Replacing the sewage system in the apartment: instructions on how to replace the riser and pipes with your own hands

In older apartment buildings, faulty sewerage is often the number one problem. Agree, it is unpleasant when a pungent smell of sewage spreads throughout the house, blockages are constantly formed or neighbors are flooded due to the fact that old sewer pipes are leaking. The situation can be corrected by replacing the sewage system in the apartment.

If you attract specialists, then updating the sewer system can cost a pretty penny. But you can deal with this issue yourself. And we will tell you how to do this in our article - we will talk about how to choose suitable pipes, and also provide detailed instructions with visual pictures for replacing the riser and pipes in the apartment.

The content of the article:

  • Types of pipes and tips for selection
    • Characteristics of ceramic sewer pipes
    • Features of steel and cast iron pipes
    • The main properties of polymer pipes
  • Step-by-step instructions for replacing
    • Stage # 1 - dismantling the old sewer
    • Stage # 2 - assembly and installation of the riser
    • Stage # 3 - internal piping
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic
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Types of pipes and tips for selection

Before starting the dismantling of the old sewer system, you need to count all the available water intake points in the housing and make a diagram new sewerage. They take into account not only plumbing, but also the devices to which the sewer pipes are connected.

Based on the scheme, they calculate the required number of pipes and additional elements: couplings, adapters, bends, and so on. So that during the installation of the system there are no problems with fitting components, it is better to buy all materials from one manufacturer.

Corrugated toilet pipe

For a toilet, it is better to buy a corrugated pipe. It is easier to mount as it bends. The pipe diameter must be 110 mm

Characteristics of ceramic sewer pipes

Such tubular products are made from high quality refractory clay. Inside, they are covered with a layer of clay glaze, which prevents moisture from absorbing into the material.

Pipes are produced with a diameter of 10-60 cm and a length of 100-150 cm. Their overall dimensions and properties allow them to be used in sewer systems.

Ceramic pipes

In apartment sewage systems, ceramic pipes are rarely used, since they are quite heavy and expensive. A meter section of a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm weighs 15 kg

The main advantages of ceramic pipes include resistance to corrosion and aggressive media.

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted the possibility of damage as a result of a strong blow. In addition, the products are short (maximum 150 cm), during the installation process they will have to be connected to each other more often, and this is also more expensive at a cost, and more effort will be spent.

Features of steel and cast iron pipes

For the laying of sewers, pipes made of steel or cast iron are also used. Steel tubular products can transport substances with high temperatures. They are durable and inexpensive. However, they are not suitable for installation in apartments, as they are prone to corrosion.

Cast iron sewer riser

Previously, in almost all apartment buildings, communications were laid from cast-iron pipes. Now they are rarely used, as their bandwidth degrades over time

Unlike steel, cast iron pipes more resistant to corrosion processes. Cast iron can be used in the sewerage system both outside and inside. The design will be durable and will last for a long time.

However, if it becomes necessary to replace such sewer pipes in an apartment, additional installation equipment will be required. The disadvantages of tubular products include high cost and heavy weight.

The main properties of polymer pipes

The best option for internal sewage systems is polypropylene stabilized pipes. They are available in gray and manufactured by the method hot extrusion.

Main advantages:

  • From the inside, the walls are completely smooth - waste easily slides into the pipe without forming deposits on the surface.
  • A light weight - it is easy to work with pipes even alone. The finished drain loop is definitely not capable of pushing through the floor covering.
  • Corrosion resistant - polymers do not rust, so there is no need to be afraid that the pipe will "leak" over time and leak.
  • Can transport waste with high temperature conditions - the material begins to melt at a temperature of +175 ° C.
  • Fast installation and easy maintenance - there is no need to paint the pipes, they are simply wiped from dust. If a section of the pipe fails, it can be easily changed without dismantling the entire sewer system.

There are also polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC). They are UV resistant and have good durability.

Replacing the sewer riser

It is better to use polypropylene variations as sewer pipes, since their technical characteristics and properties are much higher than PVC products.

PVC pipes can be used in the sewage system, but when heated, the material releases harmful substances. Therefore, they are more often used for arranging outdoor sewerage system. In addition, such pipes have low resistance to aggressive media and their surface wear resistance is worse than that of polypropylene versions.

Polymer pipes are interconnected by the bell-shaped method - the narrow end of one pipe is placed in the bell (expanded part) of the other. To seal the pipe connection, use sealing material.

We considered more recommendations and features for choosing pipes for internal sewage in next article.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing

From the tools you will need a drill or perforator, an assembly gun, a chisel, a hammer, an adjustable wrench, a grinder, a level and a pencil. The set of necessary devices depends on the type of connection and the material of the sewer pipes: ceramics, metal or polymers.

Stage # 1 - dismantling the old sewer

Homeowners on the upper floors can immediately start work on replacing the sewer system. The rest of the residents of multi-storey buildings, before changing the old sewage system in their apartment, need to warn the neighbors from above so that they do not drain the water yet.

Before starting dismantling work, turn off the water and disconnect all plumbing, so as not to damage it during the repair work. Old pipes that are adjacent to the riser must be cut in a convenient place and removed from the pipeline system. After that, they begin to dismantle the riser. All this must be done carefully so as not to spoil the pipes that go to the neighbors.

Old sewer riser

It is optimal to change the main riser in all apartments at the same time. If there are no willing ones to update the pipe, you will have to carefully dismantle only your section of the riser

Dismantling algorithm:

  1. At a slight angle grinder make two horizontal cuts: the first with an indent of 10 cm from the ceiling, the second - 80 cm from the tee. You should not immediately finish cutting the pipe to the end, because you can pinch the grinder's disc.
  2. The chisel is applied to the upper cut - you need to hit it with a hammer. Perform the same manipulation with the lower incision. The old cast iron pipe between the cuts should crack and its pieces can then be easily removed.
  3. The protruding part of the pipe from the ceiling is covered with a film.
  4. Disassemble the lower part of the riser with a tee and fittings. You can loosen the sour tee mount with a crowbar. The cement at the points of connection of the tee is removed using a perforator.
  5. Dismantle the old tee from the system. If the tee cannot be removed, then the fitting is cut off with a grinder, stepping back 3 cm from the socket.
  6. The pipes that remain are being prepared for the installation of a new riser. Remove impurities and grind the pipe ends with a grinder.

The quality and speed of installation of the new sewage system depends on the correct dismantling of the old sewer system.

Stage # 2 - assembly and installation of the riser

The sewer riser in high-rise buildings is a complex design. To replace it in an apartment, you will need polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 110 cm, a tee with outlets of the same material, clamps or a special mount for the riser.

Fastening the riser with clamps

Most often, clamps are used to secure pipes in the sewage system. They can be made of plastic or metal. Both types have good strength, are easy to install and durable.

To arrange the transition between the remains of a cast iron pipe and plastic pipe products, you need to purchase rubber cuffs, as well as an expansion pipe.

You will also need liquid soap during the installation work. It is applied to the edges of the pipes, thereby facilitating their entry into the connecting elements. You will also need a vertical level.

First, the tee is installed at the bottom. To do this, it is inserted into the socket of a pipe with a rubber cuff and the resulting joint is sealed with a winding or sealant. The gap between the vertical pipe and the tee should be minimal - no more than 10 mm.

You should also attach a rubber sleeve to the end of the pipe that sticks out of the ceiling. Next, a special adapter is connected from above.

Expansion joint for plastic pipe

It is important to remember that plastic pipes cannot be fitted with sliding couplings. Only special expansion joints are suitable for these purposes.

Installing a sewerage tee

The joints of the adapter and tee must be tight. If the parts move freely, then leaks of the sewer system cannot be avoided.

Try on the pipe for the riser and cut the required length. A control fitting of all elements is carried out with expansion joints already put on.

After that, the fastening is marked and the upper and lower clamps are installed. If there is a small gap between the wall and the future riser (up to 7 cm), the clamps are attached with dowels. In another case, metal corners or a board pre-treated with an antiseptic are first attached to the wall.

Rubber gaskets are inserted into the structure and the riser is mounted in the lower tee. Then connect the upper part and tighten the clamps. In apartments with a standard ceiling height, three clamps are usually used for fixing.

Stage # 3 - internal piping

But the internal piping perform according to a previously drawn up scheme, starting from the riser. After that, plumbing is installed and connected.

Sewer piping

The diameter of the pipes in the sewer system of the apartment is not the same. Pipes with a diameter of 5 cm are supplied to all plumbing fixtures, and 11 cm to the toilet

Fastening of pipes should be combined: rigid and floating in some places. Otherwise, internal stress cannot be avoided.

Nuances of work:

  • in order to prevent the system from leaking, sockets should be mounted towards the movement of drains;
  • sewer slope done towards the riser;
  • you cannot change the shape or dimensions of fittings;
  • the connection of the riser and the outlet pipe cannot be made at right angles.

When the installation work is over and all the plumbing is installed, the system needs to be tested. To do this, drain water from all devices, look at the outflow rate and check if there are leaks.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

An illustrative instruction for the installation of sewer pipes is given below:

Almost everyone can independently change the sewage system in their apartment. Especially if the system is made of polypropylene pipes. You do not need to use welding to connect them. The pipes are inserted into a socket with rubber gaskets, and a sealant is used to achieve perfect sealing. Installation of such a sewer system will be inexpensive, and it will last longer than cast iron.

Have you recently changed the drain in your apartment and want to share your experience with other users? Tell us what difficulties you encountered in the process of replacing the riser - the comment form is located below.

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