Provence-style curtains for the kitchen: types, pros and cons, photo

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Kitchen curtains
Provence as a style goes back to the distant 19th century. However, even now it does not lose its popularity. Kitchen made in this style Is a simple and light interior. And emphasize country genre and to bring a touch of France will help the design of windows in this spirit.

If you cannot choose Provence-style curtains for the kitchen, then the photo at the end of the article will help you decide.

Provence style curtains

Characteristic features of Provence

Provence has always been associated with rustic romance and simplicity in decor. It also offers plenty of natural light, ruffle and edging underneath. And also do not forget about the various cute decor items.

What are the advantages of curtains in an unpretentious Provence style?

  1. Simple and light forms.
  2. Decorated with bows, frills and ruffles.
  3. Abundant use of natural materials.
  4. Light and airy fabrics.

Despite all the advantages, curtains in this style have their own small disadvantages that you should be aware of. First, natural materials can fade quickly and require special care. Secondly, now there is a huge selection of colors and designs, so it is very difficult to make a choice. However, these disadvantages are not critical, and with a strong desire, they can even become advantages.

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Types of curtains in the design of the Provencal style

In total, several types of curtains can be distinguished, which are often used to decorate a kitchen in this style:

  1. Curtains with hooks. It can be both pancake and short canvases, which are fixed with grabs. Chintz is often used as a material. You can beautifully decorate the curtains with lace or bows.
  2. Roman style. It is very difficult to sew them on your own, so it is better to entrust this business to professionals. Note that they are very easy to maintain and therefore ideal for the kitchen.
  3. Cafe curtains. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are sewn directly to the size of the window opening.

Features of sewing

Provence has its own characteristics, which are reflected both in the cut and in the materials. This style is characterized by simplicity in the cut, that is, the simpler the curtains, the better. Often, two rectangular flaps are used, which are secured with strings. In addition, ruffles, fringes, bows are used as decor. However, the main thing is not to overdo it with the decor.

Varieties of curtains

What color is suitable for the kitchen

Simple and delicate colors will help to fully reveal the rustic romance. Mostly pastel shades with small patterns are used. Floral motifs are often depicted. But textiles with a large pattern are used extremely rarely. It is noteworthy that such a fabric should be used very carefully, as it can unduly draw attention to the curtains.

In addition, the colors and patterns of the curtains should be in good harmony with the overall style of the room. Therefore, if you are not sure, then when choosing, preference should be given to delicate and monochromatic shades.

It should be noted that country style involves a large amount of natural light, so you need to give preference to such tones as:

  • lactic;
  • light gray;
  • beige.

All these colors are as calm and muted as possible, but you should not make the interior exclusively in pastel colors. To add a little variety to your room design, you can use companion colors. These include:

  • turquoise;
  • Orange;
  • olive;
  • light green.

When choosing a companion color, you need to make sure that it blends harmoniously with the main color and does not draw attention to yourself. Window decor should not be a separate spot, the window should complement the overall picture in an advantageous way.

What are the patterns on the curtains for Provence

  1. Floral print. This is the most typical and common pattern. However, the flowers in this case should be as small as possible.
  2. Floral ornament also does not lag behind in popularity. Abstract floral patterns will help bring freshness to the kitchen. Often the stems of plants or a vine are depicted.
  3. The cage also takes place in the design of windows. In the overwhelming amount, this is a white-red or white-blue small cell. It is noteworthy that for the design of Provence-style curtains, you can also use a large Scottish one.
  4. The strip will help bring a little sea freshness and coolness to the rustic interior. The most common color combinations are white with blue or blue. Less commonly used shades of green, purple, yellow and red.
  5. Bird or animal prints. Images of roosters are very popular. They are the symbol of France.

What is the best length to choose

Curtain selection criteria
For the kitchen, it is best to give preference to short curtains. First of all, it should be understood that this is a kitchen and there is a lot of fat - the curtains will have to be washed very often. And short curtains are much easier to care for. In addition, short curtains make it possible to efficiently use the space.

From a stylistic point of view, Provence is best conveyed by short curtains. However, the option with long curtains is also possible. Despite the length, the curtains should be light and airy.

Which curtain material should I choose?

Natural, and better homespun fabrics can fully convey the aesthetics of Provence.

The following materials are often used:

Stylish curtains for the kitchen
  • linen;
  • cotton;
  • batiste;
  • chintz.

All of the above fabrics are natural, so they are great for decorating Provence-style windows. In addition, they do not fade and keep their shape well.

What are the best mounts to use?

It is noteworthy that the type of fastening should be selected depending on the material that is used. So, fasteners can be of several types:

  1. Wooden. This is a classic country style option.
  2. Metallic. If you choose metal fasteners, then pay attention that forged elements are present on them. They will help to emphasize the spirit of Provence.

As a result, it should be noted that the curtains for the kitchen in the Provencal style are an excellent solution for those who want to bring a little coziness and simplicity. At the same time, such curtains will help to make a special accent, as well as add lightness and airiness to the design.

Photo examples of the design of curtains on the window

Kitchen window design
Kitchen curtains
Stylish curtains for the kitchen
Stylish curtains for the kitchen
The choice of curtains for the kitchen
Features of the choice of curtains
The choice of curtains for the kitchen
How to sew your own kitchen curtains

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