How to sharpen an ax depending on the tool

The ax is one of the main tools in the household, and in a private house with a large plot it is completely irreplaceable. Its sharp and right a sharpened blade will greatly facilitate and speed up work, and a blunt tool, on the contrary, will reduce labor productivity and may even harm the owner. For preparation, you will need a grinder, a sharpener, an emery or a file. Let's figure out how to do it correctly and safely.


The content of the article

  • How to sharpen an ax at home
    • Sharpening angle options
    • Chamfer width
  • Sharpening an ax with your own hands: ways
    • On a grinder
    • Grinder
    • Sandpaper
    • Bruscom
    • File

How to sharpen an ax at home

Maintaining an ax in proper shape is not easy. However, it is possible to independently prepare it for work using a standard set of tools. Before you go to the workshop, try to do everything with your own hands.

Theoretical knowledge and technical equipment are the key to a successful event.

Sharpening angle options

To define parameters the purpose of the ax should be determined. There are several standard values:

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  • 40-60 degrees - logging;
  • 30–35 - universal;
  • 20-25 - for finishing works;
  • 15–20 - highly specialized.

The angle directly affects the sharpness of the blade and depends on several parameters. In particular, the nature of the application, the quality of the metal, the type of wood and its moisture content. The main thing to remember is that a tool with an acute angle has to be sharpened more often.


Chamfer width

This parameter affects the durability and sharpness of the tool. The standard for the indicator is 1–2 millimeters. It depends on it, how the ax will enter the tree and how much effort it will take to extract it. At the same time, there is a metal of poor quality. In this case, the chamfer is made on both sides at different angles - 15 and 20 degrees.

Sharpening an ax with your own hands: ways

Sharpening methods are different: using a hand or power tool. Moreover, in both of them, it is important to protect the body and, most importantly, the face, eyes from damage. Better before starting work prepare a template the required angle - this will significantly facilitate further actions. It can be cut out of tin with metal scissors.

On a grinder

The easiest and most efficient way. With the help of an electric grinder, the blade is given the desired shape. At the same time, the quality is higher than with manual sharpening. initially paint over the required processing area with a marker. Further according to the scheme:

  1. The ax is fixed on the machine at the desired angle with the blade in the direction of rotation of the abrasive wheel.
  2. Initially, the circle is turned by hand to check the marker: it should be completely erased from the surface of the blade.
  3. When the planned result is achieved, uniform sharpening occurs on both sides.
  4. Next, the ax is brought at 45 degrees to the circle and the chamfer is removed.
  5. At the end, the blade is trimmed with a sharpener.

It is important to ensure that the metal does not overheat. Better to prepare cold water for cooling.



This method is considered the most dangerous. Masters do not advise using it without sufficient experience with the instrument. In addition to the fact that the metal overheats and loses strength, the angle may be uneven. But if you have certain skills, you can sharpen the ax in this way.

Step by step guide:

  1. Buy a special disc.
  2. Install it on the grinder, remove the cover from it.
  3. Fix the tool in a vise.

The angle will be controlled independently. It is very important here to strictly observe all safety measures.



To do this, you need three types of paper - coarse, medium and fine-grained. The tool blade is pre-cleaned from dirt with a metal brush. Sharpening process is similar to kitchen knives: the material is spread on a flat surface, after which the blade is guided along it in semicircular movements evenly on both sides when the required angle is reached. The method is quite simple, but the longest.


To do this, place the ax so that its blade hangs over the table, press the head to the surface and use a sharpener to bring the tool to the desired sharpness. As soon as a metal burr appears on one edge, it is turned over to the other side. The bar itself is moistened with water.



Method similar to the previous. The blade is cleaned, the ax is fixed and manipulated. In this case, the file does not need to be moistened with water.

In general, when preparing the instrument manually, it is best to combine several options. In this case, the method itself will look like this:

  1. Cleaning the ax blade with a wire brush and sandpaper.
  2. File processing along the chamfer width.
  3. Bringing with a fine-grained moistened bar to the required angle.

At the very end, it is better to lubricate the blade with a special paste to protect it from rust.

The ax is sharpened by hand, but much easier - using a power tool. At the same time, the quality of sharpening will be better than in a workshop. Master adjusts the angle for your own needs. But the most important thing is the pleasure of working with a sharp instrument, sharpened with your own hands.

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