Fashionable trick in the interior: Color Blocking and how to apply it

One of the latest interesting and easy-to-follow design trends is the creation of color blocks. She came from the world of fashion and immediately became relevant in the interior.

Home decoration in the Color Blocking style is fashionable, dynamic and always memorable.


The content of the article

  • What is Color Blocking?
  • How to fit Color Blocking into an interior - principles
    • Combine incongruous
    • Geometry
    • Drapery
    • Choice of trending colors
    • Bright accents
    • Materials and textures
  • Who should pay attention to the color block first?

What is Color Blocking?

The idea is to apply bright, sharp combinations of different shades in the design of the space: accents are used as boldly as possible, in large areas. Here they don't really think about whether the colors will harmonize with each other, because it is the combination incongruous, sharp transitions and bold contrasts - what is needed to create an unusual and amazing interior.


At first it may seem that the design is too pretentious, catchy and even lurid, but this is not at all the case. With a competent approach to business, a modern and effective interior is obtained, which in any case will delight the owners of the house. The main thing is to approach the design correctly.

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How to fit Color Blocking into an interior - principles

In order not to be mistaken, use several rules and techniques that have been repeatedly tested by designers in practice when designing.

Combine incongruous

Color Blocking is about combining vibrant colors in one room. As a rule, these shades are difficult to accept as a whole and they do not fit well with each other. For example, red and green, blue and pink, emerald and terracotta, scarlet and light green.

Usually, such combinations are a very high risk of getting ridiculous designs, but not when it comes to color-block, because this is exactly the idea of ​​this bright style.

According to the rules, it is appropriate to add up to five different shades to the interior. You can even add bright and very complex combinations.



To achieve the right effect, you need to introduce strict symmetry into the design. Usually the space is divided into several parts - blocks - which are decorated in different colors. The shape of the plots can be completely different - a circle, an oval, a square, a rhombus, a rectangle.

Often, designers highlight special architectural parts of a room with a bright color - arches, niches, doorways.



If you want to evaluate this fashionable technique in advance, try to add bright and unusual curtains to the interior. You can hang plain canvases, or you can take a chance and buy curtains with a geometric large pattern. It is important that the shades of the material are catchy, lively, and spectacular.


Choice of trending colors

In the style, shades are often used that in fact do not combine well and cause a sharp conflict with each other. Therefore, the choice of colors should be approached more than responsibly.

The most relevant are powdery and earthy shades or more classic combinations. If you don't want to be mistaken, feel free to use Itten's circle. With its help, you can work out different combination schemes:

  1. Three colors of adjacent vectors.
  2. Contrast from opposite shades.
  3. Reception "Triad" - two colors from one sector, and one accent.
  4. One dominant, two additional.
  5. One color is the base, three are complementary.
  6. Completely unexpected solutions in four different shades.

It is very easy to overdo it in the color block: a couple of unnecessary items of blue or scarlet color - and the idea fails. Enter no more than two shades - this experiment is considered auspicious.


Bright accents

When decorating a room in a color block, there is one important thing to remember. If you just put a bright carpet on the floor or purchased a red sofa, then this is not Color Blocking. Large-scale spaces should be involved - walls, doorways, massive furniture, ceiling.

The color block does not allow small drawings and patterns. In this case, they are simply inappropriate.


Materials and textures

The use of different fabrics and textures can favorably emphasize the chosen style and create a spectacular room. For example, in Color Blocking, it is permissible to use wood in different shades to decorate floors, walls, or furniture.

It is important to create contrast, but it must also be correct.


Who should pay attention to the color block first?

Color Blocking is all about courage, imagination, freedom and creativity. This style is for those who are constantly demanding new and vivid emotions and for whom drastic changes are simply necessary for life. Color block denies the classics, this is a completely new technique that will help reveal character and enjoy the result. In fact, this is the best option for self-expression, when emotions simply go off scale and they need to be urgently transferred to the interior. In this case, Color Blocking will become an indispensable tool for getting new sensations from what you are doing.


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