How to paint the radiator: paint all types of radiators

Over time, old batteries lose their aesthetic appearance, rust appears, cracks appear on the coating, and paint peels off. Agree, to change the radiator in this case is not the best idea. It is much easier, faster and more economical to repaint the battery. Moreover, to update the appearance of the heater is quite easy.

We will help you in choosing the right enamel composition, explain how to prepare and how to paint the radiator correctly. And also we will designate nuances which should be considered during the work with different types of radiators.

The proposed photo ideas will inspire you to choose an interesting solution and the implementation of a design idea.

The content of the article:

  • Paint requirements
  • Varieties of battery dyeing compositions
    • Benefits of Acrylic Dyes
    • Features alkyd formulations
    • Other types of paint for heating devices
  • The procedure for preparing the battery for painting
    • Methods for removing dust and grease
    • Mechanical removal of old coatings
    • How to get rid of paint by chemical means?
    • Surface priming rules
  • instagram viewer
  • Painting of a radiator of heating
    • General staining technology
    • Nuances of painting aluminum radiators
  • Interesting battery coloring ideas
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Paint requirements

There is not always a material, and in many cases a technical possibility to put a new radiator. It is easier to refresh the outside of the heating appliance, if it is still able to serve. In the event that the battery has already been repaired or it does not heat well, then its better replace with new.

The painting process as such is not particularly difficult, but this does not mean that you can buy any composition and immediately begin to restore the attractiveness of the radiator.

The paint needs to be selected according to certain parameters, and the battery should be carefully prepared. If this is not done, the new coverage will not last long, and soon it will be necessary to repeat the process again.

How best to paint the old radiator

An old cast-iron battery with peeling paint looks very unaesthetic. In addition, the material of its body is subjected to oxidation and rust.

Selecting the composition, it is best to stay on the options specifically designed for heating appliances. But if there is no such label on the label, you should carefully study the instructions and find the data on its heat resistance.

How and what to paint the radiator

To obtain a high-quality, durable and beautiful coating it is necessary to use paint, on the label of which there is an inscription “For radiators”

Paint coating requirements:

  • Heat resistance. The composition applied to the radiator housing must withstand temperatures up to 80-90 degrees and be perfect for the time promised by the manufacturer.
  • Adhesion. It is necessary that the composition has a good adhesion to the painted surface. Not peeled off when heated and alternately heated / cooled.
  • Corrosion protection. The composition must contain anti-corrosion substances so that the coating in direct contact with the body does not cause its destruction.
  • Color fastness Unconditional condition, since radiators are stained for aesthetic purposes, among other reasons.
  • Abrasion resistance. From direct contact with a variety of furnishings, dried things, etc. Coating should not be thinned.
  • Security. It is very important that there are no components harmful to health.

Good paint for radiators must meet all requirements, rather than individual items.

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Staining to protect against aggressive effects

Coloring of the radiator is done to prevent negative effects of moisture and temperature on the material of the body.

Painting to restore the aesthetic appearance

Radiators paint in case of loss of aesthetic qualities after long operation or applying mechanical damage to the coating.

Coloring battery for accents

It is worth painting the battery if there is a need to designate accents in the interior picture

Painting to maintain the tonality of the finish

Paint radiators when carrying out repairs in order to link the color of the finish with heating appliances

Design design of the usual radiator

Non-standard staining can turn a traditional battery into a spectacular art object.

Decoupage technique in the decoration of radiators

You can decorate an old cast-iron battery or a new bimetallic radiator with the use of decoupage technique

Use paint with a metallic effect

Silver or bronze paint will “tie” the battery with both the pompous interior and the high-tech rooms.

Coloring to mask the battery

Properly chosen paint color will help minimize the impact of the device on the interior or even hide it

Staining to protect against aggressive effects

Staining to protect against aggressive effects

Painting to restore the aesthetic appearance

Painting to restore the aesthetic appearance

Coloring battery for accents

Coloring battery for accents

Painting to maintain the tonality of the finish

Painting to maintain the tonality of the finish

Design design of the usual radiator

Design design of the usual radiator

Decoupage technique in the decoration of radiators

Decoupage technique in the decoration of radiators

Use paint with a metallic effect

Use paint with a metallic effect

Coloring to mask the battery

Coloring to mask the battery

Varieties of battery dyeing compositions

When painting the battery, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the technical component of the dye. But aesthetic characteristics play a significant role.

Benefits of Acrylic Dyes

Acrylic paints, which belong to the group of water-emulsion dyes, allow killing two birds with one stone. Their undoubted advantage is that they do not emit harmful substances, are odorless, safe for humans.

They dry quickly (about 30 minutes at a temperature of 18-23 degrees), have water-repellent properties, form a very durable coating that is resistant to mechanical stress.

Acrylic paint suitable for painting batteries

Technical and aesthetic characteristics of acrylic dyes are excellent for heating devices

And, perhaps, the most important thing is that they withstand high temperatures perfectly, maintaining their qualities and not changing their original appearance for seven or eight years.

During this time, they will not get a yellow tint, do not crack and peel. The whiteness of the acrylic dye is 96%, the color is very juicy and bright, and the surface looks like a plastic coating with a slight gloss.

Features alkyd formulations

Alkyd paints are highly heat resistant and are also suitable for painting batteries. In terms of strength, they are superior to acrylic compounds, have anti-corrosion properties, fit well to the surface, forming a smooth and beautiful coating.

However, they are not as safe as water based paints. The solvent in their composition causes an unpleasant odor that remains in the room for at least 24 hours.

Dry paints rather slowly, and the peculiar smell can persist even after drying. Alkyd dyes can only be used in a well-ventilated area, and it is desirable to leave it altogether until the smell has completely weathered.

How to paint radiator alkyd enamel

When working with alkyd compounds, you must take precautions and thoroughly air the room.

Another major drawback is that the paints retain their color for a relatively short time and begin to turn yellow with time. If you do decide to paint the battery with alkyd paint, it is better to choose the composition that forms the glossy finish.

In this case, the period during which the radiator will remain white is increased by about 20%, compared to matte and semi-gloss paints.

Other types of paint for heating devices

Paints based on aluminum and silicate resins forming on the surface is a dense and elastic layer on which cracks do not appear even at temperature differences

Silicate paints are distinguished by high adhesion and do not require preliminary priming of the surface; they are designed to work at very high temperature conditions. Their disadvantage is a strong unpleasant smell.

Another type of paint, which is worth a stop - hammer, which is a kind of alkyd compounds. They form a rather interesting, but very specific coating. After applying them, the surface is not smooth, but as if hammered (hence the name) or with the effect of chasing.

Advantages of hammer paints for painting cast iron radiators

Hammer paints perfectly hide all the irregularities of the cast-iron radiator - a property that is very useful for homeowners with an old heating system.

A significant advantage of hammer dyes is that non-uniform texture will make invisible various roughness, unevenness and other minor defects of radiators.

This property is especially valuable when it comes to painting old cast iron batteries Soviet era, the rough surface of which is completely hidden behind the original coating.

Very often for painting radiators use silverfish, which is a mixture of varnish and aluminum powder. It perfectly maintains heat, it can be applied both on a primer, and on an old covering. However, the paint has a persistent odor, so the room must be well ventilated during and after its application.

How to dilute silverfish for painting the radiator of heating

Serebryanka can be purchased ready for application. You can independently prepare the composition by mixing two parts of aluminum powder with five parts of varnish

Aluminum powder is an explosive substance. The process of self-preparation is quite risky. It is not necessary to resort to it, if the house has easily inflammable structures, and especially small children.

The procedure for preparing the battery for painting

Surface preparation for painting is a stage no less important than the painting itself. Treat it responsibly, because all the flaws and shortcomings that you make in preparation, will certainly affect the quality of color and appearance of the battery. Immediately, we note that all work must be started only after the end of the heating season.

Methods for removing dust and grease

First of all, the battery must be cleaned of dirt and dust accumulated in it. This can be done dry using a vacuum cleaner or a brush, and using a wet method with water and detergents. If there are layers of grease on the radiator, rinse them with conventional dishware. After that, let the battery dry out and proceed to the next step.

Than to clean the battery before painting

Cleaning the battery from the paint can be done with an ordinary metal brush, but this process takes you a lot of time and effort.

Now it is necessary to remove rust and old cracked paint from the heater.

How to do it? There are two ways: mechanical, but it is rather long and laborious and chemical - more simple, but there are some nuances in it, which will be described below.

Mechanical removal of old coatings

To remove the paint mechanically, you will need a metal brush. Everything is simple here - take it in your hands and rub it until you get tired, and you get tired pretty quickly, so it’s better to use a more productive method. The Bulgarian with special nozzles - a brush-gritter or a grinding wheel will help you in the work.

How to prepare a heating radiator for painting

You can quickly and easily remove the old paint using a grinder, which is attached to the nozzle with a metal brush

With this power tool, you can scrape off old paint in a few hours. But be careful, do not work at high speeds, especially for radiators made of non-ferrous metals, because together with the paint you can imperceptibly damage the surface of the battery itself.

It is not necessary to completely remove the paint. On smooth, not cracked areas, a new coating can be applied.

How to get rid of paint by chemical means?

Now we analyze the chemical method. It consists in washing off paint with special compositions, which are in the form of a gel, paste or aerosol. When using gel-like and pasty products, apply them to the entire surface of the battery with a brush with natural bristles, and then to achieve the best effect, cover with plastic wrap.

The exposure time depends on the used means and can be from fifteen minutes to several hours. The exact time is indicated on the label. After the paint has softened, clean it off with a spatula, and the remnants - with a metal brush.

Aerosol washes are convenient in terms of application, they are easy to handle even inaccessible parts of the radiator. The principle of operation is the same as that of helium compositions - after a certain time (15-40 minutes, depending on the medium), the paint softens and is easy to remove with a brush.

Before applying, do not forget to close the surrounding interior items, floor and walls.

How to remove paint with chemical solvents

Under the influence of chemicals, the old paint softens and peels off. Then remove it with a spatula is not difficult

However, chemicals are not as harmless as it seems at first glance. First, they have a sharp unpleasant smell and should be used only in a well-ventilated area. It is advisable to wear a respirator and protective gloves before work.

Secondly, it is not known how the metal will behave when interacting with an aggressive chemical composition. Perhaps he will react with him, and after rinsing off you will find a damaged surface.

Old cast iron batteries are not afraid of modern chemicals. But here you have to be afraid of something else: earlier, hemp (a natural material made from flax or hemp) was used to seal radiators, so it can very easily be corroded by chemistry.

As a result, when the heating season comes, water may splash out of all connections. Therefore, decide for yourself which method of cleaning from the old paint coating is more suitable for you.

Surface priming rules

After the old paint is removed, before proceeding directly to the coloring of the radiator, it is necessary to go through a number of procedures. To remove cracks, scratches and other minor flaws, smooth steel or copper surfaces need to be cleaned with sandpaper. Cast iron batteries are best treated with a metal brush.

Why do I need to apply the soil before painting the radiator

The primer GF-021 has anti-corrosion properties and creates additional protection against rust formation.

Now you need to degrease the radiator and primed. When choosing a primer, you must choose a tool designed for metal, which has anti-corrosion properties and is compatible with paint.

For example, the soil GF-021 is well combined with domestic paintwork compositions. If an imported dye is used for painting the radiator, you can recommend a Dulux or Sigma primer.

Painting of a radiator of heating

So we have reached the main stage - direct staining. Here it is desirable to adhere to the following rule: it is better to apply two thin layers of paint than one thick.

From the first time, it is unlikely that an ideal surface can be obtained, and if you apply paint in a bold layer, the effect will be the opposite: thick and unsightly smudges form on the battery.

Which brush is better to paint the battery

Brush with a curved handle allows you to get to the most inaccessible parts of the battery

General staining technology

For painting, purchase at least two brushes: one regular, the other for hard-to-reach places with a long bent handle. With its help, it is convenient to apply paint on the back walls and internal surfaces of the battery. Before work, fluff the bristles to loose loosely attached hairs.

First, the upper parts are painted inside the battery, then the lower ones. After that proceed to the outer surface. It is also painted from top to bottom. If you start from the bottom, then drops will fall on the painted surface. The second coat of paint is applied only after complete drying of the previous one.

How long it takes depends on the paint, usually this parameter is indicated on the label. If the first layer turned out uneven, then when it dries out, sand the surface with sandpaper, removing all irregularities and smudges.

How best to paint the radiator

Painting the battery should be started from the top to avoid getting the coloring composition on the painted areas (click to enlarge)

Nuances of painting aluminum radiators

All previous tips related to painting cast iron, copper and steel batteries. How to paint a heating radiator made of aluminum? But first it is better to answer the question: is it worth it at all?

Modern aluminum appliances painted in the factory at a professional level with special powder paint. Home painting will not be able to provide high-quality smooth coating.

In addition, if the radiator is still under warranty, then after painting in the home, the manufacturer’s warranty obligations are terminated.

But most likely it is unlikely that someone would think to paint a new radiator. If the device was damaged as a result of transportation or installation, chips and cracks appeared on it, which greatly spoil the appearance, you can use the enamel.

It should be noted that auto enamel paints most effectively and dries quickly only on hot batteries. Drying time at 130 ° C is 20 minutes, and at 20 ° C - up to two days. It is necessary to work in a respirator and with open windows, should be sprayed at a distance of 20-30 cm from the surface. Do not keep the jet in one place for a long time, otherwise the smudges will appear.

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Specificity of dyeing aluminum batteries

Aluminum and bimetallic radiators, the outer side of which is made of aluminum, is almost impossible to paint in the home

Painted bimetal radiator sections

Devices made of bimetal are factory painted with powder paint, which requires skills and equipment to apply. Acquire already painted sections of the required color.

Reasons for restoring radiator coverage

Factory coating is ideal for aluminum. However, the color coating applied by spraying is unstable to targeted mechanical effects.

Self recovery option

Color or monotonous photo printing will help restore the aesthetic qualities of such radiators without using staining.

Benefits of photo printing in recovery

On a flat surface created by the external side of the sections, the photo image of any key and complexity looks great

Application in bathrooms and in kitchens

The coating on the battery surface perfectly tolerates temperature fluctuations, its high and low values.

Waterproofing properties of photo wallpapers

The material on which the original picture is applied perfectly protects heating devices from the effects of steam and water.

Photowall-paper on the screen for radiators

A film with a stylish pattern can be glued not on the radiator section, but on the screen in front of them

Specificity of dyeing aluminum batteries

Specificity of dyeing aluminum batteries

Painted bimetal radiator sections

Painted bimetal radiator sections

Reasons for restoring radiator coverage

Reasons for restoring radiator coverage

Self recovery option

Self recovery option

Benefits of photo printing in recovery

Benefits of photo printing in recovery

Application in bathrooms and in kitchens

Application in bathrooms and in kitchens

Waterproofing properties of photo wallpapers

Waterproofing properties of photo wallpapers

Photowall-paper on the screen for radiators

Photowall-paper on the screen for radiators

You can also remove chips and dents from the aluminum radiator with the help of automotive putty. Pre-degrease the surface and primer it. Then apply a putty with a brush to the desired shade.

If you decide to completely repaint the battery, then remove the old paint is optional. Degrease and prime the surface and apply two coats of alkyd or water-based paint with a spray bottle.

Alternative decor radiator heating - installation decorative screen.

Interesting battery coloring ideas

The white radiator is a classic to which we are accustomed since Soviet times, when almost all the houses were equipped with the same type of cast iron batteries.

The color of the heater, if it affects the heat transfer, it is only to the smallest degree, so nothing prevents to paint the radiator in accordance with the interior of the room.

How interesting to paint the radiator

The battery can be made almost invisible if painted in the color of the walls

Today you can find many interesting design solutions, where the radiator is one of the decorating elements that blend harmoniously into the surrounding space.

You can on the contrary build a composition using contrast, and make the battery an accent that attracts attention by painting it in a bright juicy color.

How to effectively paint the radiator

Red battery on the background of a light interior looks unusual and very impressive

Today it is very fashionable to paint objects using the ombre technique. Its essence lies in the fact that the first sections of the battery are painted in pale, subtle shades, all subsequent ones are a tone or two darker, and for the last sections very bright saturated ones are used colors.

What method can be issued radiator

The battery, painted using the ombra technique, will be a great decoration for any interior.

The most creative design ideas can be embodied in the nursery.

How to paint and decorate a children's radiator

You can paint the radiator sections in different rich colors, paint the battery with interesting pictures, turn it into a zebra or a set of colored pencils

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To make it easy to figure out how to paint the battery, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video on this topic.

The process of removing old paint from a cast iron battery is very well represented on this video:

How to paint the radiator correctly you will learn if you watch the video:

The original ideas of creative painting of cast iron radiators can be found in the following video:

To paint the battery, it is not necessary to have special skills. And although in this, as in any other work, there are certain difficulties, it is enough to simply assimilate them. Observing the technology of painting and knowing all the nuances of work, you will be guaranteed an excellent result.

Do you have practical battery painting skills? Perhaps you are faced with any difficulties at work or want to ask a question? Please leave comments on the publication. Feedback form is below.

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