Children's in a marine style: general features, photos with design options

The design of the room in which the child lives must be approached with special attention, because the environment affects the formation of the personality. A marine-style nursery is a timeless classic and an example of competent decoration, appropriate for kids of all ages.

Blue and white shades, themed accessories evoke in children strong associations with the sea, rest in the camp, meetings with friends. A room decorated in the appropriate style will help preserve the memories of summer holidays and provide a good mood for the whole year. But even such a simple, at first glance, decoration has its own nuances that should be learned before starting finishing work.

The content of the article

  • General features, pros and cons of a marine style nursery
    • Advantages
    • Flaws
  • Children's in a marine style: recommendations for creating with a photo
    • Choice of colors
    • Deciding on furniture
    • Decor and accessories

General features, pros and cons of a marine style nursery

The blue and white palette is strongly associated with the Mediterranean. After all, it was here that this design was born, which has become popular all over the world.

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A similar theme can be created if you adhere to the following criteria:

  • competent choice of palette;
  • the influence of the color scheme on the visualization of the room;
  • the use of vintage elements in the decor - a steering wheel, bundles of ropes, original chests;
  • selection of accessories that support the style of the general direction.

Furniture should not be conspicuous and should not play a major role. In this case, the emphasis should be on the thematic elements, and not on the furnishings.

The design has a number of pros and cons that are important to know before starting finishing work.



Positive characteristics:

  1. Versatility. The theme is suitable for a child of any age and will appeal to both boys and girls.
  2. Neutral scale. The best choice of color palette when decorating a nursery - expressive shades, but at the same time calm. When decorating rooms intended for children, psychologists advise avoiding both too bright and faded shades. We can say that the nautical style is a real golden mean.
  3. Space for games. The main drawback of thematic design is its narrow focus. In this aspect, the marine idea can be called "the least evil", because it leaves room for imagination. The child can be the brave Jack Sparrow or the cheerful Robinson Crusoe.
  4. Undemanding to the budget. A stylish interior can be both expensive (with natural wood trim and vintage furniture) and budget, because many things can be created with your own hands.
  5. The possibility of implementation in any area. The design is undemanding to the size of the room - it will look equally organic both in a spacious room and in a small space.
  6. Suitable for any age. This option will appeal to children of all ages: over time, the room from Robinson Crusoe's hideout can turn into a stylish Mediterranean teenager's bedroom.
  7. Compliance with fashion trends. The design meets all modern trends: the use of natural materials, stylish colors, the spirit of the Mediterranean, embodied in the interior.




The disadvantages include:

  1. Narrow subject. Alas, accusations of limiting the imagination of children cannot be ignored. The sea will influence the direction of children's play.
  2. May get bored. Experts say that thematic designs get bored faster than neutral designs.
  3. Limited color gamut. The variant strictly regulates the use of shades. While you can get away from the theme a bit, the basic palette remains the same.
  4. Great popularity. The direction is often embodied in children. For people who don't want to use too common options, this can be a significant disadvantage.

Children's in a marine style: recommendations for creating with a photo

In the formation of a harmonious interior, every detail is important, especially when it comes to a room for children.

Choice of colors

The peculiarity of child psychology is such that kids subconsciously gravitate towards juicy shades. But being in such a space quickly tires you, therefore it is better to use neutral tones for decoration.

Light shades of blue are suitable for wall decoration: turquoise, pale blue. You can dilute the atmosphere by decorating surfaces with bright decorative elements. This will not only make the room come alive, but it will also stimulate the development of the imagination.


The main idea of ​​the direction is characterized by a combination of several shades:

  • aqua and clear azure sky;
  • sand and color of aquatic inhabitants;
  • white in combination with lilac, tones of yellow, blue, sky blue.

There are colors to avoid when decorating a toddler room. It is dark blue, deep brown, black. Such a palette often causes a bad mood in children.

Girls will love:

  • purple;
  • lavender;
  • coral;
  • turquoise in combination with milk, sand and yellow.

Deciding on furniture

Furniture in this direction is not just a piece of furniture, but an integral part of the overall idea. And you don't have to buy a new headset. You can replace standard pens with thematic ones, for example, in the form of a shell or seahorse.


If there is a desire to completely update the environment, then it is important to take into account several nuances. It is better to choose a bunk bed, equipped with special bumpers for safety. Under the berth, you can organize a space for games, study, or just install a sofa.


To maintain the atmosphere, you should give preference to headsets made of natural materials. Moreover, the bed should be taken "for growth", because the design is suitable for all ages. The color of the furnishings should be as natural as possible: shades of wood, white, pale blue.


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Furniture factories offer complete sets of a specific theme. But such sets are expensive, therefore a more economical option is to rework existing furnishings.

Decor and accessories

When decorating a nursery, you can use a variety of decor options. The main thing is that they should not only serve as decoration, but also develop. For example, a barometer. He not only emphasizes the general idea of ​​space, but also teaches children to study atmospheric pressure.


If the room is decorated in a pirate style, a stylized chest, in which toys and other accessories can be put, will become a mandatory attribute.

Will look great:

  • themed wall clock;
  • steering wheel;
  • decorated rope bays;
  • models of sailing frigates;
  • treasure maps and various schemes;
  • Spyglass;
  • Lifebuoy;
  • paintings with thematic landscapes;
  • hammock;
  • captain's paraphernalia;
  • compass;
  • signal flags.

In the bedroom of a young "pirate" you can place shells, caskets filled with "treasures", hang large beads, put volumetric pillows in the form of bright fish.

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Don't forget about the aquarium. It will perform not only decorative functions, but also serve as a natural air humidifier.

A room that breathes the spirit of the sea and adventure is the dream of many kids. It is not so difficult to implement the idea, the main thing is to turn on your imagination and put in a little effort.

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