Members of the older generation remember well the time when the carpet on the wall was an indispensable element of the Soviet home interior. Then he changed the opinions of others, and it was perceived as a relic of the past and bad taste. But designers are constantly looking for new solutions, and it is possible that these textiles will again take their place in the interior of the crowning of modern apartments.

What kind of a tradition
The content of the article
- What kind of a tradition
- Why did the Soviet Union hung on the wall carpets
- What rugs hung on the walls
- Why is it rare?
- Can the tradition back in vogue
The tradition of carpet hanging on the wall in the USSR moved from Czarist Russia.In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the rich and wealthy landowners could afford - Turkish or Persian carpet, borrowing the custom with Easterntime. Special glamor was on top of the carpet to hang two Janissary swords crosswise. It was in status and evidence of the prosperity of the owner home.
for many times the carpets were used only to decorate the walls, but in any case not for sex. Rugs were quite different. Apparently, the carpet on the wall was playing the role of a talisman in the house.
Gorny Altai found the carpet, dated V century. BC. e. Steppe Nomads insulate them not only the walls, but also to the door, and the floor-yurt.
Of course, unpretentious Soviet people could not afford expensive products Persian, but carpets domestic production, having saved up some money and knock in a long line at the end of the month to get still succeeded.
Why did the Soviet Union hung on the wall carpets
Carpet, like many other things in the Soviet Union, was a deficit.Taking a textile product to pull or to store records, the owners of the apartment extremely proud of the acquisition and, of course, we want to be the pride of the guests shared, so an expensive thing and hung up in the room in plain view place.
But in addition to envy relatives and friends, carpet and carried more practical functions.Hanging it on the wall, family killing several birds with one stone. Firstly, save on not less scarce while the wallpaper. In fact under the carpet they could not glue. Old tattered and faded wallpaper, too, could not glue, just hang the carpet.

If the wallpaper for the walls was not possible to get them whitened, and these were taken to the white hands and clothes. In this case, the carpet was playing a role of protection against deletion whitewash.
It is now the builders of the wall to align perfectly smooth. And while it was necessary to perform the 5-tap hole early, that's molded in bystrenkomu houses, walls and ceilings that are curved to horror. And that's just on one wall carpet and furniture wall on the other were intended to hide the flaws Krivorukov builders.
Secondly, Khrushchev, who in the 70-80s of the last century have grown like mushrooms, have a very poor sound insulation, so that the carpet on the wall, combined with the neighbors, a little muffled sounds of life from neighboring apartment. Voices were heard, though, but the words of thanks to the carpet it was not dismantled.
Thirdly, carpet, hung on the wall in the bedroom next to the bed, it warmed and allowed to lean against the wall in the offseason, while heating is not included, and the harsh cold winter was superfluous.
What rugs hung on the walls
Take the carpet with a nap in those not so distant times, it was extremely difficult, so most had to rely on thin mats with pictures of deer, swans or landscapes.

They are produced in all the Soviet republics, but the most prized items from Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia. And if someone was lucky enough to buy Turkish, Belgian or German carpet - it was extremely prestigious. About Persian could dream unless the family the higher echelons of the Communists, and not just the workers, peasants and intellectuals, which at that time generally assigned the role of stratum of society. Yes, and they cost much higher.
Why is it rare?
To purchase the carpet in the USSR, had to set aside money to pay for a year.And if such a gift portrayed one of the guests at the wedding, the newlyweds joy knew no bounds. Naturally, such an expensive thing to hang in plain view, each time remembering the donor with warmth.

Only since the mid 90s carpets enrolled in the free market, and the excitement seemed suddenly subsided. Show off the carpet has not been possible, and fashion hang it on the wall gradually come to naught.
Today textiles on the wall can be seen only in a house some 90-year-old grandmother, who still nostalgic for the USSR, but rather, by irrevocably bygone youth.
Can the tradition back in vogue
Young, spoiled abundance of essential goods in retail outlets, makes fun of the older generation. Like, save on products, to buy a carpet at exorbitant prices, and now the fuss over the old faded rag, which like a magnet attracts dust.

But do not be so categorical because fashion - fickle lady. And the fact that today seems absurd, it is possible, tomorrow will be the last word. One has only to some well-known models arrange a half-naked photo shoot on a background of fancy woolen patterns, and voila - the carpets again rehabilitated and hang on the walls everywhere. And the abundance of colors and patterns will bring to any interior a special flair.
The bright spot of natural carpet cloth on a background of plain walls immediately attract the attention of the person entering the room. And if you combine setting small details under the color of the carpet, you get a room with exclusive decor.