Types of hammers and their purpose: common and unusual

Today, a hammer is more than just a nail tool. He helps to complete all sorts of tasks. Manufacturers have long taken into account the interests of people of various professions, and therefore they make hammers of various types, designed to perform a certain type of work. So, there are joinery, straightening, carpentry, roofing, rock, geological and many others hammers, which, of course, have their own characteristics and each of them has a specific purpose.

The content of the article

  • Hammer design
  • Varieties of hammers
    • Common
      • Carpentry and joinery
      • Locksmith
      • For drywall
      • Welding hammer
      • Bushhammer
      • Tiled
      • Roofers hammer and slate
      • Straightening
      • Mallets
      • Sledgehammers and hammers
    • Specific
      • Concrete Expert's Hammer
      • Back
      • Copper
      • Rocky
      • Geological
      • Hammer of judges and auctioneers
      • Neurologist's hammer
      • Kitchen
      • Surgical
  • What are the handles of hammers

Hammer design

As a rule, any hammer has one - classic - device.

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  1. Sock. Sometimes it is characterized by a bifurcated form - a tooth - and in this case it will already be a nail pull.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Vsad - the hole into which the handle is inserted. To ensure the strength of the connection, a slight expansion is made from the middle upwards.
  4. A wedge is a metal or wood element that provides better handle retention. However, it may not be present at all. In this case, fixation takes place with glue.
  5. The striker is a working striking part. It can be flat or convex, has a sufficient area and strength, which allows it to withstand a considerable number of shock contacts with solid objects without deformation. In cross-section, it is a square, rectangle or circle. In most cases, the head is made of metal, and this is the part that can be modified.
  6. The cheek is the lateral component of the head. It is usually flat. Sometimes contains various accessories.
  7. The handle is usually made of wood, but there are other options. This element plays an important role. It not only determines the force of the blow, since it can be of various shapes and sizes, but is also responsible for safe use of the tool, the degree of human fatigue during work, as well as the durability of the product generally.

@ canberradiamondblade.com.au

Varieties of hammers

Depending on the design and features, they are divided into many types. The improvement of this tool made it possible to use it for different tasks and in any situation.


Most of these hammers are found in ordinary homes - they can be said to be almost universal. In addition, their cost is quite democratic, and therefore any owner considers it necessary to have a couple of species in his arsenal in order to use them in certain situations to facilitate specific work.

Carpentry and joinery

A characteristic feature is the shape of the back. The sock is made in the form of a "dovetail" and is used to extract nails.

These hammers are used in the installation of various supporting and auxiliary structures made of wood, as well as in the grooving and manufacture of products from wood or on its basis. Some species have special slots in the head for nailing or a magnetized firing pin that helps to keep the fasteners in the correct position when working with one hand.

The flat part of the nailer can be straight or curved (like a hook). Its presence expands the functional resources of the tool.

Since for such products, more importance is attached not to the force of the impact, but to its accuracy, the impact part of it is often perfectly flat.

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It resembles a carpentry, but the rear element is made in the form of a wedge, and the firing pin is slightly convex. As a rule, the metal of the striking part is hardened to 45-50 units, which allows you not to fear damage when working with a core or chisel. The handles are usually coated with oil resistant pads.


For drywall

He has a slightly unusual shape. On one side there is a firing pin, and on the other - a hatchet. In fact, it is very convenient when installing drywall structures - they work with the shock part with a wall or ceiling (for example, beat off), and the sheets are cut with a hatchet and / or holes are made.

@ plasteringsupplies.com.au

Welding hammer

This peculiar tool has a round chisel at one end and a vertical chisel at the other.

Its handle has an unusual spiral design, more like a spring. This helps dissipate heat, and the hammer itself is used to remove slag from the weld points after the seam has cooled down.

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This tool can often be found on construction sites. The toe is flat and carefully sharpened, which allows you to quite accurately break the brick, for example by 1/3, and as evenly as possible. They also clean the masonry from the remnants of the solution, beat off the plaster and generally chip off something solid.

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The main thing here is not strength, but an accurate hit and the ability to accurately perform the work. Therefore, the mass of this hammer is very small. But the strength of the head must be quite high. Use the tool only to split the tile and to adjust it.

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Roofers hammer and slate

The structure resembles a carpenter's, except that the back part is not made as a nail clipper, but in the form of two wedges: one short, the other authentic. This tool helps you make holes in fastener materials. And also the wedge can be used to pry the boards.

The hammer of a roofer, as well as of a carpenter, may have a special recess with a magnet for a nail.

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Used for bodywork. Helps to knock out and align the part. Available in different versions. In such a tool, the greatest importance is attached to the strength of the striker so that it is firmly attached to the handle and does not dangle - in this case, the straightening of the body will be more successful. A characteristic feature - the handle of this hammer should not be thick: the product springs during operation, and the thickened handle will only interfere with this. As for the striker, on the one hand, it is made rounded, while on the other, it is square. This gives the tool versatility.

@ avtomag96.ru


Outwardly it looks like a hammer, but the firing pin is slightly increased. Another difference is that they are made of wood or rubber, not metal. The striking part looks like a rectangle or a cylinder.

The types of mallets include a spinning hammer, which is used when assembling furniture.


Sledgehammers and hammers

They are heavy, used by blacksmiths, when breaking stones and other events where enhanced impact power is required. The tools are equipped with blunt and sharp-nosed heads, and the latter are of two types - the toe is located transversely or longitudinally. It can often be seen in the forge, for delivering strong and powerful blows.



The varieties of unusual products and their purpose are more interesting than it might seem at first glance.

Concrete Expert's Hammer

Quite an interesting tool. Other names are Schmidt's hammer, sclerometer. The meter is used in several cases:

  • to reveal the strength of construction from concrete, as well as mortar;
  • find weaknesses in the design;
  • control the quality of the finished object.

The appearance of the product may vary depending on which items are tested.

@ stroy-podskazka.ru


It is a hand tool used to repair the body of a car by creating a retracting force. Unlike the usual variety, it affects the surface not due to deformation during hammering, but, on the contrary, pulls the metal towards itself.

@ stankiexpert.ru


The difference is that no sparks occur during impacts. This feature, as you might guess, is provided by copper. The form, of course, can be different. It is often used by firefighters or gas specialists.

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A special product used by climbers, rock climbers and cavers to fix and remove rock hooks, punching bolts, processing sharp edges of ledges on rocks while providing belay and dr.

@ risk.ru


Also known as a rock pick or geological hammer - for separating and breaking rocks. Field geologists use them to analyze composition and further study them, strength, orientation and nature.

Pickaxes are also used to locate fossils.

@ permneft-portal.ru

Hammer of judges and auctioneers

These are ceremonial props, usually made of fine wood, usually with a figured handle, which guarantees strength and durability when used directly. Often on such items there are inserts from expensive fabrics, precious stones and other decorative elements. Often these hammers are real works of art - engraved, carved and other exquisite details.


Neurologist's hammer

For the initial examination of the patient and the identification of pathologies of the nervous system and reflexes in him. The most important tool for a neurologist. Often it is also equipped with a brush and a needle to test the sensitivity, as well as a centimeter mark on the handle.

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And this is an accessory that can be found literally in any home. Serves for beating meat and softening fibers, as well as preparing it for further cooking. Typically all metal for strength and durability.

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Creates an impact on the files or osteotome for the purpose of dissecting the bone. Almost always it is metal (as a rule, cast iron is used), however, there are also models made of wood. Such a tool has its own varieties, but they are usually classified only by size: small, medium and large. In order to muffle the impact sound, there is a rubber pad on one side of the backing.

@ mydent24.ru

What are the handles of hammers

Made of wood, steel or composite material:

  1. Hardwoods are best suited for wood. They have good cross-sectional strength and a certain degree of elasticity to absorb vibrations of repeated shocks.
  2. Steel handles are more reliable and stiffer than wooden handles, but they transmit more shock to the user and are prone to corrosion. Usually have a contoured synthetic rubber or other elastomer grip.
  3. Combined can be made of fiberglass or epoxy resin, reinforced with graphite fiber. These handles are quite stiff, yet lightweight and durable at the same time.
  4. Fiberglass is much stronger than wood - this hammer is more wear-resistant. Plus, it is unlikely to begin to dry out, and it does not change in size at all.

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