What kind of peach can be grown in the Krasnodar Territory?

Basis of the basis for obtaining a generous harvest of peaches is a competent choice of a place for a tree, a properly conducted planting process. Choosing for planting a variety of peach in the Krasnodar Territory, you need to pay attention to the structure of the soil in your garden. Thus, if a clonal rootstock is used (in other words, a prick peach tree on a peach tree), then the soil containing carbonate will not work. If there is a close groundwater occurrence on your site, planting peach trees also will not bring the desired result.

  • Description of peach varieties
  • Saturn
  • Redhaven (Red Haven)
  • Collins
  • Memory of Semirenko
  • Veteran
  • Autumn blush
  • The Golden Jubilee
  • Early Kuban
  • Springfield
  • Favorite Moretti
  • Persistent varieties of peach

On a sandy soil, as well as on dense loam, this culture will not feel comfortable. The optimal type of soil on which successfully grow, fruit varieties of peach for the Kuban are a structural soil. In the Krasnodar Territory, it is best to grow hardy cultivars. Young seedlings (annuals) are preferable to be planted in a windless area, with the onset of autumn or in the spring, as soon as snow falls.

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Let's look at the best varieties of peach that are ideal for growing in our region. Below, the main features of the species, their brief characteristics, possible disadvantages will be described. We all strive to get the best result from investing our forces and time, so this choice should be taken seriously.

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Description of peach varieties

I'll start with the so-called fig-like varieties, all of whose representatives are cultivated. These varieties are bred by breeders and do not occur in the wild. As they just do not call: turnip Chinese, Fergana peach, saucer, Chinese figs. Their fruits are characterized by low caloric content on a par with nutrition, and this applies to all representatives of this culture. For today, figs of peaches are derived: "New "Saturn "Turnip Steppe "Vladimir "Inzhirny White". They all are distinguished by a characteristic, slightly flattened shape, rich in vitamin composition, pronounced sweet taste. However, there is a minus - these fruits are very tender, not predisposed to long-term storage, quickly deteriorate (rot).

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At us in Krasnodar territory the peach Saturn is a fig, it has a characteristic flat form, very sweet on taste (without an acidic note), the average weight of a fruit - 80-100 g. Very juicy, quick-bodied, frost-resistant, characterized by a good yield grade. Fruits are yellow, with red barrels, frost-resistant, respond well to transportation. Inside, there is a small bone, which is easily separated from the pulp.

Saturn, photo:

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Redhaven (Red Haven)

An excellent option for a summer residence: ripens early, is adapted for cultivation in our region. Fruits medium and large, by weight can reach 130-150 g, are distinguished by high palatability - this is one of the most delicious varieties. The color of the fruit is rich yellow, red fragments can be present, the flesh is yellow-orange in color, with a pronounced aroma.

Redhaven peach is an early variety that has good immunity to many diseases, colds (frosts). If improper care can become a target for fungi, requires an individual agrotechnical approach, timely application of fertilizers.

Begins to bear fruit for the third year of life, ripens around the middle of summer. With a 10-year-old tree on average, you can remove 40-50 kg of peaches, which are perfectly transported (pulp is dense), well stored. It features a characteristic feature, very convenient for those who grow crops for sale - a stretched maturation period. There is such a thing as technical ripeness: a couple of weeks before the final ripening, the fruit acquires the appearance of a ripe fruit.

Redhaven, photo:


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It is a frost-resistant peach, spring and winter cold to him nothing. Differs abundant yields, when harvesting fruits you need to be vigilant - in time to remove ripe fruit, so that they do not break their branches with their weight. Orange-red peaches do not mature at the same time, but in stages (successively), they have a pronounced sweet taste with a slight admixture of acid. This species is a find for fans of large fruits, which can reach 150-160 g. The fruit itself can be round or slightly oval in shape, with a fluffy skin that is difficult to remove.

Collins, peaches of a variety, photo:

The pulp of Collins is dense, with a bright characteristic aroma, a small bone, separates easily (provided the fruit ripens fully).This species is well tolerated by transportation, ripens to the first of July.


The tree requires care (pruning branches, shaping the crown), regular watering and applying fertilizing. From different gardeners you can hear different opinions about Collins: someone has small fruits, non-uniform, there are also mentions of cracking.

This species requires the prevention of fungal clusterosporiosis (holey patchiness). Collins also has a tendency to leaf curl, despite good resistance to other diseases.

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Memory of Semirenko

Variety of peach Memory Semyrenko meets all the requirements of consumer qualities. It is disease-resistant, medium-ripening (in the Krasnodar region ripens by mid-July), a high-yielding species with good winter hardiness. Fruits of a rich carmine color, round in shape, covered with a fringe, can reach 120 g. The flesh of the fruit is very sweet, fragrant, a darkish yellow hue, the density is average, which makes the bone difficult to separate. Memory of Semyrenko has good resistance to disease.

Memory of Semirenko, photo:

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Variety Peach Veteran is also a favorite among gardeners and gardeners. Trees of medium size, with a dense crown, the height does not exceed 4-5 meters. The fruit itself is rather large (130-160 g), a rich yellow color with a ruddy coating. The fruit pulp has an average density, pronounced sweet with sour taste, an obvious peach flavor. The veteran is resistant to colds, very well fructifies - from an adult tree you can harvest about 50 kg of harvest. The peak of the abundance of fruits is in the second half of August. Fruits are non-perishable, well tolerate transportation, resistant to pebbles (powdery mildew), clusterosporium.

Veteran, photo:

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Autumn blush

Peach sort Autumn Blush of medium late maturity can bear fruit up to 200 grams in weight. The fruit has a cream shade with red blush, medium-white white pulp of sweet and sour taste. These peaches are good both fresh and recycled (compotes, jams, juices), perfectly tolerate transportation. The flesh has a cartilaginous structure, the bone separates badly.

Autumn Blush, photo:


A plentiful harvest should be expected by the end of summer / beginning of autumn. Autumn Blush well tolerates cold or drought, has strong immunity to the underlying diseases of this culture.

His clone - the grade Velvet Season - was selected by the breeders. According to reviews in the horticultural forums, high yields of this species can contribute to the breaking of branches. To avoid such a situation, ripened fruit should be removed from the tree in a timely manner.

It is Autumn Blush, along with his "twin brother" Velvet Season, provide an expansion of the assortment of peaches in the Krasnodar Territory. These varieties produce a crop two weeks after all the main species of this culture.

Velvet season, photo:

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The Golden Jubilee

Peach Golden Jubilee - a description of the variety: it ripens early enough (by the second half of August), generates a generous harvest (up to 50 kg from one tree) and large-sized fruit (150-180 g). The fruit itself is oval, slightly flattened from the sides, the color is golden, with a rich carmine blush. This is a self-pollinating species, but to get an even bigger crop, experienced gardeners recommend planting the Golden Jubilee with small "families". Growing nearby trees of one kind will contribute to improved allogamy (cross pollination).

Due to its adaptability to the climate of the growing region, the Golden Jubilee became one of the most popular, liked peach varieties. The fruits removed from the tree are distinguished by a long shelf life without loss of presentation (7-10 days), are suitable for transportation. Inside the fruit lies a small bone, which is easily separated from the pulp.

Golden Jubilee, photo:

It has excellent taste indicators - the taste is moderately sweet, with a little bitterness. Frost resistance, high resistance to fungi and common diseases - the advantages of this type. The Golden Jubilee ripens by the middle of July, but it is worth noting its characteristic feature - the propensity to drop fruits, ripe and underpinned. It produces excellent compotes, juices, jams

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Early Kuban

If you are thinking about what grade of peach it is better to plant in our region, feel free to choose the Early Kuban. In this species the fruits are oval, slightly pressed from the sides. Despite the small size of the fruit (80-100 g), the juicy tender flesh has a sweet taste and a pronounced flavor. Early Kuban is ideal for making juices and eating fresh.

Fruits are slightly pubescent, covered with a beautiful golden cuticle with ruddy barrels, the bone separates reluctantly, often cracked. This species is distinguished by the abundance of the crop, which ripens by early July. The indicators of winter hardiness, drought resistance, and resistance to disease are average. Due to the very tender flesh of the Early Kuban is not suitable for transportation, long-term storage.

Early Kuban, photo:

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Considering the early varieties of peach, be sure to pay attention to the variety Springling. This is a very early form, allowing you to taste sweet juicy fruits already in the first half of summer (mid / late June). Fruits have a slightly elongated shape, a pronounced golden-red hue, on average weighs 120-160 g. The fleshy core of the fruit pleases the eye with a bright yellow color and strong aroma, the bone separates with difficulty.

According to numerous reviews of gardeners, this is one of the most delicious varieties of peach among the early ripe representatives of this culture. The growth of trees slightly exceeds the average, high yield and excellent resistance to diseases make Springling an obvious favorite. For long haulage this species is not calculated, but for short-term transportations it is quite suitable.

Springfield, photo:

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Favorite Moretti

Another representative of the early ripening species, bearing fruit by the end of June. The fruits of Favorite Moretti have an average size, oval shape, average weigh 80-100 g. The ripened fruit has a dark yellow color (with a red blush and bar-like inclusions), a moderate edge, dense to the touch, but not too hard. The pulp of the peach is also yellow, juicy, sweet, with a pronounced aroma. The average size of the bone from the pulp is difficult to separate, often cracking. Favorite Moretti is characterized by high taste and commodity indicators, very early maturity of the harvest.

Favorite Moretti, photo:

Trees in this species have average sizes - this factor significantly optimizes the process of collecting fruits, facilitates the care of plantations. Favorite Moretti begins to bear fruit in the second year of life, the crops are usually generous and regular. The species itself is rather frost-hardy, the fruits after being removed from the tree do not deteriorate within three to four days. Has a weak immunity against fungi, is prone to the disease moniliosis.

Summarizing all of the above, I want to highlight the varieties of peach, which are the earliest, these are: "Early Kuban "Favorite Moretti "Collins "Redhaven". Choose the best quality, healthy seedlings, provide the tree with the necessary care. If you meet all the agrotechnical requirements for planting this crop, an abundant harvest will not take long.

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Persistent varieties of peach

The causative agent of this disease is the fungus, which affects the leaves with the arrival of summer. As a result, cuttings, internodes and shoots are deformed, the foliage is twisted, changes color, the quality of the fruit is lost. In the advanced stage of the disease leaves fall off the tree, branches die. The fight against the disease consists in irrigation of the crown with fungicides, which contain copper in their composition.

If you are thinking about planting young trees on your site, then pay attention to the resistant to curly varieties of peach. Good immunity against this scourge is possessed by: Redhaven, Sunhaven, Springtime, Nektared 4, Stark Red Gold, Erlired, Peach Saturn. According to the reviews of gardeners on thematic forums, the Early Kuban, Bagrinovsky, Madeleine Pouilly are also very resistant to curl.

Leaves curl, photo:

Also I want to mention a couple of methods that are very effective, again, according to the recommendations of experienced gardeners. The first "lifhak" - the original formation of a peach in the form of a bush, but not a tree. The second trick - plant under a tree (close to the trunk) a few bushes of tomatoes. You are unlikely to get a crop of tomatoes, but it will not be curly - it is checked repeatedly.

To summarize, it is worth mentioning that for planting peach trees it is better to choose sunny and, if possible, windless places. As early-flowering culture, it is preferable to plant them on the southern side of the site. If you have grown tall trees in the dacha, place the peaches away from them (so that they do not obscure the young trees). Lowland or wetlands with wet ground are not suitable for this crop. To prevent infection of young seedlings with verticillosis, do not plant watermelons, melons, pumpkins, strawberries, as well as alfalfa or clover 4 years before planting peaches.


Before growing peaches in the Krasnodar Territory, prepare the soil properly: 12 months before planting, fertilize it with organic, mineral top dressing. Do not forget about the quality drainage for the landing holes. Let after all diligence, this favorite by many, fragrant, sweet fruit will please you with an abundant harvest.

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