Instructions for use of the drug Prestige from the Colorado potato beetle


For many years, experienced gardeners and truck farmers are struggling with insidious and harmful insects - the Colorado beetle, but it never completely destroys it. But do not despair at all, because the research and experiments of scientists over the years have not passed without a trace. Studying an insect, scientists managed to invent a remedy that is able to hit the central nervous system of a beetle and thereby does not allow it to destroy the crop. This preparation is able to protect the plant for the entire period of vegetation if used according to the instructions for use. He is called "Prestige".

What is this tool? We will try to tell you more about it.


Table of contents

  • Prescription of Prestige
  • The mechanism of action of the facility
  • Effect of the drug on the Colorado potato beetle
  • Instructions for the use of disinfectant - how to plant and use
  • Proper treatment of tubers during the germination of potatoes
  • Prestige and other plants
  • Harmful to health solution
  • Advantages over analogues
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Prescription of Prestige

The drug "Prestige" is a very effective tested tool for combating the Colorado beetle and other harmful insects. Protects potato tubers from pests and stimulates plant growth.

The structure includesPencicuron and imikidloprid. The first compiler is a pesticide and conducts a fight against fungal diseases. The second is a substance that quickly affects the insect. Thus, the drug, getting into the body of the pest, quickly affects the nervous system and paralyzes it. Then the insect dies.

Prestige is also used in the fight against fitotorosis.

The instructions for the preparation describe in detail the method of its use. We need to study it carefully. The main thing to remember is that the action of the drug begins immediately after the cultivated tuber is planted in the soil.

Prestigious potato tubers

The mechanism of action of the facility

So, what happens next? The drug, getting into moist soil, starts to act quickly, the substance spreads over the soil around the potato andforms a protective "wall".

When a young plant begins to germinate, it absorbs this root through the roots, which evenly spread around the planted treated potatoes. Then the protective substance rises along the cells of the young shoot and immediately manifests its functions:

  • producesprotection from harmful insectsduring the growing season
  • stopsattacks of various fungal diseases
  • helps the young tuber to bear various natural stresses: heat, cold, lack of sunlight

Thanks to these properties of the drug, the plant improves its growth and brings a high yield. Studies have shown that a poisonous substance, while in a plant,in new young tubers does not drop. Those. the poison is only around the old planted tuber and in young shoots, it will not fall into the new tubers.

Studies have proven that the remedy does not penetrate new tubers

Effect of the drug on the Colorado potato beetle

The agent exhibits such insecticidal actions:

  • defeat of the Colorado potato beetle for a period offor 37 daysfrom the time of appearance of the first shoots
  • damage to the wireworm during the entire period of plant growth time
  • destroying aphidsfor 39 days. It is necessary to know that aphids are the main carrier of the viral disease of the plant
  • removal of scab and rizoctonia for the entire period of vegetation

Instructions for the use of disinfectant - how to plant and use

  1. Prepare the suspension according to the instructions in the package.
  2. Then, based on the kg of potatoes, dissolve the suspension in water. For example,50 kg of potatoes - 50 ml of the productdilute in three liters of water.
  3. The solution is put into the nebulizer, a conventional spray can be used.
  4. Tubers spread on the film in height no more than three pieces, otherwise the surface of the potato will not be completely processed.
  5. Spray by observing that all the tubers are covered with a solution and, if necessary, the potatoes, after a short drying,Turn to the other side and rework. This is necessary for the plant in the future, the solution will reliably protect it.
Proper processing will bring a high yield. Cut potatoes do not treat medium.
The consumption rate of the Prestige is 1 ml per 1 kg of tubers

Proper treatment of tubers during the germination of potatoes

Processing in this way can be applied in the period of potato germination20 days before disembarkationand before the landing itself, also again to process.


Potatoes prepared for planting can be treated with a growth regulator and special biologically active agents. The surface must also be coated with a substancemore than 90%.


Prestige and other plants

The same drug can protect other plants: tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage, Bulgarian pepper.

For them, prepare the solution as follows:

  1. 10 ml of the drug diluted in one liter of water,
  2. The roots of seedlings are soaked in the solution for eight hours,
  3. Then quickly plant the seedlings in the soil.

Harmful to health solution

Prestige has a third, low toxicity class

Different opinions can be heard about the drug Prestige. But all information needs to be checked. It is advisable, before buying it, to read about the product from several sources on the Internet. This is not a big problem and will be useful for you. Agronomists advise "Prestige" for use as an effective effective tool.

"Prestige" has a low degree of toxicity to health, it is determined by the third class, but still it is a toxic poison and precautionary measures that must be applied.
  • when transported, processed potatoes must besecurely packed in protective bags
  • when planting, use a protective mask and gloves, and after the completion of workWash hands thoroughly, face with soap and rinse throat. The clothes change

Prestige should be used only for tubers that ripen in August, because when using it for early potatoes,the poison will not have time to get out of the plant.

The toxicity of the drug in the plant stopsafter two months. The substance is used for plants both as a poison and as a fertilizer.

Advantages over analogues

Prestige CS has advantages over any other means and analogues due to such properties:

  1. High effectiveness of the drug;
  2. The agent facilitates the process of growing potatoes;
  3. Since the preparation has antistress efficiency, the plant detects an increased resistance to any adverse effects of the atmosphere, which leads to an improved growth of the plant;
  4. Low toxicity of "Prestige" - 3rd class.
The Prestige is highly effective

And concluding his review of the description of the drug, it should be noted that the tool is indeedvery active and efficientfor the treatment of plants from various pests: aphids, wireworms, thrips, sawflies, midges and so on.

And despite the toxicity, provided it is properly stored, the use of the product does not do much harm, but, on the contrary, it is of great benefit to truck farmers and farmers.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to buy only the original package of the Prestige disinfectant.

Although the terms and conditions of storage are often not very drawn attention, but for the means it is important. Keep it at a temperature-20 degrees Celsius to +40 degrees Celsius, away from children and animals. Do not leave near food, water, or combustible materials. Shelf life of the substance is two years.

Prestigious - analogous to Protractor Prestige

There is a means similar to the name and call it the "Prestige but sometimes it is mistakenly called "Prestige". It is an insect-fungicide protector from the Colorado beetle, wireworm and various potato diseases. They are also treated with tubers before planting.

So, dear truck farmers, we tried to disclose to you the secret of the effectiveness of the drug "Prestige". You, in turn, be careful and vigilant when using pesticides for plant treatment. Buy only the original product!

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