5 tricks to do without purchased means for removing solution and sealant

After completing the repair work, often in the construction tool and the work surface is still not cleaned or dried cement sealant that requires careful disposal. It makes it very difficult, because the frozen material tightly eats into the work surface.

sealant removal and solution with your hands

It is best to remove the frozen material purchase-professional means, but there are times when you do not have enough money to buy them or desire. In such cases, the problem can be solved by resorting to a simple and budget tricks:

1. Chemical means

For this method, you must:

  • sharp knife;
  • professional hair dryer;
  • Screwdriver with a rounded end.

Heat the dryer to 80 ° C and direct warm air flows on 22-26sm. sealant. To heat at least one minute. Then, using a knife to cut stationery softening material accurately hooking the edge of the blade along the wall. This step is very important and requires care, otherwise you can scratch and damage the surface, which is removed building material. The remaining pieces can be removed otskrebaya tip screwdriver.

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Thick layer applied on the sealer or acetone solution and wait 10-15 minutes. The material softens and becomes a jelly mass which easily comes off with gauze from the surface.

3.9% vinegar

This agent is not effective, such as acetone. The problem is that the vinegar is able to stretch only that material which includes acetic acid. This method is effective only with an acidic sealants, and he's the most popular and suitable material in construction.


Alcohol, as well as the vinegar, the reaction exhibits a neutral sealant views. The composition of this material includes a mineral spirit which is allowed to use on different surfaces.

5. white salt

Mix table salt with an abrasive cleanser, wrapped in a thick, soft cloth, moisten in hot water, wipe the surface of a problem.

Applying any of these methods, you must keep in mind the precautions. Periodically ventilate the work area, use a protective mask and goggles. Perform work gloves have been in direct contact with the material, it is hardly laundered. In case of accidental contact with skin, wash immediately with alcohol or vinegar solution.

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