The toilet in the dacha is an integral part of comfort, full-fledged existence. Acquiring an absolutely clean plot of land, the first thing we install is this building. This is not only natural, but even necessary. The erection of this building does not require any special projects. Whoever has a little friendship with joiner's tools can build a cottage toilet with their own hands. Step by step we will consider this process in detail. Now there are many modern alternatives to the stationary structure, some of which we will also describe below.
.- Summer room - variants of constructions
- Requirements for the construction of a cottage
- We build a toilet in the villa area with our own hands
- Country toilet - cleaning the cesspool
- WC toilet toilet bowl - what to choose
- A peat toilet is an alternative to the usual
- A peat toilet for a summer cottage - which is better?
At the dacha you can do without many convenient, important constructions: a shed, a swimming pool, a cellar, a barbecue oven, but without a toilet - in any way.
Getting started, you need to consider many factors. The most important thing is sanitary and hygienic standards. Your toilet should not cause inconvenience to neighbors, so the location of the building, competent arrangement of the cesspool, ventilation should be worked out during the design.
The toilet is summer, photo:
The equipment of the cesspool, the method of cleaning it, is also an important nuance, which directly depends on the groundwater flow. If the groundwater is high, then you will have to find alternative options, since a pit can not be done. With a low passage of groundwater, the pit must be exceptionally airtight.
↑ to the contents ↑.Summer room - variants of constructions
The simplest, most common option is a wooden lavatory. Even a beginner can build it, it will be inexpensive for the cost of building materials. If desired, this design can easily be transferred. For plating the frame is used a board, lining, sheets of particle board, with the imagination sometimes pretty nice options are obtained. The simplest, cheapest option is to cloak out board boards.
Registration of summer cottages, photo:
A more thorough structure of metal sheets is constructed in two ways.
The first option - the sheets cover the same wooden frame, in the second - the base of the frame is made of metal pipes, to which later sheets of iron or slate are attached. The shaded part of the site is the best place for such a toilet, as in the summer the sun will heat the metal, giving you discomfort when you visit. From the inside, such a structure can be polished with foam or styrofoam.
Stationary brick construction will require more time for erection, as well as the availability of building skills from the builder. Here you need to think in details ways to clean the cesspool, the possibility of a convenient entrance (for example, a sewer machine) to the structure.
The country house type "Luft-klouzet" does not have any significant differences from the stationary version, the whole feature is the design of the cesspool. In this case, its walls, the bottom must be sealed, and it must have an elongated shape.
This feature will improve the optimization of the process of waste disposal, a more convenient installation of sewerage hoses. A significant "minus" of latrines of the type "Luft-kloset" is the impossibility of using them during the winter.
Toilet peat cottage refers to alternative options for the closet. In this case, the waste immediately poured peat, and when the sewer tank is filled, it is removed, the processed content is removed. More details about the operational functions of peat toilets will be written below.
↑ back to content ↑Requirements for the construction of a cottage
With the construction of the lavatory, there are many nuances, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the winds, the possibility of unobstructed entrance of the sewer truck to the structure, the distance from the cesspool to the point with water (no more than 25 meters). If nearby are located other buildings, the distance from them to the toilet should be at least 5 meters. Often the closets are installed at a distance. But so that to the border of the neighboring fence was not less than 1 meter. Make sure that when you open the toilet door, your neighbors can not see anything.
.A country toilet with a cesspool is a solid structure, which should be relatively spacious. The most common, convenient building options are the "birdhouse" and "hut". If you want to have a place to turn around, the "birdhouse" type will suit you.
If we consider the construction from the point of view of the effect of atmospheric precipitation, then the type of "hut" here wins.
The whole "attack" of rain and snow will fall on the roof, which near the "hut" reaches almost to the ground level, while the walls will remain dry.
Both types of buildings allow to equip a country toilet without a sump, by placing a removable tank near the base of the building or near it, where waste will be collected. It can be a welded metal container, a special bucket, a suitable plastic tank or a wooden tank with peat, tar, sand. The presence of a foundation is preferable for any type of structure.
The cesspool is the main element of the cottage toilet, in order to determine its volume, it is necessary to know that at constant use on one person should be allocated approximately 50-60 liters (according to calculation - 3 month). As mentioned above, it must be airtight, so that the impurities do not come into contact with the aquifers. Properly equipped clay lock (20-30 cm thick) around the pit is an indispensable requirement for the construction of a summer cottage.
↑ back to content ↑We build a toilet in the villa area with our own hands
If you are building a toilet for the first time, please note that it is easier to build a wooden structure. The tree is a relatively inexpensive building material, it is easy to work with, it keeps the heat well, environmentally friendly. Let's consider this option in more detail. For the arrangement of the frame you will need wooden bars, a cross section of 40 × 40 (or slightly larger) is optimal. Select the material of the skin to your liking: lining, a standard board or even a block house will look quite appropriate. The roof can be covered with unduline, slate, roofing paper.
The base, the frame of the future toilet, photo:
To build a "birdhouse" type toilet, you can use a standard drawing, and you can connect fantasy, develop your own individual variant. Typical sizes of the dacha toilet: the rear wall is 2 meters, the facade is 0 meters, the width of the building must be at least 1 meter, the roof is one-pitched, the cesspool has a pit, the base is not less than 1 × 1 m.
.Building materials that you will need: solid sand and cement blocks, wooden beams, sand, board, lining (sheathing), ruberoid. You will also need a chipped brick, a profile steel sheet, paint or varnish, a door block, hinges, a handle, bolts, nails. For the arrangement of the frame, it is preferable to choose an edging board made from solid wood (for example - larch, beech), stock up with metal corners, screws.
Toilet by the hands of the villa, the stages of work:
- First of all, proceed to the cesspool, its approximate parameters should not be less than 2 m, the dimensions of the cesspool determine the dimensions of the building itself. The bottom of the pit is covered with a crushed brick or gravel of a large fraction.
- Sand-cement blocks (they can be replaced with concrete curbs) will be the foundation. We install them at the corners of the pit - this is the basis of the future framework.
- On blocks of stela ruberoid, about 4 layers - this is the necessary waterproofing.
- The wooden frame consists of 4 supporting supports (vertical). The bars, which are placed in the middle, should extend beyond the boundaries of the case of the closet by approximately 35-40 cm. The protruding part from the front is a future visor, part of the rear is the removal of sediments from the wall of the structure. Tying is made at the level of the place where the toilet will be installed. The height of the toilet seat should be comfortable - 40-45 cm from the floor.
- For greater strength of the frame, we establish diagonal ties of rigidity on the back wall, as well as the side walls of the closet.
- The frame of the door unit consists of two vertically mounted supports with a horizontal jumper at the top.
- We trim the frame with the selected material, lay the board on the floor (not less than 4 cm thick).
- Saw a hole in the floor of the appropriate size, the shape can be any.
- We install the door unit with the door, if desired, cut out the window.
- We lay the roof of the latrine with the chosen coating (ruberoid, ondulin, slate, other).
- We cover the structure with paint or varnish.
The device of a cottage toilet with a cesspool implies a well-equipped ventilation system. It is important that the unpleasant odors from the pit do not stagnate, freely come out. The discharge pipe can be made of any material, but its diameter must be at least 10 cm. In the pedestal of the toilet, as on the roof, it is necessary to cut holes of the appropriate size. The upper end of the pipe should rise at least 20 cm above the roof of the building. The distances between the pipe and the cut-out point must be carefully sealed, and a ventilation vent (on the upper outlet of the pipe) should be installed (it creates traction). Inside the building, it is possible to sew with expanded polystyrene or any other suitable covering material.
Spread tubes, photo:
Country toilet - cleaning the cesspool
There is no such person who would feel comfortable inhaling unpleasant smells. Street (country) closet, of course, can not be a source of pleasant scents, but advanced biotechnology successfully cope with this problem. Today, there are special chemicals that not only block unpleasant odors, but recycle waste into liquid, oxygen, carbon dioxide.
Many summer residents do not have the right information about these chemicals, believing that chemicals can damage the environment, plants. This is not so - high-quality biologics (such as "Vodogray") are absolutely harmless to human health, ecology (confirmed ISO-9002).
Separately it is worth mentioning biogranules - a very convenient, necessary invention. Biogranules for country cesspool toilets - reviews are exceptionally positive, as their microbiological composition includes enzymes, non-pathological bacteria. Biogranules are harmless to the environment, human and animal health, and were awarded the 2001 international medal Ecologically Safe Products.
This remedy destroys bad odors, decomposes feces, toilet paper, while the products of vital activity are quickly processed, become a turbid liquid without a smell. This fluid can later be safely poured, for example, under a tree or other convenient place. The use of bio-granules solves the problem of cleaning, draining impurities: they not only process the contents of the cesspool, but also reduce its volumes at the end of the process.
Before using inside the cesspool, you should pour the water, and then apply the drug according to the attached instructions. Each 7 days should be poured water, make one packet of bio-granules (25 g). If the cesspool contains a lot of liquid, you can fall asleep at once a few sachets. In the second case, the preparation is premixed with water, and then poured into the pit. It should be taken into account, if earlier you have poured chlorine into it, then ordinary biogranules will not work - such a medium will destroy them. For these cases, there is a special type of drug - "Septic Biogranules".
Two or three days after the application of the product, a kind of film is formed on top of the waste, which, as it were, "preserves" the unpleasant odor inside. Then follows the decomposition process, which can slow down if your cesspit is just dug, that is, not brickied, not protected. However, a positive result will be in any way. If you want, that you had a country toilet without a smell, then choose biogranules - an environmentally friendly remedy.
↑ back to content ↑WC toilet toilet bowl - what to choose
The toilet is comfort and convenience. Often, in the country lavatories you can see the usual ceramic stools, the same as those installed in urban apartments. This is an incorrect choice, since most toilet models have a curved flush direction. This waste is washed away with a large amount of water, so this configuration is acceptable. The toilet bowl for the country toilet, on the other hand, must have a direct "exit" so that the contents go unimpeded to the inside of the cesspool. In addition, ceramic toilets are very heavy, which is also not very convenient for a summer cottage.
An excellent alternative for the country option will be a special plastic toilet. It has a small weight, performs all the necessary functions, it does not have a bent "exit it is designed specifically for such street buildings. A toilet bowl made of durable plastic is relatively inexpensive. The models are quite diverse.
If we are striving for comfort, then we need to take into account all the nuances, all the little things. Such a pleasant trifle, especially necessary in the winter, will be a warm toilet seat. To visit a street toilet in winter is not very comfortable, for health is also not good. The seat is exactly the part that directly contacts our body. The plastic seat keeps the cold well, this distinguishes it from the thermal seat made of foamed polypropylene.
The seat is warm for a dacha toilet suitable for any street closet or toilet bowl. The product is made of hygienic material, which keeps the heat even in severe frost. This invention comes from Finland, and the Finns know how to deal with the cold. It is very easy to install, it does not absorb moisture, it is easy to take care of, it is resistant to weather manifestations. The product has a modern exterior design, there is a cover made of the same material. The thermal seat for the country toilets is made from a foam analogue, so it is absolutely harmless to human health, to the environment.
↑ back to content ↑A peat toilet is an alternative to the usual
To arrange such an innovation in your dacha anyone can, since such latrines do not imply the presence of a cesspool. This option is great when you can not install a stationary structure (high ground water flow). These buildings are characterized by a simplified design - you do not need much time or effort to install everything. We are talking about peat lavatories - an innovation that appeared relatively recently, but has already positively proved itself among summer residents.
Peat blossom, photo:
The models of peat masonry have aesthetically attractive design, but if desired, you can "simplify" this device. For a typical country toilet with a toilet bowl without a sump, a removable container is installed, and a bucket with peat filling is placed next to the stool. He did his job, reached out his hand to a bucket of peat, scooped a peat mix with a special sovoch, poured it into the toilet - that's the whole process.
The principle of operation of such a device is the transformation of impurities into compost (biodegradation) due to the action of active components. Peat or peat mixtures play this role in peat biotoilets. Near the toilet there is a box with peat. After the impurities get inside the corresponding tank, they are poured on top of this filler.
Branded peat toilets are equipped with a special dispenser installed near the top tank for peat mixes. This is a very convenient device: you pull the handle, there is a kind of "flushing" - the dose of peat is sent down, falls asleep waste. From this moment, the disintegration of feces begins, the absorption of liquid, so that an unpleasant odor is blocked. When the capacity is full, it can be easily released, since all wastes have already been processed, will become fertilizers.
These devices require simple maintenance: impurities are removed from the storage container, the capacity itself is washed, a new portion of the peat substrate is added, the toilet is again ready for operation. You can buy a ready-made set of such a closet, and you can install a wooden structure (as described above), or simply put the finished plastic country cottage toilet (you can buy used toilets of low toilets at low price). You will only have to put inside the "box" toilet bowl with a removable tank to collect sewage, periodically clean it.
When the storage capacity is filled to one-third, it is recommended to release it. Treated waste is best stored inside the composter, after a while you use them as a fertilizer for your garden, garden.
↑ back to content ↑A peat toilet for a summer cottage - which is better?
When buying a product, pay attention to the following characteristics:
- The dimensions of the product - you should be comfortable using it (the height of the toilet seat is important), the whole device should fit in the cab proportionally.
- The amount of storage capacity should not be too large or too small. Consider the number of people, the frequency of using the restroom.
- If the toilet will be used by two people, then too large a tank will have to be cleaned with half-empty (the waste should not be long inside the container).
- Consider the load on the toilet seat, the strength, the thickness of the material should depend on the weight of the heaviest user.
As for the producers of peat toilets, the most positive reviews were the products of Russian firms "Compact-ECO "Piteсo country-house toilets of peat Finnish "Ekomatic L & amp; Biolan Komplet Swedish composting bioklosets «Mulltoa». Prices vary - depend on the quality of the manufacturer. On such a necessary matter as a toilet, you should not save - good equipment will serve your family for several decades, and this is a weighty reason.
Whichever type of closet you choose, the main thing is that it is convenient for you to use it so that neighbors do not complain. How to build a cottage toilet with their own hands step by step, how to equip the "dry" peat moss, what should be sanitary requirements for the erection of this building - you now know, and therefore you can tell others about it summer residents.
Photo of toilets in the country: