E-book formats: a format e-books to choose from.

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E-book formats.E-books are very popular among book lovers from around the world. It is much more convenient to take with a light reader, than the heavy print edition, occupying a lot of space. Moreover, not every book can be found in printed form - rare, too old, or, conversely, recently published in the sale of publications, which can not wait to read it. Internet services, as opposed to the bookshops are full of a variety of scientific, entertaining and informative literature for every taste.

In addition, each book is available in several formats, which greatly increases the chances of a comfortable user familiarization with the publication.

Variety of e-book formats

The content of the article

  • Variety of e-book formats
  • What format to choose an e-book
  • Does the reader need with support for all formats

Main existing formats of the electronic version of the book:

  1. FB2 (FictionBook) - a rather popular option, created in Russia. The files in it are well structured and have a light weight, easily archived and converted to other formats, almost every book on Russian websites and presented in this version. special applications, there are also fully oriented FB2 files. Minus one, but quite significant: a large part of foreign e-book does not support the FictionBook, except for devices with a Russian software.
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  2. PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) - it focuses mainly on small scanned A4 documents. Since it is convenient to work on a computer or laptop, but the reader with a smaller screen does not provide a comfortable reading, because in this format, it is impossible to enlarge the text and put on display the entire page. PDF files are also quite bulky, which increases the time they are loaded. Moreover, this option is ideal for books with lots of illustrations or formulas.
  3. EPUB (Electronic PUBlication) - a very common type of file, which is supported by the majority of readers of both Russian and from foreign manufacturers. EPUB documents are most similar to the archived web pages: they are embedded images, text, graphics and fonts. EPUB itself is very easy and does not require re-archiving or compression.
  4. DjVu - similar to the PDF, making it the same uncomfortable, even for large-format reader for small text and poor image quality. Its advantage is that, unlike its "relative» PDF to him in the presence of a single text layer you can edit, as well as some interactive features, such as a table of contents.
  5. DOC / DOCX and TXT - you can open and edit almost any electronic device, it is very popular to create small text notes and texts. But in the case with ebooks files in such formats often do not appear correctly, which prevents their perception.
  6. MOBI (Mobipocket eBook) - created exclusively for electronic devices Amazon Kindle. It has a narrow range of options for editing and formatting text, but does not lose its popularity.Commonly used e-book formats.

Reference! Recently there improved analogue of the format - KF8 (Kindle Format 8).

What format to choose an e-book

For a more comfortable reading is worth looking into formats designed specifically for e-books. The list includes the book formats FB2, EPUB and MOBI. The first is to build on the performance of your reader and the list of formats available for use. Also on the choice affects what actions will be required to make to the text, just reading or editing and formatting.Multi-format card reader.

Important! If you are a publication of his own work, you need to take care about the convenience of the reader and to publish the book in a few of the most common options. This will not only expand the audience, but also allow to place the publication in all major internet resources for downloading and viewing e-books.

Does the reader need with support for all formats

Of course, the more formats supported e-book, the better. On such a device is not difficult to correctly display a variety of publications and works independently of the volume, the number of illustrations and fonts.

But even if the reader is designed for one format or more common, there is a fairly simple way out: conversion. Internet space allows users to easily convert format to another while online, even if one of them quite rare.

It is enough to know the correct name of the required file types and have access to the Internet. Also, all the popular libraries are often the books at once in all the popular formats. Their list usually can be found in the description of the product and easily download the one that is right for you.

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