Why energy saving lamp flashes and how to fix it?

The cost of electricity and widespread its use leads to the introduction of energy saving technologies. Including the replacement of classic incandescent lamps housekeeper - quite simple and effective solution. Alas, not uncommon cases when the lights energy-saving lamp will flash in the apartment.

If you are faced with a similar problem, you should understand the causes of flicker and eliminate them as a mode of operation at times reduces the service life energy-saving light bulbs and impairs mental state residents.


  1. Possible reasons
  2. The backlight on the switch
  3. wiring errors
  4. Poor light
  5. Fighting flashing
  6. Related Videos

Possible reasons

To review the existing arsenal of reasons that may flash. energy saving lamp, it is necessary to determine the circumstances under. which appears alternately glow:

  • blinks when turned off switch;
  • flashes after turning the switch keys;
  • you can not determine the law flicker.

Next, consider the principle of economical light bulbs, and how it differs. from classic, glow which is provided only incandescent filaments. Thus, in fluorescent light bulbs are ionized mercury vapor due. heating the yarn within the bulb. With the difference that the device glow going on. DC rather than AC.

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Fluorescent lamps are connected to AC power directly, so the transducer element contained in any chandelier or in the switch, and in the lamp. An example of such a transducer is presented below:

The power supply energy saving lamp
Fig. 1. The power supply energy saving lamp

This includes a bridge rectifier, compensating and smoothing device, starter, they are responsible for the familiar glow as the energy-saving and LED lamps. Therefore, this problem is inherent in LED lamps. In most cases, it is the presence of the capacitor in the circuit of the lighting device and the power leads to the fact that it flashes. Consider the reasons winking energy-saving lamps in more detail.

The backlight on the switch

This cause occurs when the switch is off state in which. present signaling LED. The presence of the LED backlight is. quite convenient option because it allows you to find the switch in the pitch. darkness. But, as experience has shown, due to the inclusion of such a scheme and flashes. energy saving lamp.

The reason is as follows:

The scheme of connection of the switch with illumination
Fig. 2. The scheme of connection of the switch with illumination

As you can see in the figure above, the key switch runs on two possible positions - the first is energy saving lamp circuit, the second circuit is a LED indicating the location switch. Accordingly, when the switch is turned off the current will flow through the contacts on the phase output, the LED and through the zero output back to the network.

Despite the fact that the energy-saving lamp in the circuit is not activated, the flow of alternating current determines the presence of the potential and the subsequent charging of the capacitor. Upon reaching sufficient magnitude to charge the capacitor discharges glow lamp, but since the voltage value is not sufficient to maintain a constant burning lamp goes out.

Depending on the charge accumulation blinking rate will depend. frequency constant flicker. The reason in this case is optional. current path which is activated in the open position. switch.

wiring errors

If your switch does not contain any illumination, and light still flashes, perhaps mistakes were made during electrical installation or during operation.

Among such reasons should be highlighted:

  • The circuit is put zero and the phase connection of the contacts of the cartridge hollowly formed, because of which the potential is always present in the lamp elements. In this case, the reason that blinking bulbs identical to that described above - there is a charge capacitor which is discharged through the energy-saving lamp.
  • Poor contact at the connection wiring to any of the elements of the chain - because of this also as a flashing light in the ON or in the OFF state. But the fault detection requires checking every detail.
  • Leakage currents due to poor insulation - also give rise to an alternating potential on the plates of the capacitor, which is why energy-saving lighting devices can blink.

Poor light

If you have recently changed all the wiring, replace the chandeliers fulfilled and established conventional switches, the reason may be in poor-quality energy-saving lamps. There are several manufacturers that skimp on components for lighting equipment, because of which during operation can occur various incidents, for example, when the lamp flashes.

The same reason can be shown with the time when the warranty period has not yet ended, and the light has already started to act up. It should be noted that this reason is quite rare, but still has a place to be.

Fighting flashing

There are several ways to eliminate flashing, analyze them. order. The first reason - the switch with illumination to energy saving. light stops blinking, you can:

  • To make an artificial break in the chain of the LED - the easiest way, the switch can be safely dismantled. To do this, remove the key and the bezel, carefully inspect the wiring and determine which of them feeds the LED or neon lights. Bite contact with at least one hand.
Turn off the LED
Turn off the LED
  • If there's. or in the ceiling of the luminaire, connect to circuit incandescent bulb, which would shunt to the discharge current. Thereafter, to improve the spectrum of light. temperature and lamp stop blinking.
  • If any place. lamp, nor the ability to disassemble the switch is not present, you can connect a resistor. to energy-saving lamps. Place setting frost is important - on the cartridge or. junction box. Suitable details option with a power resistor 2W. It is easy to solder and insulate, it will also act as a shunt.
  • Most. Radical, but effective way - complete replacement switch with illumination. the classic key model. This method can be implemented, when a replacement is not. It spoils the interior, or you are still going to make repairs in the near future.

Otherwise, proceed according to circumstances - if the switch is set to break the neutral wire, it is necessary to change the wiring connection to the junction box. When you turn in their weak contacts or replaced with system components.

If the cables and wires in the power supply system has poor insulation, the problem is solved by replacing the wiring. And the reason for poor-quality energy-saving lamps is achieved by replacing the instrument lighting on the model from a trusted manufacturer.

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