What is a dessert spoon and what is eaten with it? Features of the device

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I don't know a single person who doesn't like sweets. Desserts are a special ritual that completes a leisurely meal. In cafes and restaurants, a special device is served with a sweet dish. It bears the same name - "dessert spoon" and differs from familiar to us canteens and tea rooms.

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The content of the article

  • What is a dessert spoon?
    • Origin story
    • The main differences from the tea house
  • Its varieties
  • Dessert spoon capacity

What is a dessert spoon?

A dessert device is not present in every home. It is suitable for scooping up thick or liquid food, not too deep, but bulky. More often people use tea appliances, not suspecting that they are less convenient due to their modest size.

A dessert spoon corresponds to the volume of two teaspoons in grams and milliliters.

Origin story

It is difficult to accurately indicate the time of its appearance. It is known for certain that such an object for convenient absorption of food was used already in the 3rd century AD. Prior to that, people used improvised means to make it easier for them to grab food from a plate.

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During the reign of Peter I, it was customary to visit friends and go on a visit with their own spoon. It was then that folding and combined devices appeared. In the 13th century, metal utensils already appeared. For the nobility, gold and silver instruments are provided, and ordinary people used products made of tin and copper.

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The main differences from the tea house

A dessert spoon is a cross between a small teaspoon and a large table. The main difference is the size: it is larger and more voluminous, it holds two times more liquids than a tea room.

In addition, there are other differences:

  • shape - the scoop of the dessert device is round, the teaspoon is more elongated;
  • depth - dessert is not too deep, it is not intended for shifting food, but only for absorbing it.

Among the differences is the placement of spoons on the table. In ordinary life, we do not attach so much importance to etiquette, but still the main points are worth knowing. A dessert spoon is laid out on the served table only if the meal involves serving dessert.

It is placed on top of the plate. In this case, the scoop looks to the left.

With the help of the dessert device, they eat everything related to sweet: candied fruits, pastries, cakes, sweets, mousses, puddings and even fried eggs. Sometimes porridge is served with it.

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Its varieties

There are quite a few types of device. In fact, for each dish there is a separate type that has a specific shape. Let's consider several popular options.

  • For ice cream

Rectangular shape and rounded edges. Features a short handle. Allows you to easily scoop even melted sweet mass.

  • For chilled drinks

To make it convenient to use it in a tall glass, it is equipped with a long handle. The scoop is usually oblong and narrow.

  • For sugar

Short handle, square scoop and small size. The volume corresponds to a teaspoon.

  • For absinthe

Special length and shape with perforation on the scoop. It is laid out on the edge of the glass and sugar is placed on top, then absinthe is poured into the glass.

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  • For fruit

A narrow and flat scoop equipped with notches. With their help, it is convenient to eat citrus fruits and melons.

  • Cocktail

A small scoop with a long handle is used to stir the ingredients in the cocktail.

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Dessert spoon capacity

In recipe books, it is rare to find a record of the amount of different foods that fit in a dessert spoon. It is rarely used in cooking. But if this particular device is at hand, knowledge about its capacity is still necessary.

It is important to consider not only the volume of the spoon, but also the density of the product.

Below is a table with popular products:

Product Volume
Sugar 15 g
Salt 20 g
Water / milk / vinegar 10 ml
Vegetable oil 11 ml
Flour 16 g
Vanillin 4.5 g
Lemon acid 12 g

A dessert spoon is often an unusual item in the kitchen. Even less common are its different types at home. But in cafes and restaurants they are served with sweet dishes and fruits, so it is useful to know how to use it correctly, and what it is intended for.

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