Varieties of stretch ceilings: by design, material, light

Stretch ceilings are among the most popular types of cladding. They are fit into any interior, unpretentious in care and affordable. The canvases are divided into several types depending on the design, type of material, design features. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


The content of the article

  • Types of stretch ceilings by type of construction
    • Gapless
    • Shady
    • Damper
    • Leveled
    • Perforated (breathable profile)
  • By type of canvas
    • PVC film
    • Textile
  • By the presence of lighting devices
    • Light lines
    • Light windows
    • Track light lines
    • Point
  • By the texture of the canvas
    • Glossy
    • Matte
    • Perforated
    • With print

Types of stretch ceilings by type of construction

One of the criteria influencing the choice of the canvas is its constructive part. Modern technologies allow create unique stretch products.


From the name it follows that the cladding is homogeneous, without gaps between the wall and the canvas. The pressure roller in the design of the baguette repeats all the bends of the surface, and wall defects will become more noticeable. Therefore, an important point when installing such a system is the perfect alignment of the walls.

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Such canvases are installed only in conjunction with perfectly flat walls.



They are a standard model with a certain slope of the profile and a shortened rear lip. No masking tape or baseboard required. There is a 6 mm shadow gap between the ceiling and the walls. The profile merges with the formed gap due to its black color. Perfect for embossed walls, allowing you to hide their curvature.



This is a self-supporting profile, equipped with a damper system for fixing, which ensures maximum connection of the canvas with the baguette - tightly and without gaps. No additional inserts are required. This is new type of construction, allowing you to create original options for surface design. Light sources are embedded in hidden areas, providing soft lighting around the room.



There are multilevel ceilings. With their help, a special podium is constructed. Used when zoning a room or organizing a variety of lighting design. Same they vary in color and designincluding patterns and specialty prints to create unique combinations.


Perforated (breathable profile)

The view is distinguished by holes in the canvas. Hence the name. The product has several layers, one of which is the base one, located closer to the rough base. Then comes the lower level with perforations for a breathable effect. Holes run along the entire perimeter or accumulate in a specific area material. Their diameter can vary.


By type of canvas

Another criterion when choosing is the material from which the product is made. This affects the appearance, performance, care features. Each type has pros and cons.

PVC film

The base is a thin canvas that does not absorb odors. It is not subject to fading, so the sun's rays are not afraid of it. Also note resistance to humid environment, strength, fire resistance. Has a long service life, easy to clean. It is enough to periodically wash the coating with soap and water.

It is not recommended to use powerful lamps. They damage the surface when heated.

PVC film does not tolerate low temperatures. Therefore, it is not suitable for installation in cold rooms.



The base is a durable synthetic material impregnated with a special composition. Refers to environmentally friendly raw materials, does not need complex care. It has a good level of sound insulation, is not afraid of heat or cold, and is suitable for rooms with low temperatures.

Peculiarity - the ability to paint the product in the shade you like. Dust does not accumulate on the fabric, it does not heat up from the work of the lamps. But it absorbs odors, so it is not suitable for the kitchen. A glossy surface from this material will not work.


By the presence of lighting devices

The light is set in different variations. There are several basic methods. The perception of the room depends on the organization of the position of the lamps.

Light lines

For them, profiles are used, equipped with a special niche for such tapes. The room fills with brightness. You can do without a central chandelier. Lines can be of different thickness, length and location. Sometimes they form shapes, emphasizing certain areas in the room.


Light windows

New technology located around the perimeter. A pattern is applied to the surface, which appears when the tape is turned on. This can be the morning sky, starry night and other images. The advantage is that rays pass through the productcreating a minimum of shadow areas. Visually enlarges the space.


Track light lines

These are flexible and convenient lighting models. The device is of a suspended type. It is fixed with special devices that allow the bulbs to move around the perimeter of the structure.



This lighting method is popular. Such lamps are small in size. You will need to install several devices for the room. The lighting area is smalltherefore they are placed close to each other.


By the texture of the canvas

The design and perception of space also depends on this parameter. When choosing the right texture, you need to take into account the characteristics of the room.


They have a bright gloss, reflective surface. Visually expand the space thanks to the mirror effect. It becomes one of the main accents in the room, adds lightness to the interior.



Laconic option. No reflective effects or specular sheen. It looks like a standard well-kept ceiling. Suitable for rooms where the main emphasis is on the details of the furnishings.



They are popular for their attractive appearance. Environmentally friendly canvas, quick to install, withstands a variety of conditions, including high humidity, high or low temperatures.


With print

A drawing is applied to the canvas. For this, a special printer is used, which transfers the desired image to the material. The advantage is high print quality. There are standard drawings or you can make such a canvas to order.


When choosing the type of ceiling, it is important to consider its features. This will make it possible choose the best option, suitable not only for a specific interior, but also for operating conditions.

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