PVC or fabric stretch ceiling? Which is better?

Not so long ago, a stretch ceiling was a real luxury. Today it is a popular type of decoration that is often used in apartment renovation. Manufacturers offer PVC films and fabrics. They differ in structure, breathability, environmental friendliness, and also have a different range of colors. Members disagree which ceiling is better. In the article we will figure out which material is preferable, and what to choose for your own home.

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The content of the article

  • Which ceiling is better - fabric or PVC?
    • Customer Reviews
  • Features of PVC films
    • Appearance and assortment
    • Manufacturing technology
    • Environmental friendliness and safety
    • Durability and insulating properties
  • Advantages of fabric canvases
    • External data and the possibility of repainting
    • Environmental friendliness
    • Air permeability
    • Strength
    • Installation technology

Which ceiling is better - fabric or PVC?

There is a well-established opinion in society that PVC films are not environmentally friendly and using them in the decoration of the premises is dangerous to health. But I really want to use the presented variety of colors and textures in the design.

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To be sure of safety, you need to study the certificates of conformity and consider the procedure for creating fabric cloths and PVC films.

Customer Reviews

Customers who ventured to install the canvas in their apartments leave extremely positive feedback. As it turns out in practice, they practically do not emit an unpleasant odor and add personality to the room. The surface is leveled and looks perfect.

Negative reviews happen. But more often this is due to unscrupulous suppliers and substandard materials. Alternatively, the customers wanted to save on finishing and bought the cheapest material without checking its certificates. Such a ceiling is quite capable of causing irreparable harm to health.

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Features of PVC films

Choosing between fabric and plastic canvases is difficult. Despite the names, both of these materials are created synthetically. Natural fabrics are practically not used or are made to order.

Plastic ceilings have a number of unsurpassed qualities. For example, a variety of colors, glossy canvases with imitation of a mirror, absolute tightness, durability.

Appearance and assortment

Film ceilings have different modifications. Popular in our country are:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • satin;
  • with imitation of the starry sky;
  • translucent.

Their benefits are clear. The canvases have good heat and moisture insulating properties, help to hide communications, are quickly mounted and, if necessary, dismantled with the possibility of re-mounting.

Outwardly they are smooth. After installation, a very flat surface is obtained.

Smooth surface and unique impregnation the material does not absorb and does not allow dust to pass through, dirt, and also prevents flooding.

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Manufacturing technology

Films are produced by synthesizing vinyl chloride. The production is carried out on special equipment. Canvases produced in standard sizes, and after measurement, a cut is cut out according to the parameters of the room and welded on the equipment.

The texture of the films resembles absolutely flat plaster. It is dense and opaque, with the exception of special types of canvases.

Environmental friendliness and safety

People's fears are justified. The synthetic base of PVC films is created with admixtures of formaldehydes and other harmful components. When heated in small quantities, they can be released into the environment.

For people prone to allergic reactions and suffering from chronic diseases, such a "neighborhood" will be a burden.

To date, production technology has stepped far forward. Harmful substances are used in minimal quantities and do not harm humans. Of course, you should take into account the manufacturer's recommendations and use the ceilings for their intended purpose.

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Durability and insulating properties

Manufacturers promise a service life of high-quality PVC films of at least 25 years with proper use. The insulation is also top notch. When the apartment is flooded by the neighbors from above for several hours the film will be able to hold water flows, accumulating them in one place. It is noteworthy that even after a major flooding, it is easy to drain the water and mount the canvas in its original place.

Advantages of fabric canvases

The name "fabric" does not quite reflect the essence of these canvases. They are also made from synthetic threads. But their production is somewhat different, the threads are intertwined, creating the texture of natural fabric.

Such ceilings are several times more expensive than PVC structures.

External data and the possibility of repainting

Visually, the surface of the ceiling after installation will look like a natural fabric stretched. In addition, during installation, unlike films, the use of a heat gun is not required.

One of the advantages of a fabric ceiling is considered the possibility of repainting it. It is recommended to change the color no more than 4 times. Film ceilings do not provide such an opportunity, they are purchased only once and for the entire period of service.


Environmental friendliness

From the point of view of breathability and environmental friendliness, fabric ceilings are preferable. They freely let air currents pass through themselves without retaining condensate. When heated, the release of hazardous substances into the atmosphere is minimal and does not harm human health. For your own reassurance, it is better to ask the manufacturer or installer for quality certificates.

Air permeability

The interlacing of the threads easily allows air currents to pass through, without stagnation and reliably ventilating the surface under the ceiling. This makes it possible to be sure that there is no mold and mildew under the structure.

"Breathable" material does not reliably detain water flows during flooding. However, within the first hour after flooding, you have it is possible to save things in the room. The fabric will retain moisture.



Both the fabric and the film are not very durable. In contact with sharp objects or careless exposure to aggressive detergents, the material will tear easily. Textile reacts poorly to heating and does not tolerate low temperatures. Films at negative temperatures lose their elasticity and crack.

Installation technology

Fabric ceilings are installed on a pre-prepared frame - a baguette. It is drilled level to the wall. After that, special hooks are placed on which the canvas is stretched. The installation does not require exposure to heat, as is the case with PVC ceilings.

When making a choice between fabric and PVC stretch ceilings, it is difficult to select the best material. Personally for me fabric ceiling is preferable due to the texture and capabilities. For some, the variety of colors is much more important than the aesthetically pleasing appearance.

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