New Year in different countries: how other peoples decorate their homes

New Year enters our houses with the smell of pine needles and tangerines, with rustling tinsel, flickering garlands and, of course, a gorgeous Christmas tree on which we are used to hanging a variety of toys, sweets, "Rain". This is how we understand that the main holiday is coming, and we look forward to it. But what elements of New Year's decor are used by residents of other countries? How do they fill their homes with a special magical atmosphere?


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  • Germany
  • England
  • Sweden, Norway, Denmark
  • Mexico
  • Japan
  • China
  • Iran
  • Greece
  • India


The Germans always approach the interior decoration very solemnly. In almost every home you will see colorful lights, pine wreaths and, of course, Santa Claus figurines. Moreover, the Germans begin to decorate long before the celebration itself. Themed drawings are always present on the windows, and when creating wreaths, it is often used mistletoe - an evergreen shrub plant - which is usually supplemented with candles in the amount of 4 pieces.

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Germans are very sentimental and family people, therefore they create many jewelry themselves - with the whole family. As a rule, green and red predominate in New Year's decor.



The Christmas tree is a mandatory attribute in English houses. It is richly decorated - toys, ribbons, bows, garlands, improvised candles, golden and silver threads, hearts, tinsel. As in Germany, the English are very fond of mistletoe: it is believed that it has a special magic and will definitely bring good luck in the coming year.

In England, it is customary to hang New Year's socks on the fireplace - for every child. According to custom, Santa puts his gifts for the kids there. The main color used in the decor is red. It is present on many elements: paper napkins, tablecloths, holiday cushion covers, curtains.


Sweden, Norway, Denmark

Although the people of these northern countries appreciate minimalism, New Year is an excuse to deviate a little from the principles. For several decades, Scandinavia has been decorating every corner of their home for the holiday. Almost in any room you can see small figures of animals, gnomes, various fairy-tale characters, cones, stars, gingerbread houses. Whole compositions are made of them and painstakingly placed on open shelves, tables, window sills.


Of particular importance is the lighting design: flickering lights, candles, spotlights - they are also installed throughout the house, immersing it in a special atmosphere of magic.

In Scandinavia, they must decorate the front door with a spruce wreath with bright ribbons and bows.



The arbolito Christmas tree often replaces pine or spruce. It is decorated with balls, figurines of angels, statuettes of Mary, Jesus, Magi. But the whole city is also changing. Bright confetti and colorful ribbons flaunt everywhere.



By tradition, the Japanese make the New Year tree themselves, and it is called kadomatsu. It is made of different materials (pine, bamboo, rope), decorated with ferns, fruits, shrimp, seaweed and placed at the front door - it is believed that this is a sign of respect to the god of the holiday.


Every Japanese man decorates his home with three branches:

  • bamboo - so that children grow up healthy and strong;
  • plum - for the patience and endurance of the owners;
  • pine - so that loved ones live long and be healthy.


The whole house is decorated in red - canvases with hieroglyphs are hung, 5 red strips of paper are pasted, meaning good luck, happiness, wealth, longevity and honor. It is believed that this shade scares away evil spirits, therefore, in some cities of the country, windows and doors are sealed with red tape.

In the rooms, twigs of pine or cypress are laid out, at the entrance to the house - a blooming peach. The New Year tree is decorated with buds, garlands and paper lanterns.



It is customary here to plant wheat or lentil grains in pots shortly before the New Year. Then fresh sprouted greens are sure to be put on the festive table as a symbol of the eternal rebirth of nature.

Table decoration is a special activity for every Iranian. As a rule, the Koran must be on it, and if the family is not religious, then the collection of Hafiz's poems. Nearby is a mirror around which candles are placed. Some homes feature dyed eggs.

Before the New Year, Iranians put an unusual decor in the room - a container of water in which an orange is immersed. To some, this, of course, will seem very strange, but for the inhabitants of this country, such a decoration is a symbol of the Earth in the ocean of Space.



Here, the main attribute of the holiday is not a pine at all, but a pomegranate tree. He is dressed up shortly before the New Year. But the fruits are necessarily present on every table. In general, the Greeks have a tradition: exactly at midnight, the head of the family goes out into the street and throws a grenade against the wall. The seeds scattered - all loved ones in the coming year will be happy.



Here, too, they do not decorate at all a Christmas tree, but a mango or banana tree. Mango leaves or poinsettia are used as home decor - a very beautiful bright flower.


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