How to clean a humidifier from scale and mold at home: an overview of the methods and procedure for cleaning

With the purchase of a humidifier, the microclimate in the room changes: the air becomes fresher, more humid, and if the device has the function of a purifier, then it becomes cleaner. Many users notice that an improved atmosphere has a positive effect on their health: immunity becomes stronger, and various viral and colds are visited less and less frequently.

But purchasing a new household appliance also entails new responsibilities. We have to devote some time to a useful device - to remove scale and rusty deposits, to get rid of mold.

Let us analyze in detail how to clean a humidifier so that it does not lose its functions and does not fail prematurely. And at the same time we will introduce you to safe cleaning and prevention products that will not harm either the residents or the electrical appliance.

The content of the article:

  • Reasons for contamination of a household humidifier
  • Review of safe and effective remedies
    • Remedy # 1 - Citric Acid
    • Remedy # 2 - baking soda
    • Remedy # 3 - Mild Vinegar Solution
    • Tool # 4 - special detergents
  • instagram viewer
  • What solutions cannot be used?
  • Universal care instructions
  • Prevention and maintenance rules
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Reasons for contamination of a household humidifier

Of course, the use of a humidifier has a number of pros and cons. One of the latter is the need for regular maintenance. But, before starting to clean the devices, we will find out where and for what reasons contamination appears outside and inside.

Dirt on the outside of the housing and on the outside of the water tank comes from dust. The less often you clean, the faster the humidifier will get dirty.

Home cleaning as a guarantee of cleanliness

Regular cleaning of the premises is a guarantee of cleanliness and a healthy microclimate. Together with clean air you get well-groomed household appliances, furniture and home textiles

If the plastic parts do get dirty on the outside, you just need to wipe them with a cloth soaked in soapy water. Do not use abrasives that will instantly spoil the appearance of the device, destroy the gloss and leave minor scratches.

In the humidifier, almost all parts, except for the control panel, power supply and fan, come into contact with water. to consider in more detail device and types of humidifiers, please follow the link.

It is more difficult to deal with dirt on the inner walls, small plastic parts or in the tank. And they will appear in any case, because tap water, even filtered, contains a large amount of various impurities.

Rust and lime, known to all housewives, remain the causes of stains, deposits and plaque.

In addition to them, the water contains:

  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfides;
  • fluorides;
  • chlorides;
  • various organic compounds.

These and other compounds are permanently deposited on the plastic. And if you do not clean the humidifier on time, then harmful microorganisms will appear on the inner surfaces, or even grow altogether. mold.

Ultrasonic humidifier in the interior

Together with water droplets, germs, bacteria and mold particles will spread throughout the room, which can adversely affect the health of residents

You need to start fighting harmful microflora from the very first days of the appearance of a humidifier in the house, carrying out preventive measures. If you miss the moment, then the evaporator, the water tank, all internal surfaces will be covered with an unpleasant rusty, yellowish or whitish coating.

But don't be alarmed - there are several proven remedies for getting rid of this dirt.

Review of safe and effective remedies

We will look at popular solutions that can always be found at home or bought at the supermarket. They are all safe if the dosage is followed or the directions are followed. But for any work with aggressive chemical or simply unknown substances, do not forget to use gloves, and if there is a strong smell, do not be too lazy to wear a mask.

Remedy # 1 - Citric Acid

Citric acid is found in many household cleaning products, but it is also effective as a regular solution.

Citric acid sachets

Food grade citric acid packs are available at grocery stores. Their low cost is incomparable with the huge benefits that ordinary lemon solution brings.

A food product, in contrast to a chemical reagent, is not hazardous, therefore, special protective equipment may not be used.

Citric acid is used in different ways:

  • wipe the dirty areas with a cloth;
  • apply to the brush and clean out hard-to-reach places;
  • pour the solution and leave for a while.

If you want to know how to properly clean the humidifier from mineral scale, remember the recipe for the "magic remedy". It is simple: 2-3 tbsp is dissolved in 1 liter of water. tablespoons of acid powder. You can try a more concentrated solution - it won't get any worse.

The most effective filling is inside the containers.

Humidifier water tank

The solution is also filled in the water tank, if plaque has appeared in it, and the inner part of the case - for example, the steam-generating chamber at the ultrasonic device

The solution is left for 30-40 minutes, drained, and the softened salts are removed with a cloth or brush. Then rinsed and wiped dry.

Citric acid is safe and effective against various deposits, therefore it is included in cleaning agents officially approved by manufacturers of climate control equipment.

Remedy # 2 - baking soda

The baking soda, which housewives often use for baking or cleaning kitchen utensils, is also suitable for cleaning a humidifier. It is as safe as citric acid, but, unlike it, belongs to alkaline agents.

Baking soda packs

Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is readily available. Among other things, it has a disinfectant effect, which can also be useful when cleaning household appliances.

It is not recommended to rub the plastic parts with dry powder. As a result of this aggressive approach, the surface will lose its smoothness and deposits will "build up" even more. It is necessary to make a saturated solution - about 1 tbsp. spoon into a glass of water - and rub it on the contaminated areas.

After cleaning, all parts must be rinsed with clean water, you can directly under the tap or under the shower. It is better to wipe the outer surfaces dry so that no streaks remain.

If you notice the first signs of mold, cover the affected areas with baking soda and leave for a while. Alkali prevents the growth of fungi and also acts as an active antiseptic.

Remedy # 3 - Mild Vinegar Solution

Acetic acid acts on the principle of citric acid - it softens deposits, making them more pliable during cleaning. But it is not recommended to use a concentrated solution, even table vinegar is advised to be diluted with water.

The fact is that any acid can affect polymers in its own way. It is possible that microcracks will appear, which will contribute to rapid contamination. Therefore, before you start using vinegar, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions - there usually lists substances and solutions that cannot be used for cleaning or disinfection devices.

A bottle of table vinegar

Table vinegar, like baking soda or citric acid, is sold at the grocery store. Although it is a liquid and not a powder, it requires additional dilution with water.

Usually, table vinegar is combined with water in a 1: 1 ratio, but if you use acid or essence, the percentage of water will be much higher.

After wiping with a solution, all parts must be thoroughly rinsed. Unlike baking soda, vinegar has a strong, persistent odor, and if you make a too concentrated solution, this "aroma" will be present in your apartment for a long time.

Tool # 4 - special detergents

Grandma's remedies are good, but today you can find many more effective and equally safe special detergents on the market.

Let's consider one of them - a universal product for the bathroom of the popular Faberlik brand, which contains a whole range of different acids.

Detergent for plastic

The detergent is sold in containers of 0.5 l and is suitable for cleaning any surfaces: tiles, ceramics, plastic, acrylic, sanitary ware, enamel and chrome products

The solution copes equally well with reddish rust and stubborn lime deposits.

To eliminate unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to first process a small area of ​​plastic and look at the result. If the structure of the material remains the same, and the dirt begins to lag behind, you can use it.


  • Apply the composition to contaminated areas.
  • Leave on for 2-3 minutes.
  • Sponge or brush.
  • Wash off with water.

If the plaque is strong, you can increase the exposure time to 5 minutes, but no more. The procedure can be repeated several times until the deposits are completely destroyed.

If you decide to choose something from household chemicals yourself, be sure to read the manufacturer's recommendations. It is better if the product can be used to clean dishes - then it is really safe.

What solutions cannot be used?

Wanting to achieve perfect cleanliness, users rub the devices with various compounds that are harmful not only to plastic, but also to the health of the owners of the equipment. So that they do not accidentally poison themselves with harmful vapors, especially responsible manufacturers in the instructions post a long list of substances that are strictly prohibited to use. The list of allowed funds, by the way, is much shorter.

Among the prohibited ones, the following are usually listed:

  • chlorine and any chlorine-containing solutions;
  • aggressive concentrated acids;
  • alcohol and alcohol-containing solutions;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • formulations with essential oils;
  • petrol;
  • kerosene;
  • acetone and other solvents;
  • toilet bowl cleaners, etc.

Even light acidic agents approved for use should not be left on for a long time, as they can spoil the structure of the material and significantly reduce the service life of the device.

Universal care instructions

The humidifier constantly needs preventive cleaning, even if it is new and has not yet had time to "overgrow" with a thick layer of plaque. Usually this is a rinsing of all parts with either clean water or a special solution. Whatever your humidifier is, the same routine care instructions apply to it.

Step-by-step instruction:

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The structure of plastic parts is easy to disassemble: first you need to remove the water tank, then the case cover. If smaller items are separated - spray nozzle, handle, internal baffles, filter - they must also be disconnected

Each small part must be treated on all sides with a cleaning agent applied to a sponge or brush. You can spray the solution from a spray bottle. If the product is acidic, try not to overexpose it so as not to damage the plastic

Any cleaning or detergent, food or chemical, must be rinsed thoroughly with water. It is better to do this in a large sink or in a bath, under a strong pressure of water. Especially try to wash the remains of chemicals from narrow, hard-to-reach places inside the case.

After rinsing all parts thoroughly, dry them with a dry cloth. Then put back the small parts, the lid, fill with water and put the tank in the working position. Remember: the electronic board, control panel, fan must always remain dry.

Step # 1 - disassemble the humidifier into individual parts

Step # 2 - apply the cleaner to the parts

Step # 3 - rinse the items with running water

Step # 4 - reassemble the device in reverse order

If the manufacturer has not left precise instructions for cleaning the filter, then in order to avoid damage it is washed with clean water.

If you decide to more seriously clean the filter of your home air humidifier, proceed in the following order:

  • Disconnect the machine.
  • Carefully detach and remove the filter.
  • Rinse under running water.
  • If dirt remains, soak it in a citric acid solution.
  • Gently brush over all critical areas with a soft brush.
  • Rinse off any remaining plaque with water.
  • Dry and place in the workplace.

It is better to study the characteristics of the filter in advance by looking at the instructions. Some models have replaceable cartridges - they need to be changed on time. But there are also replaceable parts that you can clean several times yourself, and then buy new ones.

Prevention and maintenance rules

Important not only use a humidifier correctly, but also regularly look after him. After all, it is easier to prevent the appearance of a problem than to deal with it later, so we recommend that you pay attention to the air humidifier as often as possible.

Humidifier for indoor flowers

If you use the device not constantly, but periodically, it requires no less care than a regularly used humidifier: you need to take care that mold does not start and mineral sediment does not fall

Here are some simple rules to try to follow:

  • the filter is cleaned once a week, all removable parts and the tank are cleaned once every 7-10 days;
  • before sanitary measures, the device must be disconnected from the power supply;
  • electronic parts, cord, plug, fan must not be flooded with water;
  • if, during cleaning, the case, fan, etc. are damaged, the device cannot be turned on - repair is necessary;
  • use only those products recommended by the manufacturer for cleaning.

Not everyone can use distilled or commercially available purified water for filling.

But you can also make the tap cleaner much cleaner by setting filtration system - then your equipment will last longer, and your own health will noticeably improve.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Excellent cleaning effect from Faberlik detergent:

Recommendations for leaving the CRANE manufacturer:

How to quickly and easily flush the filter:

Household appliances are the responsibility of every user. Devices that are in constant contact with water require special attention. Spending a few minutes each week with your humidifier will reward you with long, dependable work that will benefit the whole family.

What products do you use to clean the dirt from your humidifier? Do you have any special secrets for effective cleaning? Tell other users about them - the feedback block is located below. Also here you can ask questions to our experts or participate in the discussion of a question of interest to you.

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