How to clean a gas stove grate: universal methods, how to clean stainless steel and steel grates

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Cleaning the stove from all kinds of dirt is a boring routine work that requires a lot of free time from the hostess. The surface of a household appliance can be cleaned quite simply, but you will have to tinker with the grate, because a huge amount of dust and soot collects here. Such complex contaminants are not easy to remove, but there are several simple ways that can simplify this task. From the article we will learn how to wash the grate of a gas stove with improvised means and chemical solutions.

Gas stove grate

Cleaning nuances

The element in question suffers more than others from the accumulation of dirt. Such parts have a complex design, are poorly cleaned, so housewives begin to take care of them last. At the same time, dirt builds up and builds up. It becomes more and more difficult to remove carbon deposits from metal.

On the rods, first of all, fat settles, which got here from the pan during frying cutlets or cooking soup. Stubborn dirt can be easily wiped off a flat surface of a household appliance, but how to clean a cast-iron grate from a gas stove? You have to sweat a little here.

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Grill cleaning

After getting on the elements of kitchen equipment, the fat sticks tightly, it sticks to the metal after the moisture evaporates. Further, dust settles in these places and permanent pollution is obtained. After contact with open fire, they literally eat into surfaces. If you do not take timely measures, then carbon deposits begin to destroy the structure of the metal.

Not every housewife knows how to clean the grate on the gas stove. For this, improvised means and chemical reagents are used, made on the basis of acids, as well as containing abrasives. The use of a particular product depends on the degree of contamination. When removing obsolete carbon deposits, soak before using abrasives (soda, sand or scouring powder) the product for several hours in water, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result, you will rub it for a long time and uselessly rods.

Solutions based on alkalis and acids perfectly remove carbon deposits and other deposits, but such substances give off a pungent odor, so they are used only when necessary when other products powerless. How to clean grease from a gas stove grate? It is best to clean as soon as it gets dirty, before the grease is still in the grate.

Cleaning the gas stove grate

Versatile cleaning methods

Gas grids are made of the following materials:

  • stainless steel;
  • cast iron alloy;
  • enameled steel.

There are several simple products that can be used to clean any of these materials. Let's get acquainted with them in more detail.

Baking soda

Before use, the specified agent is diluted with water to obtain a thick paste. It is spread evenly on the wire rack. The product is left for an hour so that the soda can eat away stubborn fat, then rub it with a metal brush and a soft kitchen sponge. After carrying out such procedures, the part will take on its original appearance.

Cleaning the grate with baking soda

Boiling water

We heat the oven to the maximum temperature, place a baking sheet in the cabinet, pour water and place the grate there. The liquid must completely cover the product. After a while, hot water will soften the fat and it will easily come off the metal. It is enough to walk over the twigs with a rag, but in some cases you need to use a hard sponge or scraper.

Cleaning the grate with boiling water


Before you clean the gas stove from grease, you need to purchase a steam generator. The specified device perfectly softens stubborn grease contamination after directing a jet of hot steam. The steam generator brush removes carbon deposits from the surface. This unit can be used to clean any parts, including non-removable items.

Steam cleaning the grate


Not everyone knows how to clean the grate on a gas stove. Mustard powder is often used for this purpose. The order of work is as follows:

  • we soak the grate with water;
  • apply a thick mustard solution;
  • leave the part to become limp for 2 hours;
  • wipe the paste with a sponge and rinse with water.

Mustard not only breaks down fat, it is also used for disinfection and cleaning of various surfaces.

Cleaning the grate with mustard

The nuances of cleaning grids made of different materials

Let's get acquainted with the nuances of cleaning each type of grill. Each material must be properly looked after. Let's consider everything in detail.

Cast iron

Not every user knows how to clean cast iron grates on a gas stove. It is difficult to care for such products; when working with a scraper, scratches remain on the surface of the rods. Next, we will find out how to wash the cast-iron grates on the stove.

Cast iron grate

Calcination method

This method is considered one of the most effective. To clean it from stubborn dirt, the grate is kept over a fire or under the fire of a blowtorch. The same operations can be carried out in the house, over the gas stove burner.

Burning fat gives off an intense odor. If such operations are carried out in the house, then the owner needs to open all doors and windows, and also turn on the hood. The product is placed over a gas stove. From time to time, the part is turned so that all surfaces are evenly burned by fire. After intensive heating, the part is wiped with a rag and dried.

There is another method of calcining using sand. The order of work is as follows:

  • A cast iron grate is placed on a sheet of metal.
  • The part is covered with an even layer of sand.
  • They put it on the fire for 2-3 hours. During this time, the fat should burn out; the grate is cooled, washed with water and dried.

River sand can be used not only for piercing, but also for cleaning product surfaces.

Fighting carbon deposits by mechanical means

Scrapers can be used to tackle stubborn dirt. To facilitate the process of scraping off fat and carbon deposits, purchase a special attachment from the store. It is fixed on a small grinder, the device is turned on and the dirt is scraped off.

Car engine fluid will help clean the surfaces. The sponge is impregnated with this solution and the rods are wiped in places of maximum accumulation of dirt, then the product is wiped with a cloth and dried.

Fighting carbon deposits with a brush

Products made of stainless steel or enamelled steel

Special coated metal products are cleaned of grease in the bathroom or directly on the stove. If the stainless steel can be affected by abrasives and household chemicals, then enamel coatings must be handled with special care. Do not scrape such items with a brush or a knife; scratches or chips may soon appear on their surface.

When using chemical compounds during surface treatment, harmful substances are emitted, therefore, you need to work in a mask and goggles. Thus, a person will be able to protect his eyes and respiratory organs.

Use of chemical compositions


For cleaning products from contamination, it is recommended to use products labeled "Anti-fat". The paste is spread on the surface of the product and wait for the time indicated on the package. After that, the grate is wiped with a sponge and washed under running clean water.

Stainless steel can withstand corrosive compounds and abrasive particles, but when used with such materials must use personal protective equipment (goggles, rubber gloves and respirator). After work, hands are thoroughly washed with water.


Dissolves grease on stainless steel rods or enamel coating. The product is taken out into the yard and placed on a deep baking sheet. Next, the part is poured with vinegar and left to infuse for 2-3 hours. During this time, the fat should dissolve, then the dirt is removed with a rag. When working with vinegar in an apartment, you need to open the windows, which will improve air exchange and remove toxic fumes.


Laundry soap

Not everyone knows how to clean the grate of a gas stove. There is one simple and affordable method for this. We collect hot water in a basin and rub laundry soap on a grater (instead of it, you can add dish detergent to the liquid). We place the product in the solution for a day. In the morning we wipe off the dirt with a hard sponge or scraper.

Laundry soap


A clean kitchen is the key to the health of all household members. It is much more pleasant to cook food on a gas stove that is cleaned to a shine than on a dirty household appliance. The grille should not spoil the overall impression of the interior of the room, so always keep this part clean.

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