Curtains for the interior in an eclectic style, photo examples

Eclecticism in the interior is a stylish and deep direction. Things and finishes are combined in the nature of the details, texture and color scheme. A harmonious tandem of several eras and polar stylistic directions.

Curtains in an eclectic design are sewn mainly from dense, natural materials, decorated with original decor, so that they become a bright component of the interior.

Today we will tell you which curtains are best to choose for a room decorated in eclectic style.

The content of the article

  • Varieties of curtains for eclectic style, photo selection
  • Key features of curtains
    • Materials (edit)
    • Patterns and color
    • Decor combinations

Varieties of curtains for eclectic style, photo selection

Explosive and vibrant eclectic design is also called "style without style." A combination of several directions, usually no more than three. Furniture from different eras and currents adjoins here.

Curtains in such an unusual design are selected ideally in order to harmoniously fit them into the interior of the room.

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Interestingly, the eclectic design is perfect for decorating any room, be it a spacious living room, a cozy bedroom or a small kitchen in Khrushchev. Comfort depends on the ability to combine things and finishing materials.

Key features of curtains

Note that curtains are used to add coziness and comfort to the room. They protect against unwanted glances and the penetration of the light of the sun or moon through the window. It is also a stylish decor that can transform a room beyond recognition.

The curtains use a mixture of fabrics of unusual decor and colors.

Materials (edit)

For a comfortable stay, we recommend paying attention to natural linens made of cotton, linen or muslin. They are blown away dearly and decorate the space. Note that such material will be capricious in its care, but the appearance of the room is worth the risk.

Eclecticism as a fashionable trend in design does not prohibit the use of artificial fabrics. For example, polyester is often used for sewing curtains. Original colors and gradients as well as bold prints are presented on the fabric.


The style allows you to be a little daring and experiment. Choose bright curtains with a lot of decor: the design makes it possible to go crazy in this matter. The main thing is that the canvases did not merge with the surrounding space, but stood out effectively, not contradicting the general direction.

Patterns and color

Choosing a color and a suitable pattern is a responsible task. But not in this style. Feel free to experiment here, combine textures and colors. A good solution would be curtains to match the upholsteryas well as bright colors such as orange or blue.


We offer some tips for the correct selection of curtains in the eclectic style:

  • when choosing brightness, consider stylish and expressive prints: they will soften the sharpness of the curtains a little;
  • for curtains in pastel colors, we recommend paying attention to canvases with patterns along the upper or lower edge of the product;
  • bright colors such as purple, deep pink, blue or turquoise are suitable for mixing styles;
  • if the room is made in an ascetic version, combines elements of high-tech style, the curtains are selected in calm colors, but with a clear geometric print;
  • the use of oriental stylistics in design dictates that the curtains be made to match the furnishings and upholstery of chairs.

The fashion trend for today is a combination of calm and bright shades in curtains. A smooth gradient suggests a soft transition from pastels to a frenzy of colors.

Various tricks are suitable as decorations for curtains: ruffles, bows, rhinestones, feathers and much more. Feel free to experiment: the eclectic style presupposes brightness and freedom of thought.

Decor combinations

Designers note that the eclectic style provides for a large number of "chips" that are peculiar only to this direction. Thanks to the high-quality combination, the image of the room becomes bright and unusual.

The decoration of curtains and the choice of canvases directly depends on the design directions used to decorate the room. For example, if it is a renaissance, curtains are allowed decorate with decorative colored feathers.


When combining oriental curtains in bright colors, it is suggested to go all the way and add small rhinestones and beads as decoration. They will emphasize the individuality of the style and decorate the canvases, adding shine.

Different types of draperies of thick fabric curtains look interesting. For example, at the top folds are made small and inconspicuous, and to the bottom the canvas descends already in wide stripes. Smooth, monochromatic fabrics will look good when decorated with stylish rivets or original buttons.

Feel free to experiment and add color to your life. Decorating an apartment get bold, modern designs with original furnishings. A direction that adjusts to your desires and sensations of this world.

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