Can a gas boiler be installed in the bathroom? Safety requirements and standards

The owners of suburban real estate at the design stage of the heating system very often have a question: is there regulations permitting the installation of a gas boiler in the bathroom or should such an arrangement be immediately excluded?

Believe it or not, but the question is really relevant, so further we will help you figure out if there are any restrictive norms or not, as well as whether it is worth entering into disputes with gas workers in court for the right to install a boiler in the bathroom or is it wasted time.

The content of the article:

  • Why is there a heating boiler in the bathroom?
  • Rules and regulations
    • Reasons for the ban on boiler installation
    • Ways to get around the ban
    • Responsibility for violation of the prohibition
  • If you really want a boiler in the bathroom?
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Why is there a heating boiler in the bathroom?

Very strict standards and regulations apply to gas powered equipment. They are written literally every step of the installation and every square meter required to obtain permission to put the device into operation.

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It is most logical to install gas boiler in the boiler room, however, not every owner of a house or apartment can afford to allocate extra squares. Therefore, most often it takes its place in the kitchen.

But now the fashion has gone for stylish modular headsets, into the design of which the boilers do not fit well. In addition, due to the economy of all the same squares, not everyone can afford a separate dining room for a noisy feast, and again, the boiler can prevent active gatherings with friends.

Gas in a studio apartment

In studio-type apartments, the installation of gas-using equipment is prohibited, since the kitchen area is connected to the living area. The only way to gasify such a room would be to install equipment in the bathroom, but this option is prohibited by current legislation.

And you never know, there may be reasons why the owners' kitchen is not suitable for installing boilers in it. Maybe it's a shortage of square meters, a studio apartment, fear of fire or the fact that a small child will fit into the device when they are together in the cooking room, and so on Further.

The bottom line is that in fact, many people want to use the bathroom as a boiler room.

Rules and regulations

Position SNiP 2.04.08-87 on the topic of such placement of gas-using equipment was categorical - 100% ban. However, as in subsequent editions, except for SNiP for 2002. Experts have always considered such placement unacceptable.

And the last document that put a bold point on this issue is valid to this day. SP 402.1325800.2018 “The buildings are residential. Gas Consumption Systems Design Rules ”. In it, in clause 5.6 it is indicated that it is impossible to place gas-using equipment in bathrooms and toilets.

Note that this document is mandatory for use, and, in principle, no more documentation is required that regulates the norms and rules for the installation of such devices. It should also be said that the instructions for some boilers contain instructions on the prohibition of their placement in the above premises.

Reasons for the ban on boiler installation

Everything is clear with the documents, but what were the guides of those who developed the rules and regulations and are there any reasonable explanations for why it is impossible to install a boiler in the bathroom and for what reason?

Gas equipment of any sample contains metal elements that can oxidize on contact with a humid environment.

Gas pipe in the bathroom

Even transit pipeline laying through rooms with high humidity, bathrooms and toilets, envisaged from multilayer metal-polymer pipes or from copper, in order to avoid corrosive deterioration and destruction

Failure to comply with these rules is already one of the main dangers of rapid equipment wear. But, in addition, modern devices have electronics that will be very difficult to endure contact with water or not at all.

Naturally, all these factors, plus the constant temperature drop, will negatively affect the boiler, but, most likely, they will simply disable it. But if there is oxidation of contacts, for example, thermocouples, this is already a clear threat of explosion.

However, not every bathroom will meet the requirements of the same SP 402.1325800.2018 on:

  • the volume of the room for gas-using equipment;
  • the presence of an easily removable window structure;
  • natural ventilation with a calculated hood in a three-hour volume of air exchange;
  • glazed window opening with an area of ​​0.03 cubic meters. m. for 1 cubic meter. m. volume of the room.


Codes of rules and other documentation of this nature are developed by specialists, based on many years of research and accurate calculations.

Ways to get around the ban

Some, especially nimble home owners, are trying to bypass this ban.

Even at the design stage, a voluminous kitchen is provided in which gas equipment is installed and registered. And after commissioning, plasterboard partitions are installed and in the resulting room, plumbing devices.

Of course, this is done mainly in private houses, in apartment buildings such a redevelopment is most often technically impossible.

Boiler inspection

It's good if the gas service is completely familiar, who during the inspection will turn a blind eye to the position of the boiler, but most likely, at their first visit, you will be issued an act of inappropriate placement equipment

But at the same time, the above reasons already seem reasonable enough not to do so. And you also need to take into account that modern gas boilers have a connection to electricity that requires increased protection against electric shock, even in a normal room, not to mention a humid environment.

You must understand that the regulatory requirements for the safety of the installation of gas-using equipment are developed for the benefit, protection of health, life and property of people and they are fully justified from the technical points of view.

Responsibility for violation of the prohibition

If you think that boiler placement contrary to the building rules, it will cost you the maximum in requirements to do everything as needed, you are mistaken.

According to Administrative Code of the Russian Federation Article 9.4. such actions are qualified as a violation of the requirements in the field of building codes and regulations, which threatens, at least, with the imposition of a fine.

Cut off the gas

Ignoring a mandatory JV in the field of gas supply, you thereby violate the contract with the supplier, which threatens to be disconnected from the main pipeline within 40 days after the detection of such an incident in case of refusal to correct the situation or immediately, in the case when the equipment is already malfunctioning and carries a danger to life of people

By the way, such well-known manufacturers of boiler equipment as Valliant, Baxi, and many other companies with a worldwide reputation, in the majority cases remove the warranty for the microcircuits of their devices installed in the bathroom or another room with an increased humidity.

And here's another answer to the question: is it possible to install a gas boiler in a bathroom or a bathroom - no one wants to lose warranty repairs for expensive equipment.

If you really want a boiler in the bathroom?

In general, it is useless to argue with gas workers, they almost never meet halfway in this matter. But if you want, you can try to get official permission.

To do this, you should draw up an official statement in 2 copies addressed to the head of the gas supplier company. A copy of the layout of the premises must be attached to the application.

Bathroom layout

The statement should be something like this - “I, full name, residing at such and such an address, please give me technical conditions that allow the connection of a gas boiler of a certain brand, power and maximum flow rate in the bathroom rooms ". Next, indicate in writing the volume of the room, the presence and section of natural ventilation with such a section, the volume of the window, the presence of a door, and so on.

Your appeal must be registered by the receiving party, a certificate of acceptance must be affixed, including on your copy. The organization will send a response with the obligatory legal justification for the refusal (or permission) within 15 days.

With this document, if the decision does not satisfy you, you can file a complaint with the court, but, as a rule, the court leaves such claims unsatisfied. So do not flatter yourself.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Where and how can a gas boiler be installed. About bathrooms and more:

We examined why it is impossible to install a gas boiler in the bathroom, both from the point of view of the law and with concern for your safety, as well as the durability of the equipment you have purchased. Remember, space or aesthetics is not a prudent reason to risk your life.

Where is your gas boiler installed? Would you like to move it to the bathroom or do you already have this experience? Share with us in the comments and of course ask your questions on the topic.

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