Fruits that can be grown on a pitted windowsill

Apartment garden - utopia or reality? Recently, more and more people are abandoning store-bought vegetables and fruits, growing their crops on the balcony. Of course, you can't get grapes or watermelons like that. However, there are tons of fruits that can be grown from a single seed in a pot. I'll tell you about them today.

The content of the article

  • Citrus
  • Persimmon
  • Avocado
  • Kiwi
  • Beans


It doesn't matter what you like better - lemon, orange or grapefruit. All this can be easily planted right in the apartment, without too much straining. To grow a lemon or orange tree, place the seed in loose, moist soil about three centimeters deep.

Place the seed pot on the windowsill, cover it with plastic. To grow citrus fruits, the correct temperature is important - about 25 degrees Celsius. As soon as the first shoots appear, move the pot to the sun under the phytolamp.

The citrus tree is one of the most unpretentious. It is beautiful and lush, it will easily fit into your interior. Its leaves purify and disinfect the indoor air, the plant exudes a pleasant aroma.

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True, the first fruits appear already after 10-15 years from the moment of planting. A faster harvest can only be obtained from special dwarf trees.


A juicy tropical fruit can also be grown from a seed. There is only one condition - the persimmon must be ripe. Stores often sell greenish fruits that last longer on the counter. Therefore, after purchase, put the persimmon in one bag with an apple and a banana, which will help it ripen faster.

@Mike Acornley

After that, carefully remove the seeds from the fruit so as not to damage them. Leave them for a couple of days in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then dry them on a battery for two months. Only then will the seeds be ready for planting.

Pour soil into the pot - a mixture of sand and peat in equal proportions. Place the seed carefully about two centimeters deep and cover with earth. In summer, you can keep a tree in an apartment, and in winter, hide it in a cold cellar.

The first fruits of your labors will appear before citrus fruits: in about 5-7 years.


First you need to buy a ripe fruit. Leave the avocado in the refrigerator for a few days to ripen. Seeds that are not ready will not bear any fruit, and all work will be in vain.


Carefully remove the avocado pit. With the blunt end, place it in the prepared soil, leaving the sharp end slightly protruding. Keep the pot at around 18 degrees. In winter, it is better to move the plant in the cold.

The first fruits can be harvested after 3-4 years of careful care.


Perhaps growing kiwi is one of the hardest tasks on this list. Seeds that are deeply embedded in the flesh will be the hardest to get. To do this, carefully scoop out the core of the juicy fruit with a spoon, and then rinse it under running water.

The resulting black seeds must be planted in loose soil, sprinkled with earth literally a couple of millimeters. Kiwi is adapted to the climate of central Russia, therefore it does not require any special care.

@Balcony Garden Web

The first fruits appear in 4-5 years from the moment of planting. Moreover, one plant is capable of bearing fruit for up to half a century in a row.


You can even sprout beans on a windowsill at home, if you put enough effort into this. First you need to buy ripe beans - they are sold by weight in any supermarket. After that, they need to be planted at a depth of three centimeters at a distance of ten from each other. Put the pot on a sunny windowsill.

@Gardening Know How

It is best to dig in a perch or trellis next to the beans so that the plant can curl. The beans begin to bear fruit in two to three months from the moment of planting. This is perhaps the most "active" plant on the list.

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