What is the impact screwdriver: Specifications tool

During the plumbing work is often the master may face the problem of a rusted fasteners. It can try to unscrew the ordinary screwdriver or cause him WD-40 to remove the rust. But not always it can get.

You can pick slots, rust is dissolved or simply spoil the tool. Particularly difficult to dismantle steel bolts of the metal base. Rust - a very strong "connector", which is why unscrew fasteners can be very difficult.

However, there is one tool that will cope with such bolts without any problems. This impact screwdriver. If present, even the biggest problem turns into a small spoiler, which can cope with any man.

Impact screwdriver: what it means, the principle of action

The content of the article

  • Impact screwdriver: what it means, the principle of action
  • tool Features
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the tool
  • How to use

From ordinary screwdriver shock it differs in that it has a large and reinforced chassis of robust metal. The package includes a set of bits: flat and cross. They are installed in the same way as an ordinary screwdriver.Udaranaya screwdriver.

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Impact screwdriver is equipped with a special device - torsion control, so it is sometimes called reverse. Such a tool has been popular in Soviet times. However, in the years he had a simple structure with the presence of a monolithic core.

After some time, the instrument has passed a slight modification, and began supplying hex, which is installed near the tip. In some models, it can be mounted on the handle. Therefore, such a screwdriver capable of transmitting rotational force from the key.Set for impact screwdriver.

Older models it was possible to use only two of us: one master is cracking down on the handle, and the second rotates the fixture. Modern product - a modified device, which by virtue of any bolts. Work with him comfortably and alone.

In current versions of shock-turning mechanism is placed in the handle, and the stinger is mounted on the pinion. Rotation begins when the handle becomes effective striking force heavy object (usually a hammer).

Clip begins to move around the axis, due to which the fastener is displaced a few degrees. That's enough to connection may be loose and could unscrew the bolt. Return to the starting position of the mechanism is due to special springs.

If you need to tighten a bolt, you should do the same operation, but in the reverse order, ie. E. tighten the fasteners ordinary screwdriver, but not until it stops, and then install a percussion instrument and using a hammer to tighten a bolt or screw up to the stop.

Attention! If you want to fix the fastening element by means of a percussion instrument, you will never tighten it all the way ordinary screwdriver. If you do so, then the strikes can damage the case or the surface of the working area where the screw is screwed.

tool Features

If you want to buy the impact screwdriver, then you need to understand some of the nuances and the key technical data, as well as a complete set of specific models.

Reference. First of all, pay attention to the material from which it is made. Proven never use poor quality steel. But the products from China are sometimes made from low-grade metal. So avoid fakes, because the first hit of the tool can either be deformed, or just fall apart in your hands.

The next thing to look for when buying this tool - it is the presence of the reverse. He greatly expands the basic functionality of a screwdriver, allowing you to twist and fasteners, and tighten it.

The next important aspect - it handles the device. It is designed to hold the tool and applying on it strikes. If it has a special lining (which may be made of rubber, polyurethane or polyethylene), then hold the screwdriver during strikes will be much easier. If the lining is a "tide", it will increase the safety in operation.Operating principle.

Most often, the size of the handle may differ from each other, and there are some important nuance:

  • If the standard size handle, it has high strength, but could not be used in cramped conditions;
  • if the handle is slightly smaller than the standard size, it is possible to work in extreme conditions and in a limited space - though in this case suffers reliability tools.

When selecting a shock screwdriver to weigh the pros and cons, and only then make a purchase.

Modern percussion screwdriver equipped with a range of different accessories without which this tool is simply ineffective. Included are:

  • chuck-holder;
  • universal nozzle.

Set teeming nozzles for different slots and hexagons. By purchasing these items, always pay attention to their quality, since this is an important caveat, which defines the instrument reliability and service life.

Advantages and disadvantages of the tool

Any tools have their advantages and disadvantages, and the impact screwdriver is not an exception to this rule. Some of the advantages include:

  • opportunity to unscrew fasteners rusty when ordinary screwdriver can not cope;
  • efficient distribution of impact energy;
  • ability to work alone without the involvement of a partner.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then they are almost there. However, while the need to comply with rules to protect yourself and tool. Therefore, the disadvantages are:

  1. The probability of damage shock swivel head. Here the paradox is that the old monolithic structures have a longer service life than today's modernized solutions. To avoid breakage, do not apply too strong enough blows on the shock-twist mechanism.
  2. The tendency to a rapid deterioration. Gear teeth are subjected to friction, which is accompanied by shock loads. When long-term operation of their life begins to rapidly decline.

How to use

To work process was as simple as possible, avoid mistakes and follow the basic rules of work:

  • fastener pre-clean rust cloth - 5 minutes can cause WD-40 or kerosene;
  • Spitz fix the sting, placing it exactly perpendicular to the fastener head;
  • stabbed heavy object on an end face of the handle having an average effort;
  • repeat blows until the screw or its head is displaced a few degrees in the direction;
  • complete the process of loosening the ordinary screwdriver.Shock screw principle.

If the impact screwdriver has a reverse, it is possible to put the twist mode, put a few punches and put on loosening again. So you remove rust with the elements of the spiral fasteners.

Also do not forget about safety. Protect your hands with gloves or overalls, which not only cover your hands, but also can prevent the sliding handle. Do not put a lot of effort. hammer weight can be not more than 50 grams. Blow inflicted with an average force. Hammer keep straight, without tilting to one side.

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