How to loosen the rusted screw, why rusty nuts and screws

Most products designed for fasteners made of metal, and it is known, the time covered by rust. And somehow unscrew it means at hand, without using physical force, it is simply an impossible task. Quite a common situation with which one encounters.

This can be confirmed by the owners of cars, people living in the private sector. Or simply those who decided to renovate the old technique, for example, in a closet or bathroom. It seems that to correct the situation is no longer possible, but... Actually, in practice, there are various methods to, without damaging the fasteners, unscrew it.Rusty screw and nut.

Why rusting nuts and screws

The content of the article

  • Why rusting nuts and screws
  • What you need to prepare for loosening rusty screws
  • As unscrewing rusty screw beneath the screwdriver
    • Heat the screw
    • A mixture of oil for the gearbox and acetone
    • By contradiction
  • How to prevent rust

As has become clear, the corrosion process are subject to virtually all surfaces, especially if they are metallic. What is the cause of rust? It arises from prolonged contact with water, various salts and dirt. "Spur" reaction of even the simplest dust.

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All the metal products have a special coating that protects them from corrosion, but if its integrity is violated, begins to form rust. In addition, there are metals that are by their nature very "negative" refers to oxygen, various chemicals. Their impact also forms rust.Rusty screw.

Reference. Under the concept of a single fall rust iron oxides. In people, this term awarded red oxides which arise during the reaction of oxygen and iron, with the assistance of moisture, air or water.

There are other varieties of rust which can occur when the interaction of iron and chlorine, in the absence of oxygen. This is what happens with the reinforcement of concrete piles with underwater construction. This rust is green. Certain types of rust can be seen with the naked eye or through a spectroscope, they all occur under the influence of the external environment. If there is oxygen as well as water, when a certain amount of time any amount of iron, sooner or later turn into rust and will be destroyed. Corroded layer does not provide protection of lower layers. This distinguishes it from the patina that appears on the copper items.

It decided to call only rust that occurs on or iron in various alloys with iron. And although other metals are also susceptible to corrosion, but it is not called rust.

What you need to prepare for loosening rusty screws

You should not rush recklessly into battle with rusty screws. It can easily "kill". It is necessary to thoroughly prepare. The first thing stocking aids. The main thing is that they are sufficiently liquid and readily flowed into any opening.

On sale you can find a lot of different chemicals that can help in this difficult task. Very popular WD-40, available means in the form of an aerosol container. But if for some strange reason, he was not for sale, you can stock up with kerosene, turpentine or diesel fuel. Means you need to sprinkle on the surface of the thread and wait twenty minutes.

Important! In no case do not need to use various lithologic or grease, all this after some time will be solid and, accordingly, to unscrew anything is simply impossible.

As unscrewing rusty screw beneath the screwdriver

Rust equally detrimental effect on all types of connections. But if with a bolt and a nut though with difficulty, but can handle, then screw the situation is somewhat more complicated. From the use of physical force easily damaged splines. Then it will only drill it and cut a new thread. But there are several options to help get out of the situation, without causing harm to the screw.

Heat the screw

If you try to recall the course of the school of physics, from the depths of memory pops knowledge that heated, items are expanding. It is this property and you can use it.

Take any heat source, such as building a hair dryer or a blowtorch and thoroughly warms our screw. Warmed up, he was subject to the laws of physics, expanded, and with it will fly and plaque rust.

If the lamp is not on the farm, and you can take an ordinary candle or a lighter. Once the screw has been heated, immediately poured onto water therefrom. Desirably cold. Now you can try to twist it. The bad news is that this has a negative impact on the heating of the metal quenching.Lamp heating.

Attention! Working with sources of heat, be especially careful. The heated surface, as well as an open flame can cause burns.

A mixture of oil for the gearbox and acetone

Such a "cocktail" made his own, no less effective than shoplifting tools. It consists of fifty percent of the oil for the automatic transmission and the same amount of acetone.

The composition is applied in stages over forty minutes to several hours. To speed up the cleaning of rust, you can use a screwdriver and a hammer. Gently tapping on the screw, we try to undermine it.

You can do and more extreme. Lepim around the screw of the clay or clay small ledge. Inside put a small piece of zinc and fill sulfuric acid. It will take twenty-four hours, and you're done. Similarly, you can unscrew the screws on the mixer.

By contradiction

sometimes act quite efficiently as it should. If you need to unscrew the screw rusted, it is better not to "torment", trying to loosen and tighten to try even harder, until it stops. This will free the course of the screw and facilitate its further twisting.

How to prevent rust

As you know, the problem is easier to prevent than to fight hard with it. Among the many formulations for corrosion protection are the following:

  1. The long-acting inhibitor. After processing, these means of metal products, we can not worry about what happen to forget them in the street. At least for a year let it lie. Now they are well protected against any weather, which can cause corrosion processes.
  2. Protecting grease of lithium. She was treated with hinges of doors, various chains and cables. After application on the surface of thin plyonochku occurs, which is not afraid of the impact and prevents atmospheric develop rust.
  3. Silicone Grease. Since the lubrication is made on the basis of silicone, it is easily applied to any products made of metal, even though they are partly of plastic, rubber or vinyl insert. When dry lubricant on the surface of a thin, transparent, tack-free protective layer.
  4. anticorrosive spray. Is used when you want to process places where access is difficult. Spray penetrates deep into the product and prevents rust on it to appear. Very popular means for processing the threads of fasteners.
  5. Means against rust. The composition contains non-toxic substances. You can use it not only for the cleaning of building products, but also for the cutlery. If they handle all table knives in the house, then they certainly will never suffer from rust. It suffices to wait for about five hours, then rinse the cleaning solution composition.

All methods quite well proven. You can use any of them, though often one is not enough and needs to use. In any case, the master for a long time and they are used quite successfully. But most importantly, remember that it is better initially to protect against rust, not fight it.

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