The main differences between Russian and European renovation

Bright advertising brochures with the promise of high-quality "European-quality repair" can be found in every city today. But does it meet the standards of European housing? Most designers point out that the Russian idea of ​​housing and decoration is very different from the opinion of a European. More often, companies in our country provide capital or cosmetic repair services that are far from the standards of the Old World.


The content of the article

  • What is European renovation?
  • What is the Russian "European-quality repair"?
  • The main differences

What is European renovation?

Every inhabitant of Europe imagines an apartment or a house as a cozy and comfortable place where he wants to return, where he rests with his body and soul. This is reflected not only in the design, but in the materials of decoration, the amount of decor and the lighting of the rooms.

Renovation involves reliable and well-thought-out engineering networks.

First thing craftsmen remove the old finish and replace all communications

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. This serves as a guarantor of a long service life of the created design. Europeans make repairs for decades to come, and accordingly invest a lot of money in it.

Most of the apartments are a prime example of the minimalist style. Natural materials are used in the decoration. Leaving exposed brickwork or stucco is considered good luck. Additional decor is rarely used.


What is the Russian "European-quality repair"?

For a long time our compatriots were limited in the choice of building materials. New apartments were rented out with minimal finishing. The floors are covered with linoleum, standard plumbing in the bathroom, simple paper wallpapers with flowers, and plain tiles in the bathroom.

The only thing left for the new tenants was to buy furniture and decor. Therefore, they did not stop themselves in the choice and quantity.

In the late 90s of the last century, imported building materials began to appear in stores. This prompted the new settlers and people who started repairs to go all out. Houses began to be decorated with bright wallpaper, laminate, stretch ceilings. Over the years, technology has only improved.

The sphere of repairs is oversaturated today. It is typical for a Russian person pay great attention to decor and furnishings. The furniture is used to the maximum, a huge number of figurines, caskets and other items are placed around the entire perimeter of the room. Multilevel ceilings with chic chandeliers and lamps always attract attention.


The main differences

The difference is obvious, but still we will highlight the main points:

  1. Natural materials. Europeans prefer natural finishes. For example, they use parquet or plank to decorate the floor. This flooring lasts a long time and looks great.
  2. Lots of light. Europeans use spot lamps in their rooms; in their homes, you will hardly find complicated and expensive chandeliers. They equip apartments with wall sconces, table lamps and tons of candles.
  3. Minimalism. Very little furniture is used - just enough to be comfortable and sufficient for all households. Sofas and armchairs are arranged so as not to block the space and free up wide aisles.

Particular attention is paid to the frugality of Europeans. They strive to preserve naturalness in everything. If the house has old stucco molding or columns, they can be successfully integrated into the interior. Exposed brickwork is a great base for loft-style design. And bathrooms in European apartments never fully tiled. It is placed only around the bathtub. The walls are simply painted the right color.

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