How to clean the drum washing machine - of dirt (citric acid)

Clean the washing machine drumWithout laundry to do is simply impossible. Do it manually is difficult due to the lack of free time. That is why in every home can be found machine, which allows you to clean things without any effort.

But in order that lasts for many years and do not create problems, it is crucial to carry out preventive cleaning to prevent the accumulation of dirt and the formation of scale. In this article we consider in more detail how to effectively clean the drum of the washing machine and to avoid possible adverse problems in the future.

How to clean the washing machine drum of dirt and limescale

The content of the article

  • How to clean the washing machine drum of dirt and limescale
  • How to clean the washing machine drum
  • What else should be cleaned in a washing machine
  • What happens if you do not clean the drum
  • How to prevent the ingress of dirt into the washing machine
  • From what is contaminated drum

Clean the washing machine drumAs already mentioned, preventive cleaning automatic washing machine is essential for effective wash your clothes and can continue to work most machines for a longer period time.

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Experts recommend to do it at least 1 time in 2-3 months. So you can prevent sudden breakage of the resulting scale or clogging of the filter.

And special attention should be paid to cleaning the drum. Some models of washing machines have an auto cleaning function. However, it is recommended to follow this process to avoid potential problems in the future.

In fact, there are many ways and means to implement it with minimal effort and financial investments. But in this article we consider only the basic, the most common methods.

The raid on the cuff of the washing machineTo cleanse the drum is necessary to fill it with 100 ml of bleach and run a wash program without laundry. The water temperature in this case must be more than 60 degrees. This will not only get rid of the dirt, but also to eliminate all odors.

To get rid of plaque perfect citric acid. The empty drum just enough to pour a couple of bags and run without washing of linen with the maximum high temperature. If there is a double rinse mode, and you should use them. Due to this, all the internal components of your washing machine will get the original shine.

Important! Once you spend all measures to clean the washing machine, leave the door ajar until until everything is completely dry. Otherwise, again an unpleasant odor appears.

How to clean the washing machine drum

Perform preventive cleaning automatic washing machine drum machine can be manually or automatically (if any such functionality). To do this, you can take advantage of both chemicals designed specifically for this purpose, and improvised, which are available in almost every housewife: vinegar essence, citric acid, sodium carbonate and the like. d. Let us discuss some of them in more detail.

Fill vinegar essence in the washing machineVinegar essence diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 3. This tool eliminates the fine scale all the elements of the washing machine. The only drawback it should be noted a negative impact on the rubber elements and preservation of strong odors over a fairly long period of time.

More gentle means may be noted baking soda. With its help you will be able to deal with scum, oil and dirt. The only thing you'll have to spend some time, as it will need to be rubbed into the surface of the drum by hand.

And the most common means of citric acid may be mentioned. It removes not only dirt and scum, but also effective against fungus and mold. That is why it is so relevant among housewives.

It should also be noted that today we can find a lot of special detergents designed for automatic washing machines. They are able to effectively clean all surfaces, but have a relatively high cost.

What else should be cleaned in a washing machine

To assess the state of the drum wall can be visually through the feed hatch. And if you notice the scale or rust, and it is likely that the internal elements are also subjected to this. In addition to clean the drum stands and other elements:

  • heating the water heating elements;
  • cuff hatch;
  • drain path;
  • filters.

Contamination of the drum may in several ways. No less rare when loading laundry into the drum and get enough solid particles, sand, fines, staples, and so on. They create the most favorable environment for the development of bacteria and mold. To prevent this, it is sufficient before each washing carefully check the pockets, but rather, to wash every item in a special bag.

No less dangerous, and the remnants of fat, which is gradually transformed into a dark sticky plaque. As a rule, it is formed during working clothes washing heavily polluted by oil substances.

What happens if you do not clean the drum

New and old heating elementsThat dirt does not fall into the washing machine, you should carefully re-examine all the pockets of clothes on the presence in them of any items, and set the appropriate filters and drain the incoming water. Responsible approach and timely preventive measures can extend the period of operation of your washing machine for years to come.

Having tried once one of the ways and means of the above, you will be able to make on their own experience that take care of the washing machine is enough simple and more economical than producing complex and expensive repair or buy new because of breakage, which quite possibly was prevented.

How to prevent the ingress of dirt into the washing machine

In this article, we reviewed the main methods and tools used to clean the drum of various contaminants. If this time does not produce the accumulation of plaque, dirt and grease will lead to the conclusion of the washing machine out of order. If there is any difficulty or failure should not try to rectify the situation. Invoke a wizard that all properly cleaned and repair.

Equally common cause pollution of the drum acts to use low-quality washing agents that are partially insoluble in water.

Contaminated washing machine drumLimescale is formed on the drum walls gradually, which eventually leads to failure of the device. The main reason it favor metal salt content of the water.

To prevent such adverse symptoms is recommended to soften water by adding to the powder special means and set the flow filters for cleaning the incoming water.

From what is contaminated drum

After each wash, it is important to clean the drain filter to remove solid debris and unpleasant odor. Quite often it accumulates in the cuffs are not only water, but also debris. These places are important to thoroughly cleaned and wiped with a dry cloth. Otherwise, it will contribute to the formation of mold and the development of many bacteria. If you do not have time to keep track of this, the affected area can be treated with professional cleaning agents.

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