Useful properties of asparagus and contraindications to consumption

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Useful properties of asparagus are known for a long time: more than two thousand years it is used in cooking and medicine. The scientific name of this culture is asparagus. For the preparation of medicines, rhizomes of plants are sometimes used, but more often young shoots up to 20 cm high are used.

Useful properties of asparagus and contraindications

The plant has a number of unique properties. Asparagus has few calories, but it is very nutritious. Often, this vegetable is consumed, wishing to lose weight, as well as for the treatment of diabetes and other diseases.

Edible asparagus is very useful for the body in that:

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  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • has a diuretic property;
  • has a beneficial effect on the liver;
  • provides an easy laxative effect;
  • increases immunity;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • promotes the purification of blood;
  • it removes metabolic products and toxins from the body.

Before eating asparagus, remember that this product is not suitable for those who have an ulcer of the duodenum or stomach. Also, doctors argue a lot about the effect of the vegetable on the process of formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Therefore, people with these diseases should be cautious about this culture.

Vitamins and other useful substances of asparagus

Many do not know what is contained in asparagus. In fact, it is a unique vegetable, which has a number of positive qualities. Asparagus shoots contain about 93% water, and very little fat %. This provides him with low calorie content.

Asparagus prevents the development of cellulite and helps to smooth out the skin.

100 g of asparagus include:

  • protein - 2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3 g;
  • food fibers

Of the minerals, the green vegetable contains (in terms of 100 g):

  • potassium - 196 mg;
  • phosphorus - 62 mg;
  • calcium - 21 mg;
  • magnesium - 20 mg;
  • sodium - 2 mg;
  • iron - 1 mg.

Basic vitamins of asparagus (in terms of 100 g):

  • C = 20 mg;
  • A - 8 mg;
  • Groups B (B1 and B2) mg;
  • E is 2 mg;
  • PP - 1 mg.

Rich vitamin and mineral make this vegetable very valuable. But this is not the whole list of useful substances.

What else is contained in the asparagus:

  1. Glutathione - a strong antioxidant, which includes three amino acids. It increases immunity and reduces the likelihood of cancer.
  2. Complex of anti-inflammatory substances. It includes saponins, rutin, quercetin, kaempferol.
  3. Inulin - a natural polysaccharide, which is a prebiotic, helps maintain a healthy intestinal microflora in a healthy state.
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The use of asparagus for women

The healing properties of this plant were highly valued by the ancient healers of India. In ayurveda, the eastern variety of asparagus shatavari is considered the most powerful herb for the treatment of female diseases.

The use of asparagus for women:

  • ensures the proper functioning of the reproductive organs;
  • levels the hormonal background;
  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • suitable for unloading days and weight loss;
  • blocks the formation of tumors in the uterus and ovaries;
  • has analgesic effect in menstruation;
  • eliminates mood swings in PMS;
  • increases the body's defenses.

This does not mean that the vegetable should be eaten in huge quantities. Since asparagus contains a lot of vitamins, when you use it, it is important to ensure that there is no allergy.

Application of asparagus

Ways of using asparagus in cooking are many. It can be eaten raw and cooked, both hot and cold. The maximum amount of nutrients is contained in fresh vegetables, but not everyone likes it. Therefore, asparagus is boiled or fried. For longer storage, they are frozen or marinated. Before freezing, shoots are usually blanched so that when saved they do not lose their beautiful color.

This plant is the best way to cure infertility.

Multifaceted use of the plant allows it to be used in various fields:

  1. Cooking. This is the main purpose of asparagus. Vegetable helps make the diet more diverse and enriches it with nutrients.
  2. Medicine. Asparagus is included in various diets, in dried form it is a part of medicines.
  3. Cosmetology. From the shoots of the plant, juice is obtained, which cleans and softens the skin, eliminates warts and calluses.

Only young shoots are suitable for food. Their optimal length is 15-20 cm, not more. Collect the culture in spring and early summer. Later shoots become stiff and tasteless. Therefore it is better to eat asparagus in the high season. Asparagus can be grown independently. This plant will please its owners for more than 20 years.

Asparagus officinalis and its use

This species of asparagus has long been revered in folk medicine. All parts of medicinal asparagus are used: not only rhizomes and shoots, but also fruits. In the spring, shoots are collected. The berries are harvested in late summer and early autumn. The roots of the asparagus are prepared at the very beginning of spring or late autumn.

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Medicinal asparagus helps to get rid of:

  • various problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the prostate gland and weak potency;
  • lung diseases, inflammation in the body;
  • dermatitis and skin defects.

It helps asparagus in the treatment of rheumatism, as well as arthritis. To do this, 60 g of dry ground roots are poured with a liter of boiling water. After cooling, use a tablespoon three times a day.

Asparagus for potency

Due to its characteristic shape, asparagus sprouts in ancient times were used in the rituals of Aphrodite worship. They also decorated the bed with newlyweds. In Egypt, the plant was very popular among the pharaohs. Nowadays, based on asparagus produce a number of drugs for potency.

Because of the high content of zinc, the vegetable is included in the diet for any problems in the genitourinary system:

  • violation of urination;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • inflammation of the prostate.

Asparagus is an aphrodisiac that stimulates the production of male hormones and sperm, is a natural alternative to Viagra.

Asparagus during pregnancy

Vegetable sprouts - a whole storehouse of folic acid, which is so necessary for pregnant women. Valuable vitamin, obtained by a woman in sufficient quantity, ensures normal development of the fetus without pathologies of the nervous system and brain. All trace elements from this product are absorbed by 100%.

In addition to folic acid, asparagus is important in pregnancy, because:

  • surpasses other vegetables in a set of vitamins and minerals;
  • due to a diuretic property reduces swelling;
  • magnesium stabilizes pressure and mood, relieves fatigue;
  • fiber provides good digestion.

If there is no individual intolerance to the vegetable, then it must be included in the diet during pregnancy.

Asparagus, white and green

At different stages of development the plant has a different color. Whites are those shoots that have not yet made their way from under the earthy coma. They develop without sunlight, and therefore do not have a bright color. Green shoots begin only when they rise above the surface of the earth. White asparagus is the most useful and at the same time the most expensive, as it is more difficult to grow: shoots must be constantly hilled.

Useful properties of white asparagus:

  • low calorie content;
  • easy to digest;
  • reduces the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • slows the aging process in the body;
  • strengthens teeth and bones;
  • returns a healthy kind of hair to the nails.

White and green asparagus is different and to taste. Light vegetable has a neutral, gentle aftertaste, with a delicate nutty shade. Green asparagus has a more intense flavor. This variety remains crisp and after cooking. It is similar in taste to pods of young peas.

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The benefits of pickled asparagus

Asparagus is a seasonal vegetable, so it is harvested for various uses. Asparagus in canned form can easily be found in the supermarket. When marinating, asparagus retains its mineral substances (sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium). Does not reduce this way of processing the amount of vitamins of group B and PP. Its calorie content does not exceed 15 kcal per 100 g.

Marinated asparagus is an excellent ingredient for salads. It is recommended to use hypertensive people, those who are dieting, to improve the performance of the cardiovascular system.
Despite all the useful properties, asparagus also has contraindications. Care should be taken to this product for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and rheumatism.

Asparagus in cooking

Most people prefer to cook shoots, not knowing if you can eat green asparagus raw. In fact, the plant has virtually no contraindications. It is in the fresh form it is the best option for treating various diseases.

In order to maximize the benefits of asparagus, it can not be stored for more than two days from the date of purchase.

It should also be noted that raw asparagus is often added to smoothies or freshly squeezed fruit juices. Shoots can be crushed with other fruits or decorate them with a ready-made dish.

Young stems are prepared in a variety of ways. The simplest option is to boil after preliminary cleaning. The shoots are covered with a hard peel, it must be carefully removed.Boiled option is used as a side dish, an independent dish with vegetable oil or with sauces based on mayonnaise. Asparagus is an excellent addition to fish, meat, omelet, seafood.It fits perfectly with all vegetables. Gourmets add it to fruit salads based on strawberries and grapefruit.

The main ways of cooking asparagus:

  • steaming;
  • roasting in a frying pan or on a grill;
  • baking in the oven, you can under a cheese "coat
  • extinguishing with other vegetables (ragout, saute);
  • in the form of ordinary soups or cream soup;
  • as one of the ingredients of an omelet.

Cooking recipes with asparagus a lot. The main rule: do not overdo it on fire. Also, do not add a lot of pepper, salt or other spices during cooking, so as not to break your own taste and not negate all of its benefits.

As can be seen from the article, asparagus brings more benefits to the human body than harm. This plant, which, if properly administered, is able to correct health in the shortest possible time and saturate the body with all the necessary substances.

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