Should I wash with anti-stain wipes?

Laudatory odes to the washing machine are given by women willingly and sincerely. Still, thanks to modern devices, women are able to wash without getting their hands wet! However, there is a moment that spoils the whole impression of using a useful technique. You will not look, you will not pull out the "rag", which is painted fragilely... That's it! You take things out of the drum and look for underwear that has failed to maintain its dignified appearance. Even a small thing easily spoils several kilograms of previously decent clothes.

Should I wash with anti-stain wipes?

You have to carefully sort everything before loading, instead of one wash, start the machine several times. But now you can forget about it. If, of course, you are ready to entrust the care of your things with a special napkin. Not sure if you can trust them? Let's check, because many housewives already have experience of using them.

What are anti-staining wipes

The content of the article

  • What are anti-staining wipes
    • Possibilities
    • How to apply
  • Does the napkin help from staining
    • Dignity
    • Flaws
    • Usage Tips
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These are small pieces of fabric that are usually made using viscose or polyester. Synthetic fibers are impregnated with special substances that play an important role in the washing process. They are Collect the coloring pigment that has gotten into the water from the clothes, and do not allow it to go to neighboring products. Besides, the material is impregnated with detergents and cleaning agents.


Important! Most specialty wipes not only prevent staining, but also reduce the use of detergents.


  • allow washing without adding powders or gels;
  • aromatize linen;
  • retain the saturation and brightness of the original color;
  • prevent staining of other things;
  • retain their abilities in both machine and hand wash.

Reference. Each napkin is designed for one use and is designed for 3-5 kg ​​of laundry loaded into the machine. It is allowed to use 2-3 napkins at the same time.


How to apply

Manufacturers of each type of special wipes indicate the method of their use on the packaging. It is usually simple: the impregnated cloth is placed in the drum along with the rest of the items. In this case, the washing mode is not changed.

Advice. When using material treated only with protective agents, the addition of detergents is required.

If you are washing by hand, dip the washcloth into the basin. You don't need to change anything else.

Does the napkin help from staining

Should or shouldn't you buy this unusual laundry detergent? Of course, every woman makes this decision after trying it on her own. But the experience of those who have already experimented will also not be superfluous. Here are their impressions.



Let's say right away: the majority of consumers are satisfied with the innovation.

Reference. Of the 125 reviews studied, 10 people (8%) were dissatisfied with the napkins, expressing dissatisfaction with the lack of results.

And there are many advantages of using napkins produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers:

  • Napkins really work! They themselves turn from white to colored in a drum, and the dye is completely absorbed from the water. Other items do not stain during the wash process.
  • They allow you to wash clothes and linen of different colors together.
  • Freed from sorting things before loading.
  • They clean clothes well.
  • Cleaning agents do not leave stains or streaks.
  • The packaging lasts for a long time.


But, of course, not everyone was satisfied. And they pointed out several "cons" of the product.

  • One-time use, impossibility of re-use.
  • High price.

Usage Tips


Many housewives supplemented the recommendations of consumers with their own.

  • To be careful, wash a new colored item separately from other items.
  • With a small load, you can use half of the napkin.
  • With a large load, as well as for greater reliability, it is worth putting more than one napkin in the machine.

Many women are so accustomed to their "helpers" that they cannot imagine washing without them.
Have you already used these napkins?

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