

The most common two-thread overlock. This is the most affordable model, wherein in addition a reasonable cost. In general, the overlock may have from two to five working filaments.

REFERENCE! Trohnitochny overlock stitch is used for processing bulk tissue edges, as well as for cross-linking of knitted fabrics while simultaneously treating the cut.

Koverloka opportunities is much wider. This device can have up to ten working filaments. This allows you to perform a variety of decorative stitches with the help of such a device.

Number of loopers

Number of loopers in koverlokeLooper - acuminata piece of metal, reminiscent of his appearance with the hook eye for threading. It performs certain cyclic movements to capture the needle thread in the process of performing a complex chain stitch. The more there is a looper device, the more it is able to perform sewing operations. Overlock has only two looper. Koverlok also has three, two of whom carried overlock function.


If the sewing unit is only required for Hoopers tissue sections, there is no need to spend money on koverlok, which has a high cost. In addition, it is more cumbersome. With this kind of work would do well serger.

If, however, often have to sew articles of knitted fabrics, it is advisable to purchase more for koverlok. Depending on the model, such a device can be equipped with many useful features support for more comfortable operation. It can be:

  • an additional table;
  • touch screen;
  • container for waste.

But to focus precisely on this distinction is not recommended, because the more the device options, the more difficult it will be an internal system, and hence the configuration of the unit.

When choosing the optimal device need to be based on personal preferences, set objectives and financial capabilities. A large variety of functions, combined with the high cost of the device or with limited functionality at an affordable price - to decide the buyer.

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