Hair iron care rules that extend its service life

An upset friend called. It turned out that she was going for a birthday, the company was expected to be interesting, she seemed to have thought of everything in advance: the outfit, and the makeup, and the hairstyle. But the hairstyle did not work! I let the iron down, although she did not use it for so long... And she was counting on it so! In general, the hair, of course, somehow put it in order, almost not late for the holiday, but the mood was ruined.

How to properly care for your hair iron so that it lasts a long time

The next day I went to the store - choose a new one and find out why they are so fragile. And the seller was surprised: this, he says, you used it incorrectly. No, she did everything right with the strands. But to clean properly - did not clean. At this point I got worried: I don't even know how to clean it properly. In order not to repeat the mistakes of a friend, I had to, as they say, “learn the materiel”. It turns out that there are subtleties here! I share.

How to clean your iron after each use

The content of the article

  • How to clean your iron after each use
    • Daily care
  • Thorough cleaning of the iron
    • Cleaning procedure
  • Ironing tips
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It is easiest to clean the iron from the residues on its plates every time after use. This will help avoid further contamination. And it will eliminate the problems associated with excessive accumulation of dirt on the heating element.

daily care

And the hair will benefit.

Important! The accumulation of dirt on the heated plates spoils the hair structure. Over time, this will lead to split ends or other hair problems.

Daily care

  • After each use, it is enough to wipe the plates with a paper towel dampened in water or alcohol solution.
  • It is also important dry well him after a preventive procedure.
  • Do not use the device if there is even a drop of moisture on the surface. Otherwise, you can cause significant damage to the scalp.

Thorough cleaning of the iron

However, preventive wiping with a damp towel will not always be able to help cope with the remains of styling products and oils that preserve healthy hair. To do this, you must follow a certain care scheme for the electrical appliance.

Thorough cleaning is necessary when the dirt is already visually visible and can damage the woman's hair. Thorough brushing is also required when a girl begins to notice hair problems.

thorough cleaning

Cleaning procedure

To clean an electrical appliance, you need to do a few simple manipulations:

  • Heat the iron slightly until it is warm.
  • Disconnect the plug from the socket.
  • Wet a terry towel in warm clean water and gently wipe the surface of the plates.
  • Using cotton swabs, you can wipe dirt in the corners of the appliance.
  • If the water does not help to cope with the residues on the plates, you can use baking soda or alcohol diluted with water.
  • Do not rub the parts too hard with an alcohol solution. This can severely damage their performance.

Important! If home cleaning methods do not help, you need to take the iron to the service department in time, where professionals will deal with the dirt.

Remember: if the iron is used not only for straightening, but also for curling, the entire device must be cleaned of dirt.

Ironing tips

care tips

The appliance will work for a long time and without interruption if it is carefully and regularly looked after.

  • When cleaning do not use various abrasiveswhich can damage or scratch the heating plates.
  • Even with a soft terry towel do not rub the plates with force. This can damage their integrity and create a danger to the hairline.
  • In addition to the plates themselves, you need to thoroughly clean the areas that are located around them..

Regular maintenance will keep the appliance clean and will keep it working for a long time.

It seems to be nothing complicated, right? I don’t want to lose my iron, I’ll clean it!

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