Installation of swing gates: how to choose and install a gate + subtleties of setting up automation

The selection and installation of swing gates are critical stages in organizing access to the personal plot, the territory of the enterprise, to the garage. After all, the reliability and functionality of the entry group depends on this. Do you agree?

But how to choose and install the right gate? This is what we will talk about in our article. Consider the important criteria influencing the choice, as well as provide instructions on installing the gate and setting up the automation. We will provide the presented material with visual photos and detailed video recommendations.

The content of the article:

  • What to consider when choosing a gate?
    • Criterion # 1 - gate installation location
    • Criterion # 2 - dimensions of the structure
    • Criterion # 3 - type and wind load
    • Criterion # 4 - the number of leaves and wickets
    • Criterion # 5 - automation efficiency
    • Criterion # 6 - structural design
    • Criterion # 7 - material of manufacture
    • Criterion # 8 - gate value
  • Installation steps for swing gates
    • Installation of support pillars
    • Installation of hinges and door hinge
  • instagram viewer
  • Features of installation and configuration of automation
    • Requirements for the placement of the drive
    • The nuances of connection and settings
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

What to consider when choosing a gate?

In order for swing gates to become the optimal solution, as well as to serve for a long time and without breakdowns, it is necessary to take into account a number of important features. And even before the choice, and even more so before the purchase and installation of the gate.

Otherwise, ignoring this rule can lead to monetary losses. For example, this can happen when the characteristics of the support poles and electric drives turn out to be incompatible.

Modern swing gates

Modern swing gates are a reliable, durable construction. But it is quite expensive, so the choice and installation should be approached responsibly. The project created in the first place will help to avoid mistakes.

To avoid problems, you should pay attention to:

  • location;
  • sizes;
  • space for opening;
  • wind load;
  • gate type;
  • number of flaps;
  • the presence of a wicket;
  • selection of automation;
  • architectural design;
  • material of manufacture;
  • price.

The listed features directly affect the functionality of the doors, their durability and ease of use.

Criterion # 1 - gate installation location

The design of the entrance group should begin with an examination of the place of the future location of the gate - at this stage it is determined whether the structure will be able to have the required functionality.

Why is it determined on the ground:

  • ease of entry / exit of vehicles - will the car even drive up to the gate, enter it, and then park on the territory of the garage, plot;
  • the cost of eliminating deficiencies that interfere with the implementation of the entrance;
  • legal grounds.

The last point says that the presence of any restrictions will make the installation of the gate in a specific place impossible. For example, you cannot worsen the living conditions of your neighbors, block the path of fire trucks, use someone else's territory.

Swing gate location

Determining the location of the swing gates will make it possible to understand whether it will be convenient to use them, as well as calculate the cost of equipping access roads and deal with many other related questions

When designing, make sure that the doors can be opened to the desired angle (90-120 °) and closed after parking the car.

And it should also be borne in mind that in winter it will be necessary to remove snow somewhere, a significant amount of which usually prevents the flaps from opening. That is, there should be an additional margin of space next to the gate.

Criterion # 2 - dimensions of the structure

During the design of the structure of swing gates, attention should be paid to a number of parameters in order to properly organize the planned access control, the comfort of entry / exit to territory.

Therefore, you should accurately calculate the dimensions:

  • the entire structure of the gate;
  • the roadway;
  • sash;
  • columns.

In this case, it should be borne in mind that the entry group must allow the passage of not only the existing vehicle, but also a larger one. For example, a fire engine or a large car (purchased in the future).

Lattice swing gates

The photo shows a lattice swing gate. Which today are becoming more and more in demand, as they have high aesthetic properties. And with the right approach, they can emphasize the beauty of the house, the site. In addition, lattice gates are characterized by low windage, which prolongs the durability of expensive electric drives.

Criterion # 3 - type and wind load

As for the type, there are two main types of doors in the entry group: deaf and lattice.

In the first case, the entire area of ​​the gate is covered with cladding made of various materials. This option is most popular if the owners want to exclude outsiders from reviewing their territory.

Lattice gates are a structure with separately located leaves, so the space behind them is visible.

Blind gates, due to the peculiarities of their design, have a high windage. Which is a significant disadvantage in strong winds. For example, if the electric drives are chosen incorrectly, then they will not be able to close the gate or their wear will significantly accelerate. And this will lead to early breakdown of the specified expensive equipment.

To avoid these problems, even at the design stage of the gate, you should calculate the wind load. This step will help you choose the best drive option.

Blind swing gates

You should not ignore the wind load, as this leads to early breakdown of electric drives, twisting of the gate, and it so happens that the doors simply do not close with strong gusts

To perform the calculation, the area of ​​a blind gate must be multiplied by the wind pressure that is relevant for the desired region. The specified parameter can be obtained from the specialists of the organizations involved in the installation of the gates. But in many cases the wind pressure can reach 60 kg / m².

Let's consider an example of calculating the load for a gate with an area of ​​5 m²: 5m² x 60 = 300 kg.

Then the resulting value must be divided by the number of leaves.

So, for example, if there are 2 of them, then we get: 300/2 = 150 kg - it is this load that will affect each half of the gate, if their area is equal.

As a result of the calculations performed, we find out that for the automated control of each sash, an electric drive should be purchased that can cope with a load of 150 kg. But it is more practical to add 15% of the power reserve, and even better 50%. In the latter case, the drive motor will not be subjected to maximum loads, which will prolong its durability, and significantly (2 times).

Criterion # 4 - the number of leaves and wickets

Consumers most often stop at one- and bivalve design of the entrance group. In this case, the flaps can be folding, and in half or an accordion. Such features are in demand when space is limited.

Folding leaves of swing gates

Folding leaves of swing gates increase their functionality, make them more comfortable, practical in conditions of a lack of space. They are just as easy to manage as usual. The only drawback can only be considered a higher cost.

Such a device as a wicket is often an element of the gate design - it can be part of a design solution. Or it is used as a stand-alone structure.

Criterion # 5 - automation efficiency

At the design stage of the gate, you should decide how they will be controlled. That is manually or automated (using electric drives). The design of the entry group is different in both cases.

If at the time of installing the gate there is not enough money, but in the future it is planned to install automation, then an intermediate decision should be made. That is, to establish an entrance group, the design of which will allow in the future, without any alterations, additional costs, to install electric drives.

Criterion # 6 - structural design

For modern swing gates, it is not enough for them to be reliable and durable. Consumers are increasingly paying attention to aesthetic characteristics. Design is especially important for owners of private houses.

As a result, the architectural plan must be comprehensive, which will create a harmonious residential complex.

Criterion # 7 - material of manufacture

The frame of swing gates is most often made of steel pipes of various sections. The profile of which can be round or square. In rare cases, the frame is made of wood. It is beautiful, environmentally friendly, but the durability and strength properties of the specified material are inferior to their steel counterparts.

The material for the manufacture of swing gates is most often a metal profile, sheet steel, as well as various forged elements, various types of plastic, including transparent, opaque, sandwich panels. But wood cladding is again becoming more and more in demand (shown in the photo below).

Wooden swing gates

Gate with wood paneling. The picture shows how not to install the actuators. They are placed too low, so their work will be hampered by snow, precipitation, which will reduce the durability of electric drives

When choosing a material of manufacture, you should pay attention to its weight. Since the power of the electric drives that will need to be installed depends on it, convenience when opening manually.

Criterion # 8 - gate value

The assortment of entry groups is rich in different price categories. Therefore, it will not be difficult to purchase a gate at a cost acceptable to the buyer.

It should also be borne in mind that expensive gates usually have considerable maintenance and repair costs.

Installation steps for swing gates

The main stage is the installation of support pillars. To which the gate leaves are subsequently attached.

The material for the manufacture of support pillars can be:

  • steel tubes - usually used products whose cross-section is 60X60 mm or 80X80 mm;
  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • stone.

To ensure sufficient strength characteristics of the structure, all types of pillars, except for those made of steel pipes, are equipped with a metal base - a core.

Installation of support pillars

To install the support post, you need to drill a well (you can dig it by hand). Then a sand cushion is created at the bottom, which prevents the column from moving during operation. Further, the lower part of the pillar is poured with concrete mortar. If there is a desire to reduce the cost of the procedure, then the clogging method can be used, but in this case, the reliability of the structure will be lower

Installation of support pillars

The material of manufacture affects the amount of work during installation. So steel pipes are enough drive in or concrete. If necessary, they can be installed in a combined way.

The pipes are driven in to a depth of 1.5 m. For this, it is necessary to prepare the well in advance. The driving procedure can be carried out using a sledgehammer and a wooden pad. But this is the most time consuming way. Therefore, most often they use special devices, for example, pile drivers.

Leveling is then carried out using the hydraulic level. Further, the support pillars are connected to the fence and to each other. What are special removable strips for?

Swing gate design

The design of swing gates must have sufficient rigidity to exclude the possibility of twisting them sashes, the occurrence of other defects leading to additional costs (repairs, replacement of individual elements)

Concreting the pillars is a more reliable way, because the entire structure of the entrance group will be more stable. It is no more difficult than hammering in.

So concreting consists of several stages:

  • well drilling;
  • installation and alignment;
  • pouring with concrete.

In this case, the depth of the well is usually no more than 1.5 m. The installation of support pipes is carried out in a reinforced glass or without it. And for leveling, a hydraulic level is used.

The solution is not poured over the entire well, but only part of it. For example, if the depth is 1.5 m, then only the lower 50 cm are concreted. The rest of the space is covered with rubble, soil.

Installation of hinges and door hinge

Regardless of the method of installing the support pillars, further hinges should be welded. After that, the hinge of the swing gate leaves is carried out.

Support pillars with a steel core are installed in the same way as steel counterparts until they are lined with bricks or other demanded material.

But it should be remembered that hinged hinges and a cover plate should be welded to each core. This is necessary for fastening the sash and the electric drive.

Decoration of swing works

More and more requirements are imposed on the decorative qualities of swing gates. Therefore, the list of installation works also includes decoration operations. But making the gate original today is not difficult. For example, the photo shows a sash with an inexpensive sticker.

When the gate is not planned to be automated, there is no need for overhead plates. If circumstances change, then they can be attached to the support posts using chemical anchors or welding. The latter method is more reliable.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with electric welding manual for beginners.

In any case, the plate should not be attached below 50 cm from the ground level - the lower, the more moisture affects it. So, in winter, the electric drive will be covered with snow, which can result in early breakdown.

The opening of the gate leaves can be carried out in any direction, but it is more practical if outward. This will save space on your territory.

Features of installation and configuration of automation

The set of gate control systems includes a significant number of elements that ensure their efficient and safe operation:

  • Electric drives of various types (lever, linear). Each sash is equipped with one such device.
  • Control block.
  • Photocells. They are not an obligatory element of the design, that is, even without them, the automation can easily cope with the closing / opening of the gate. Photocells allow you to instantly identify an obstacle - a child, an animal, an unsuccessfully driven car. Then give the command to stop the movement of the leaves.
  • Wires.
  • Control panels.
  • Junction boxes.

Gate automation operates on 220 V.

Electric drive for swing gates

The photo shows a linear electric drive. In its upper part, a key is visible with which the doors are unlocked in the absence of electricity. In this case, the drive bracket is welded to the cover plate, and it is in the same way attached to the steel core of the post

If the owner plans to independently install the automation, then you should choose a model of the electric drive, for which the warranty will not be lost after self-installation.

Swing gate automation

Swing gate automation should not be cheap, as little-known manufacturers often save on quality. For example, the steel gears of the electric drive (shown in the photo) are often replaced with plastic ones.

Requirements for the placement of the drive

An important point when setting up the structural elements of the gate leaf control system is their correct placement:

  • Photocells must be located strictly opposite each other. This is necessary so that nothing prevents the receiver from receiving the command signal from the transmitter.
  • During the installation of electric drives, the manufacturer's requirements and recommendations should be taken into account. In almost all cases, strict adherence to the requirements for the distance between the hinges and the angle of the support post should be observed. It is critical that the actuator bracket is at the correct distance (the value is indicated in the instructions) from the corner of the post.

If the listed requirements are ignored, then the gate simply will not open.

When attaching the bracket of the electric drive to the base plate by means of welding, tacking is performed initially. After that, measurements are made, as well as a test opening / closing of the sash, and only then scalding is carried out. In this case, if any shortcomings are identified, then the bracket can be moved to a new place without any special difficulties and losses.

Placement of the gate drive

The photo shows an electric drive located in the upper part of the sash, and this can lead to its early breakdown. Reason: when the flap already rests against the latch, the motor will still try to move it. As a result, twisting will occur if the rigidity is insufficient.

The stem of the electric drive must be attached to the sash frame, and not to the leaf, even if it is rigid. The control unit is placed on a vertical surface, and not lower than half a meter from the ground, but preferably higher. This element of the system is sealed, but it is correct if the rubber gasket is periodically replaced. This will reduce the likelihood of damage to an expensive board, batteries, transformer inside.

The nuances of connection and settings

The automation is connected to the power supply after all elements of the system are installed. Initially, the wires are led to the control unit. And then to the drive motor and other devices.

To connect automation, it is advisable to use copper PVA wires. They should be protected with corrugated pipes. If the cable runs under the carriageway, then it is better to take plastic water pipes, which will exclude damage even with a significant load.

The wiring should be hidden, that is, they should be hidden inside the support pipes, in the fence and etc. If this is not possible, then for insulation it is necessary to use materials resistant to impact. ultraviolet radiation.

Automation layout

The diagram shows how the automation that controls the swing gate leaves should be placed. To ensure a sufficient level of safety, it is necessary to use 2 sets of photocells

To reduce the load on the electric drive, use the limiters of the leaf positions. They reduce the negative impact on the geared motor during wind, swinging of the shutters by people. This significantly increases their service life.

You can unlock the gate in the absence of electricity using a special key. It is included with every electric drive.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video will help you understand how the installation of automation is carried out:

Modern swing gates can effectively prevent unauthorized entry into the territory. And also significantly increase the comfort and safety of the entry group. But for this it is necessary to choose and install the gate and automation correctly.

Do you have experience in self-assembly of gates, installation and connection of automation? Tell our readers about it - the comment block form is located below. Also here you can upload original photos of your gates, ask questions or leave recommendations on the choice.

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