Growing of an early onion for sale

In the practice of Russian vegetable growing many years ago, an ultra early variety of onion, Ellan appeared. It is deduced (removed) on faculty of vegetable growing of the Kuban state agrarian university. Since 1997 it has been zoned for the Krasnodar Territory. Consider the cultivation of onions in various ways - by seeds and through seedling.


  • Features of agrotechnics of cultivation of onions Allan
  • Cultivation of onions for sowing seeds in the ground
  • Cultivation of onions - through sowing

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Features of agrotechnics of cultivation of onions Allan

This is a winter variety that belongs to a group of short-day forms. Bulb it forms at a relatively short May day. In June, ready to clean.

At this time, an acute shortage of food onions is created, since a new crop traditionally grown varieties have not yet formed, and the stocks of stored onion are already expended. Cultivation of onion Allan allows to relieve tension in the consumption of fresh onions in summer.

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Onion varieties of the cultivar Ellan in the spring culture form 3-6 short leaves and small onions weighing 20-40 g. In winter culture, 6-9 leaves of 30-50 cm long and bulbs weighing 80-120 g are formed.


Bulbs of round and round-flat shape, protected from above by one or three dry cover scales of yellow or straw-yellow color. Juicy scales white, loose structure, wide. The taste of the bulbs is sweet. The productivity of the onions in the winter crop is 200-450 kg per hectare or 20-45 tons per hectare.

It can be grown by sowing seeds in summer-autumn terms (winter crop) and planting of sowing in the autumn-winter or early spring periods.

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Cultivation of onions for sowing seeds in the ground

With this growing method, seeding times are selected so that the plants form with a shorter length of the day and form 4-5 leaves and a small bulb by winter.

For the central zone of the Krasnodar Territory, this period is determined by the period from 10 to 20 September. At an early planting time, plants are formed to winter by powerful, well overwinter, but having sufficient supply of nutrients, they can form germs of generative organs and in spring begin fire.

At a delay with crop they leave under the winter weakened, at a cold temperature freeze. In addition, weakened plants form small bulbs much later.

Forcultivating onionsIt is necessary to irrigate a plot with an aligned relief, not flooded by winter-spring. The best predecessors are the cultures, early liberating fields and not drastically depleting the soil. Vegetable crops include early potatoes, early cabbage and cauliflower, cucumbers, zucchini, early tomatoes.

In the field crop rotation, predecessors may be winter cereals or fodder crops - cereal-bean mixtures for green fodder, annual grasses. These crops are cleaned early, it becomes possible to treat the soil by the type of half-steam and to maximally cleanse of the weeds.

The main treatment begins with peeling immediately after harvesting the previous crop. Bulking is carried out by heavy disc harrows to the maximum depth. After that, add phosphorus-potassium or full fertilizer at the rate of 600 g per hundred square meters or 60 kg per hectare and plow to a depth of 25-27 cm or treated with flat-mills.

If the soil is amenable to good processing, it can be limited to disking. If necessary, conduct provocative watering. Before sowing, one or two cultivations are carried out in order to destroy germinating weeds and smooth out the microrelief of the soil.


Sowing is carried out by vegetable seeders. The depth of seeding, cm, that is, somewhat deeper than in spring sowing. This is due to the fact that a deeper seal makes for a better wintering of the plants.

The greatest safety of plants is noted with deep seeding (, see). However, for heavy soils this is a critical depth, since at sowing to a depth of 5 cm only 50% of the cotyledons are carried to the surface of the soil.

The sowing scheme is preferable to the one in which as many of the plants with the optimum feeding area are placed per unit area. The rate of sowing seeds under the complete scheme of 40 + 40 + 60 cm is 800 g - 1 kg per hundred parts or 8-10 kg / ha of first-class seeds. An increased norm is dictated by the partial death of plants in winter.

In addition, during the summer-spring vegetation there is a high temperature, which contributes to the rapid drying of the upper soil layer and the death of immature plants. Even with regular irrigation, some plants die, especially when the cotyledons begin to grow and the first real leaf is formed. Such a phenomenon is characteristic of any varieties of onions and is observed in the spring term of sowing, and in summer, this is particularly pronounced.

The soil at the depth of the seeding of the onion seeds must be constantly moistened, especially during the time from sowing to the formation of the first real leaf. The period from seed germination to the formation of the first real leaf is critical for this growing method.

When the air temperature decreases, watering is reduced so that the plants deeper form the root system, which increases their winter hardiness. Less hydration of leaves by the time of the onset of negative temperatures also contributes to better wintering. Care of plants before winter is loosening of row spacing, weeding from weeds, feeding with phosphorus-potassium or full NPK fertilizers (300-350 g per hundred or 30-35 kg per hectare).

In the hot summer-autumn period, it is necessary to monitor the appearance of tobacco thrips and treat crops from this dangerous pest, which can lead to severe oppression of plants. It is necessary to provide for measures to combat wireworms when the area is densely populated.


Before leaving for the winter, one should plant the plants one third of the height, which will make it easier for them to endure the frosty period. The highest percentage of overwintering is observed in the early stages of sowing. At a delay with crop the safety of plants decreases.

Early onion starts to vegetate early, so it is important to fertilize plants with nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of 30-40 kg / ha. Fertilizer is applied on frozen soil superficially. During the vegetation of the row-spacing, the onions are cultivated with cultivators with pruning working organs or rippers, and weeding.

In April-May, intensive bulb growth begins, so in the first decade of growth, fertilization of plants with a full mineral fertilizer with a predominance of phosphorus-potassium nutrition should be carried out.

Depending on the conditions of vegetation, it is possible to shoot the plants. Therefore, as the arrows appear, they must be broken. Arid spring spend one or two watering.

In the epiphytoty of peronosporosis, the first signs of plant damage begin to appear in the first ten days of May. To prevent diseases in early May, you should conduct preventive spraying of onions with contact copper-containing preparations or systemic fungicides. Then follow the progress of the disease and conduct appropriate treatment. If the year is favorable, then the plants form an onion before infection spreads.

For varieties of short-day forms, an important factor is the active formation of leaves in early spring. The larger the leaf surface is formed in the first decade of May, the earlier and larger bulb, so all agricultural equipment should be directed to obtaining powerful, well-developed plants to beginning of May.

In the second and third decades of May there is an active growth of bulbs. By the end of May, their formation is almost complete - you can begin harvesting and selling bulbs with a green feather.

In the first half of June the leaves lie down, and dry cover scales form. By harvesting proceed with a 50-60 percent lodging of the leaves. The harvested onion is placed in rolls for dosing for 6-7 days, then the leaves are cut off and taken to the vaults. Harvested onions can be stored for five to six months or more.

The grown onions allow to satisfy the needs of the population, the processing industry throughout the summer-autumn period.

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Cultivation of onions - through sowing

In the absence of irrigation, Ellan's onion can be grown as a two-year-old culture through sowing.

The sowing is grown by sowing seeds in the soil in the early spring period, sowing is made with strips of 10-20 cm width and more with a seed consumption of 60-70 kg / ha. The strip method contributes to obtaining a planting material leveled along the fractions.

Care is the following: loosening rows, weeding, chemical treatments against pests, diseases. Terms of ripening sowing - the end of June - the beginning of July. Cleaning begins to hold when lodging 50-60% of the leaves. To delay with cleaning it is impossible, as it leads to large losses of a crop, and at precipitation occurrence the secondary growth is possible, that sharply reduces its keeping quality.

The harvested crop is left for 7-8 days in a field for solar drying. During this time, it ripens, the leaves wither, the neck becomes thin, the bulbs are covered with dry scales. After drying, it is collected in boxes, transported to storage.

In dry, hot weather, when the dried leaves are fragile, spend the runoff on the machines on the type LLS-6 or manually, and then passed through the sorting of SLS-7, where the cleaning and separation of bulbs takes place faction. Calibrated on the fractions of the sow are packed in boxes, stored in a ventilated room for storage. The best planting material is a seedling with a diameter, The crop yield is 6-10 tons per hectare.

Onions are planted in the field 2-3 weeks before the onset of a steady cooling, with the expectation that it will take root, but not grow. For the central zone of the Krasnodar Territory - this is the end of October - the beginning of November.

It is also practiced early-spring planting season, in the February thaw. With the early planting of seedling plants, the supply of nutrients is spent on the formation of leaves, with the onset of frost these leaves become frozen, and weakened plants often die.

Bulbs rooted, but not overgrown, in anabiosis, well tolerate low winter temperatures. In addition, plants of later planting dates are less likely to shoot. The first group ((, cm)) shoots within a range of -12%, is retained after wintering by 50-87%. The number of the second group ( cm) shoots from 6 to 25%, remains at 75-96%.

The sowing is planted by seeders SLE-8A, SLS SLS-12 or manually to a depth of 5-6 cm. The consumption of planting material is 8-20 q / ha. The planting scheme is one-line with a row spacing of 45 cm, or two-line with a distance between the lines of 20 cm and between the bands of 50 cm, or other acceptable schemes with the placement of bulbs in rows in 4-6 cm, so that on a hectare there were 500 to 600 thousand plants.

If, after the landing, warm weather sets in and the soil is moistened, part of the sowing can grow. The bulk grows in February-March. In April and early May there is active growth of leaves, then bulbs are formed. Enters onion until the end of May - beginning of June. By mid-June, the onion is ready for harvesting.


Agrotechnics of breeding stock is similar to the cultivation of onions from onions.

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