What should I do if the mouse does not work: the mouse lights up, but does not move Troubleshooting

what to do if the mouse does not workDesktop computer or a laptop is much easier to work with documents and word processing, finance, presentations. The device is necessarily supplemented by auxiliary accessory - a computer mouse. With regular use of the owner is faced with a failure of the accessory. Using several techniques, it is possible independently to quickly identify the source of the problem and correct the problem. We will understand what to do if the mouse does not work.

Possible problems and their causes

The content of the article

  • Possible problems and their causes
  • Trouble-shooting
    • Diagnostics
    • reboot
    • Cleaning
    • Replacing the cord or mouse
  • Useful advice on repair mouse

In the presence of mouse laptop management becomes much simpler, and when working on the computer without it is practically indispensable. When the device fails, the owner is faced with a number of problems. In the absence of added accessory computer control in most cases it is impossible. Termination of performance may be due to several problems. Consider why the mouse did not react to movement.

instagram viewer
  • Loosening the USB port. Prolonged use may cause damage to the contacts. This leads to the fact that the computer does not recognize the connection after a mouse.
cranky port
  • Possible damage to the wire. Often the source of the problem are pets that can cut the wire mouse or keyboard.
damaged wire
  • The wireless device may stop working due to shrunken battery. In addition, there may be with Bluetooth-receiver problems.
  • If the mouse is working hard, the cursor occasionally twitches, and the buttons and scroll wheel is practically not functioning, recommended for cleaning the housing.

Addition: The possible factors should also be considered for dangerous and malicious files and viruses on your computer.



In order to determine the exact source of the problem, you must connect the device to another computer. If a third-party device mouse consistently continues its work, the reason may be in the port failure. In this case, you can try to connect the accessory to a different port on your computer or laptop.



In most cases, it helps simple reboot the machine. If the LED is mounted inside the mouse off, ie the mouse glows, but the accessory does not work, restart your computer. In the case when addressing the normal reset does not work, install the necessary drivers on your computer. Because of their lack of the device does not operate after connection. You can download them on the official website of the manufacturer.

Reference: a similar problem often encountered by users after buying a new wireless device.

When the reason is bad software, mouse operation, check in Safe Mode. If functionality is stable, the software is removed from your laptop. In his place, it is necessary to establish a more secure option. Similar actions are being taken in the presence of viruses on your computer.


Another reason that the mouse does not move, no longer respond to the action of the computer owner, it is dust or dirt. With regular use under buttons accumulates a large amount of dust, crumbs and other contaminants. The mouse must be disconnected from the computer, carefully disassemble and thoroughly clean the inside of the body.


To eliminate fatty alcohol useful divorce, which quickly evaporates from the surface and does not inflict serious damage. When cleaning is recommended to use a thin wooden stick and bandages. Cotton swab rather broad, which can cause damage to the contacts.

Council: a wooden stick can be replaced by a plastic tool.

Replacing the cord or mouse

Pets, especially cats love to chew on wires from the appliances. If the reason for failure of performance has become damaged wire, it will be better buying a new notebook accessories. When you contact an authorized service wizard can spend cord replacement. However, such a procedure has a high cost, which is not inferior to the new acquisition.

Note: the wireless option requires a simple battery replacement or charging accessory.

Useful advice on repair mouse

adviceA few additional recommendations to help with the installation problem and its independent decision.

  • If the computer unit has been bought recently and is under warranty, it is recommended to give up self-repairs. Sloppy actions could exacerbate the situation, which will automatically remove the mouse from the guarantee. In such situations it is better to contact the store where the purchase was made.
  • Most often, the above-described problems faced by owners PS / 2 mice. Plugs such devices are easily damaged. For stable operation, experts recommend to purchase special adaptersThrough which you are connecting directly to the computer.
  • Some users have reported the occurrence of similar "freeze" the mouse when opening a certain game or an installed application. In this case, the problem lies precisely in the settings of the most toys. It can be viruses, some malicious files or incorrect settings. To solve the need Setting options.
  • If ordinary cleaning does not help the body and the cursor continues to periodically jump around the screen, It should take the mouse sensitivity. "Mouse" is a folder in Control Panel. After opening the window with the settings you need in "Move" to select the optimal parameters. In most cases, such actions help in solving problems and troubleshooting.
  • Sometimes the owners are faced with a certain button failure. The left or right half stops functioning. The reason for this is Mikrikov which transmits a signal when pressed. In the event of failure can be refer to a specialist for repair. However, it would be wiser to buy a new device.

The presence of a computer is mandatory for every modern man. Optional accessories as a mouse, keyboard or speakers greatly facilitate the workflow. Regular use of inaccurate or actions may cause a malfunction of computer mouse - one of the main attributes. Similar problems can arise due to many factors. A few tips and tricks to help each user to determine the cause and carry out repair work.

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