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To create such a beautiful piece, discover the inimitable design talent that is present in every person. It is this revealed quality that will bring into the house not only bright light, but also a cozy atmosphere.

DIY kitchen chandelier
A similar handicraft product will look very elegant and graceful in the kitchen. And when guests come to the house, they will not even be able to guess that such a chandelier was made with their own hands, and not purchased in an expensive designer store. Imagine their admiration if they find out that it was you who were able to create such a masterpiece as a chandelier with your own hands. It's always fabulous in the kitchen with such a product.

You will need the following materials:
- A leg that can be removed from an old chandelier.
- A hemisphere that is made of metal.
- Any light fixture that has been used in the home in the past. You can disassemble and remove the required part. If this is not available, then an old school globe, previously cut in half, will do.
- Sandpaper. It may not be useful, but it should still be available just in case you have to do some cleaning to get a perfect surface.
- Wallpaper glue. Use this particular look as it dries and becomes completely transparent.
- Regular sponge.
- Dye. For the manufacture of a chandelier, you can take a matte finish, which is also used for painting walls.
- White fabric.
- Artificial leaves as well as flowers.
- Half beads.
- Beautiful ribbon.

So, all the necessary materials are at hand, you can come directly to the manufacture of a beautiful chandelier for the kitchen.
- First, dilute the glue and lower a piece of fabric into it. All material should be completely saturated with glue. Now you can lay out a sticky piece of fabric on the previously prepared hemisphere - this is the future shade. In order to make it more convenient to make folds on it, you can use any sharp object to make small cuts. Wrap everything that remains to stick out inside the product. The lamp must be completely pasted over.
- Give the garment time to dry.
- We take a sponge and paint the surface with it (inside and outside). Once the paint is completely dry, it is better to apply another coat for reliability. Now you can attach the resulting product to the leg.
- The next step is to decorate the lamp. But first, think carefully. Decide what the final product should look like. Several sketches can be made on paper with different design options. When you have decided, you can proceed to further work on the lamp. First, glue decorative leaves in random order. Then comes a layer of flowers. If you have figurines of ladybugs, for example, you can attach them too.
- To complete the composition, you can decorate everything with a beautiful ribbon. But attach it in such a way that it is under the leaves, so it is more beautiful.
- At the end, you can add half beads to the composition. The lamp is ready.

Chandelier made from old plastic cups

Necessary materials:
- Plastic cups (about 300 pieces).
- Staples and stapler.
- Bolts.
- Washers (one large and one small).
- An energy-saving light bulb (this type is taken, since the usual one heats up very much).
- Cartridge with wire.
Let's move on to making a chandelier:
- Use a stapler to hold the three glasses together. It is best to start the connection from the bottom, and then move to the very top. The result is the basic design. The resulting product is attached to the rest of the cups. The tapered design provides a sphere. And we must not forget that when everything is ready, you need to leave one hole for the cup empty. It is in this last glass that you burn a small hole. Place a large washer inside.
- The electrical wire is tied in a knot and then pushed out through the holes.
- Now attach the cup with bolts and small washers. If some kind of breakdown occurs, then all this can be easily disassembled. Using the same technology, you can also make a floor lamp by finding a suitable and beautiful stand.

Openwork sconce or floor lamp
Chandeliers (lamps) and sconces, which are made of improvised materials with their own hands, always look very beautiful. Any glass jar can be used as a shade, and a container for bulk products is also suitable. For the elements of decorating the lampshade, crocheted lace will be used.
- Glass container and tin lid.
- Hex nut.
- Drill with drills.
- Electric wire.
- Bracket and chuck.
- Electric lamp.
- A napkin or any lace product.
- Aerosol adhesive and paint.
You can get to work:
- It is necessary to drill a hole in the very center for fastening. And also you need to make four holes in a circle to avoid overheating.
- Now we attach the bracket, nut and cartridge, and then install the light bulb.
- A layer of glue is applied to the surface of the can, and then lace is applied. They can be applied to any part. It all depends on the imagination.
- If you plan to make a sconce, then an openwork napkin can be attached with ordinary tape. Then everything is painted with spray paint. When the product is dry, the napkin can be removed and the painted shape will be preserved.

Rose petal chandelier (DIY pendant lamp)

Stock up on the following materials before you start making:
- Wooden embroidery hoop (you need 3 pieces of different sizes).
- Rose petals (you can buy them in a special store for decorating, or you can make them yourself by cutting them out of thick white fabric).
- Silk thread.
- Paste starch.
- White acrylic paint.
- Fishing line.
Getting started:
- We cut out white circles from the fabric, and then glue them with paste in pairs. Run a white thread between them. The length should be approximately 40 or 50 cm.
- Now let's move on to coloring the hoop. You need to use white paint. Then we hang them on the fishing line in the following sequence: the largest ring goes first, then the middle one, and the smallest one will be the last.
- Now tie the petal threads to the hoop. In the place where the binding is made, glue a circle of fabric. This process is very time consuming. But the result will be excellent.

Wire butterfly chandelier
This is a very original chandelier that will bring a constant feeling of summer and warmth to your home. Flocks of butterflies will literally come to life after a slight breeze blows. And the best part is that it is very easy to make such a chandelier with your own hands. The idea of using a beautiful butterfly to make the lamp is very good.
Necessary materials:
- Lampshade that has two rings.
- Decorative chains.
- Scissors.
- Silver paint (preferably aerosol).
- Very thin marker.
- Transparent plastic.
- Pliers.
- Silver wire.
Completing of the work:
- The lampshade is painted with silver paint.
- A stencil is made in the shape of beautiful butterflies. Here you can use your imagination and do everything yourself or find ready-made samples on the Internet.
- We cut out butterflies from plastic according to stencils.
- Several butterflies need to be painted silver. The rest should remain transparent.
- You need to cut the chains 10 cm long. Now you need to put on transparent beads on them. So, the product can be given a very beautiful look, since the beads will sparkle every time the sun hits them.
- Next, you should attach the butterflies using pliers and wire. We attach the remaining end of the chain to the lampshade.

Making from disposable spoons

Necessary materials:
- One 3 liter plastic bottle.
- Glue.
- Nippers.
- Knife.
- Plastic spoons (one large package).
Chandelier assembly:
- Using nippers, separate the heads of the spoons.
- Next, cut out the bottom of the bottle.
- Starting from the very bottom of the bottle, proceed to gluing the spoon heads over the entire surface of the bottle. Each new row must be glued so that it goes over the previous one. Stagger the spoons.
- When we come to the neck of the bottle, you need to stop. At this point, a ring is made that resembles a bracelet. We make it from well-glued spoons.
- For this chandelier, you only need to use energy-saving bulbs, as ordinary bulbs get too hot. And this will ruin the structure.

Original idea: thread lampshade

- Balloon.
- Knitting.
- Starch glue.
- Lighting fixtures and wire.
- Foam brush.
- Yorshiki.
- Scissors.

Manufacturing process:
- To begin with, a balloon is inflated.
- Dip the threads into the glue and then wrap them all over the ball. It is better to arrange the threads evenly in four or five layers. Then they are fixed on the base of the ball.
- Next, cover the surface with a good layer of glue. Better to use a foam brush.
- The ball should dry well while hanging.
- When the threads are dry, you can pierce the ball and remove its remnants from the ball, which now consists entirely of threads.
- At the very top of the ball, in the place where the threads were tied, cut a hole. The dimensions are selected so that you can put a light bulb inside. Lighting fixtures are attached inside.
- In order to carry out the fasteners, wrap the wire with the brushes, then thread them inside the sphere.
That's all, you just need to look around and turn on your imagination to see the potential in any improvised thing from which you can make a truly wonderful product. An idea can arise when looking at any object. Good luck with your creativity.
Photos of examples of unusual shades made from scrap materials




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