How to choose a Turk to brew coffee on an induction hob

Do you want to cheer up or relax, feel sad alone or meet funny friends? You can't do without a cup of coffee in these and other situations. Only without real coffee - strong, aromatic, freshly brewed. In order for the drink to turn out exactly like this, you need not only high-quality grains and proven recipes, but also a good Turk is another important condition that is necessary for delicious coffee. If you are a coffee lover, then you probably have one. But if you become the owner of an induction cooker, the usual process and your favorite dishes can fail. How to be? The way out can be this: choose the "right" Turk, which is suitable for such a technique.

In which Turk can you brew coffee on an induction hob

Why a special turk is needed for an induction hob

The content of the article

  • Why a special turk is needed for an induction hob
  • What a Turk should be
    • Bottom
    • Material
  • How to brew coffee in the "wrong" turk

The features of the induction surface require special utensils, not only for coffee. We'll have to take care of the pots and pans too.

As an electrical appliance, an induction cooker differs markedly from electrical ones. There are no visible heating coils on it. Only a flat, smooth slab. However, she will cook and fry. But heating does not occur over the entire surface, but in certain places where the inductor is located under the burners.

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why do you need a special urka

Reference. Two windings are needed to operate the surface, which acts like a transformer. The primary role is played by the induction coil, the secondary role is played by the dishes.

That is why you need to take special care of it.

What a Turk should be

To make coffee, you should pay attention to several parameters of the Turks.


Pay attention to the bottom of the cookware. For better heating, it should have a thickening. Therefore, when choosing between two Turks, take the one with the thicker bottom. It will provide better heating. Besides, smooth surface requiredensuring reliable contact between the cookware and the panel.

what a Turk should be

Size, as is often the case, also matters. You will need a cezve with a bottom diameter of at least 8 cm. If it is larger, this is only welcome.

Advice. When choosing a Turk, you need to take into account the size of the burner. Its diameter should be 30% larger than the crockery.


To make the cookware come into contact with the stove need a material that reacts to a magnet. Therefore, we consider metal products in the first place when choosing.

induction hob box

Reference. For induction cookers, special cookware with ferromagnetic alloys is produced. It is marked with the "induction" sign.


Steel cezves are another good option..

How to brew coffee in the "wrong" turk

So, choosing a metal one? Yes, but not every one: lightweight aluminum, For example, not good. It will not be magnetized, therefore, the stove will not react to it. AND copperthat many people like, also cannot be combined with an induction hob.

BUT glass and ceramic you don't even need to check. They are precisely manufactured without ferromagnets.
Do you really need to give up the Turkish that you like so much? Not at all necessary! You can use them, but only with the help of a special adapter.


Advice. The adapter will also come in handy if you are using a Turk, the bottom of which is too small in diameter.

So, a special Turk or an adapter-adapter - and you can brew coffee! Enjoy your coffee!

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