Ceiling lining with OSB plate: technology, choice of type, design

Most people treat repairs like a natural disaster. And in many cases, these fears are fully justified. As a rule, starting with one, you soon have to fix something else. This process can be compared to a snowball rolling down a mountain. But if you approach the repair in an organized way, then it ceases to be frightening. It is better to start it from the ceiling and gradually move to the floor. This way you can get rid of excess dirt.

There are many options for sheathing the ceiling, and one of the best is OSB boards. The material is environmentally friendly, and it is simple and pleasant to work with them, since a lot of dust does not form in the process. In addition, its price tag is quite low.

The content of the article

  • How to make a ceiling from OSB
    • Training
    • Frame installation
    • Fixing OSB
  • OSB ceiling design
  • The choice of OSB sheathing
  • Pros and cons of OSB ceiling
    • Minuses
    • pros

How to make a ceiling from OSB

The most difficult thing in any repair, and even more so in the ceiling filing, is the exact marking and calculation. It is necessary to calculate everything. Consider every little thing. What is the distance from wall to wall, how is the overlap arranged. If the room is narrow and long to be hemmed, then the large OSB sheet should be cut into squares. The main thing in this process is to achieve a break in the seams. This will make the binder as strong as possible.

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On the ceiling, the slabs are laid so that the sides with poor joints are not visible. It happens that the leftovers need to be cut into pieces and hemmed symmetrically.


First of all, the entire surface is checked with a level. This will determine the high and low points. If the slabs are sewn onto beams, then they must be leveled and a vapor barrier must be glued.

Concrete ceilings should be primed and marked for lathing. All planks are trimmed and fitted. This is necessary so that the plates lay as tightly as possible.

Frame installation

Once the crate is ready, it's time for the frame. If, at the same time as installing it, insulation is done, then insulation from steam should be arranged under the rails.

@ ark-eng.ru

The process is not particularly complex:

  1. According to the marking, it is necessary to make holes in which plugs for self-tapping screws are installed. The fasteners must be so long that they enter at least forty-five millimeters.
  2. The lathing is fixed to the corks with self-tapping screws, adjusting the fixation of the frame, a small space is needed between the ceiling and the lathing.
  3. By loosening or tightening the self-tapping screws, the battens of the battens are aligned along the plane.

They are adjusted with a screwdriver, the horizon is checked with a level. After assembling the battens, the slots are sealed with foam.

@ sdelaipotolok.com

Attention. The lathing does not need to be nailed to the ceiling, but precisely aligned. Only in this case it will be possible to lay the OSB plates with high quality and without defects.

Fixing OSB

It is difficult to lift the sheet to the ceiling alone; it is better to have an assistant here. If you do everything yourself, you will need to stock up on props that will hold the stove.

@ tintwood.ru

Then the plate is fixed with self-tapping screws. You should start fixing in the center and gradually work towards the edges. Where the self-tapping screw is to be tightened, first mark the hole with a drill. Then the plate is leveled in accordance with the markings, the fasteners are tightened.

@ tintwood.ru

If both humidity and temperature in the room can change, then specially small gaps are left between the joints.

OSB ceiling design

An ordinary OSB panel does not look very nice without any processing. To make it more attractive, it is varnished. They make decorative ornaments from slats and various materials. There are a huge number of options - it all depends solely on imagination.

@ dompodrobno.ru

The easiest and most inexpensive way to improve the look is by applying paint. For aesthetics, the seams should be filled and sanded. After that, enamel or acrylic-based varnish is applied to the surface.

@ soppka.ru

Often, a dark-colored coating or multi-colored paint is used as a decorative treatment.

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The simplest coffered beams allow the panels to be more decorative.


The choice of OSB sheathing

For finishing the ceiling in a room that is intended for housing, it is better to choose OSB-2. This type of material is dense, of good quality, which allows the entire sheet to be used. The dimensions of the canvas are 125x250 centimeters.

If condensation is possible in the room, then it is better to choose the OSB-3 panel. It is more expensive and its use is justified only in rooms with probable humidity. The fourth type is intended for very humid rooms.

A variety of OSB-1 includes simple, inexpensive materials. Their strength is low and they are afraid of dampness. They can only be used where it is dry.

The cladding material should be selected based on the load on it, as well as the dimensions of the floor.

@ sdelaipotolok.com

Pros and cons of OSB ceiling

Plates have been actively advertised lately. However, developers are quite wary of this material. Despite the fact that the panels have existed in the construction market for more than twenty years and are used in many areas, it has not yet been possible to replace plywood with them.

The suspicion of this material on the part of experts is directly explained by the technology of its production:

  • it does not use resins and glue;
  • the material does not have a fibrous structure or layered structure.

Important! In simple terms, the OSB panel is made by pressing shavings and sawdust under the influence of high temperature. Manufacturing technology is somewhat similar to chipboard.

This says that in terms of its structure, OSB is not as stable as plywood or even board. If the question arose about the use of this material for cladding, then you should immediately learn about all the advantages and disadvantages.

@ yandex.com


There are two main negative properties of this material:

  1. The panel is not shock resistant. It cannot be fixed to beams or nailed. All this makes filing a very time-consuming procedure.
  2. This material does not tolerate moisture well. In any case, using panels, it will not be superfluous to take care of moisture protection.

If you want to check how resistant the material is to dampness, you can put a few sheets in the garage for the whole winter. In the spring, all edges will delaminate and cracks will appear.

Important! Due to their structure, the boards are difficult to process. You can cut them, but the quality will not be ideal.

The best way out of this situation is to buy panels that already have grooves and spikes.

@ yandex.com


Not much positive can be said about this material. It is environmentally friendly and dust-free. It's nice to work with him. Summing up, we can conclude that the material is easy to use and has a low cost. It is very comfortable for living rooms. These characteristics make it the main competitor for drywall and plywood.

It is with this material that walls are faced and ceilings are hemmed in modern houses.

This is very easy to do. You don't have to call a team of workers: everything can be realized on your own. The only difficulty that can arise is lifting the slab and installing it on the ceiling.

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