Growing onion-seedling from seeds

For many years I have been growing onion seed from the seeds - black cherry. This culture at first glance seems simple. In fact, at first cultivation of onion-sowing brought many disappointments. Previously, for planting, I purchased onion seeds from the grandmothers market. Most often they turned out to be of low germination, and sometimes completely out of sync. Apparently, this was due to the wrong storage of the seed. With good germination, the bulbs of the sowing were non-standard - very small or large.


Now, having gained some experience, I do not admit past mistakes. Failures behind, cultivation of onions, black-and-white sowing brings joy.

For sowing I grow onion seeds - Chernushku - myself. Most importantly - do not be late with their cleaning, because they ripen unevenly (some are only at the stage of wax ripeness, while others are already showered). I clean the testes in which they are, when the "caps" begin to crack. "Hats" I scatter on the sacking for seeding the wax ripening seeds. The black one ripens in two or three weeks. I store seeds in a cool dry place.

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In spring, one of the most important moments is not to be late with sowing.


2-4 days before the expected sowing of the box with seeds of onion grind over a bucket or a basin of water. Varied, heavy seeds settle down. Scales and lungs are not different, floating from above, merge with water. Chernushku, settled on the bottom, washed with water, two days stand in water at room temperature with the addition of a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Маргацовка disinfects from viral, fungal diseases, gives nutrition to the seed, promotes friendly shoots. Water needs to be changed several times.

Then wrap the black in a cloth and stand for 1-2 days at room temperature, making sure that the tissue was wet. During this time, almost all the onion seeds begin to germinate. I mix them with chalk so that they differ in color from the soil, and I saw them in the garden. Everything, Chernushka is ready for sowing. If the weather is unfavorable (frost, snow), then put the prepared onion seeds in a cold cellar or refrigerator before the favorable weather. If they are left in a warm place, then they will germinate, and the shoots are easily broken off - there will be nothing to sow.

The place for sowing in the garden is open, sunny, dry. I sow in the beds where cucumbers, beans, cabbage, and potatoes used to grow. Since autumn I fill the beds with humus. In the spring I make, based on 1 m2 per 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, nitroammophoski and a handful of wood ash. When sowing onion seeds I use two methods.


The first generally accepted is sowing ribbons on a 1 m wide ridge. One tape is 12 stitches with a distance of 8 cm between them. For the formation of grooves during planting I use specially made 12-line rakes, but it is possible to make grooves with the sharp end of the chopper. The grooves are gently closed with the back side of the rake, I slightly compact the soil with a plank or shovel, mulch humus.

Recently, more and more often I use another way of sowing onion seeds. On the prepared (dug up from autumn) soil I measure tape-beds 1 m wide. I do not form ridges, but simply level with rakes. But if your site is in the lowlands, you must make a ridge. Chernushku, mixed with chalk, I sow on the aligned, without lines of soil surface in the tapes at the rate of 10 g seeds per 1 m2. I scatter the seeds visually, so that they lie on the surface at a distance of 1 cm from each other. I fall asleep with their loose, moist soil layer no more than -2 cm. Then the soil surface is slightly compacted, mulched, as in the first method. A week and a half later, there are amicable shoots of onion-seedling. The second method of sowing is good because the seeds that have gotten together, later, when forming the bulbs, push each other aside, find and occupy a vacant place in the garden. And the sowing thus forms the same size.

Shoots do not thin out. If the dry weather is in May-June, water the beds 1-2 times a week at the rate of 5-10 l / m2. In July, I stop watering, as the bulbs are ripening. Crops of onions I keep clean, in due time I destroy weeds.

Seeding rates of onion seeds (black cherry) of the first class are 7-8 kg per 10 hundred parts or 700-800 g per 1 weave.

Signs of ripening onion-seedling - lodging and yellowing of leaves. Even if the leaves did not turn yellow completely, I still pull it out. At once at it I delete leaves, I spread in the sun a thin layer to ripen, dry.


I keeponionat a temperature of 17-18 ° C. Higher temperatures are undesirable, since the bulbs will go into the arrow when planted next spring.

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