The house is undoubtedly a place of peace and freedom, a kind of fortress for every person. But sometimes, even in such a beautiful place, misfortunes and failures can happen. And surely every person wants his fortress to remain impenetrable, and peace - intact. And here small amulets come to the rescue, which can be made independently, at home and from scrap materials. They will help protect the house from thieves and evil eyes, strengthen health and love, get rid of quarrels and nervousness. Everything you need to know about creating amulets at home can be found in this article.
Herbal charms
The content of the article
- Herbal charms
- Amulet of onions, garlic and pepper
- Pictures-amulets
- Protect over the door how to do
- How to properly arrange the made amulet?
A seemingly ordinary bunch of herbs is a pretty strong amulet. But it is important to remember that each herb has its own effect and improper use of this amulet may not give the desired result. A small list of herbs for the amulet and their effects:
- Aloe is used to improve the health of residents;
- Spathiphyllum brings happiness to the fair sex;
- Anthurium - spathiphyllum for the male;
- Hibiscus is indispensable for creating passionate love;
- The fern brings wisdom and knowledge to the home;
- Arnica will be a good protection from scandals;
- Mother-and-stepmother is the best amulet for a young mother and her child;
- Cornflower - protection from damage and a deterrent from an unclean spirit;
- Carnation will save you from ill-wishers and envious people;
- Lavender will relieve nightmares, insomnia and remove the evil eye;
- Basil drives away devils and scares away demons;
- Mint - a remedy for demons, scaring away thieves and deceivers;
- Wormwood will save you from corruption, impure forces and energy vampires;
- Bay leaf destroys all the negativity in the house (you need to place it in saucers in the corners of the rooms and all the negativity in the room will disappear)
It is best to get rid of plants that are parasites in nature, because they will suck energy from the tenants, and ivy will bring failure to all males.
Herb bag. A small bag of herbs is also very strong amulets. To create it, you need to sew a bag of red or black fabric (choose from natural materials for the best work of the amulet). The bag must be filled with chamomile, lavender, wormwood, dill, or a mixture of these herbs. The amulet should hang next to the bed or be on the bedside table.
Amulet of onions, garlic and pepper
At all times, the smell of garlic was considered to deter the unclean spirit. For example, in ancient Rome, a garlic necklace was put on a newborn. It was believed that this protects against dark spells. In ancient Greek mythology, this plant Hermes gives to Odysseus in order to increase the effectiveness of his fight against sorcerers and sorcerers. For reliable protection, it is enough just to hang garlic at all entrances to the house, but it is best to assemble the amulet from garlic, onion and pepper on your own. To do this, you need to tie a small amount of red hot pepper pods, several onion heads and five or six garlic bulbs to each other with a yellow string. The order of linking does not matter. It is necessary to hang such protection in a corner on the wall. But in no case should you eat vegetables that have absorbed negative energy. After a year, the amulet is burned at the stake.
Icons. It's not a secret for anyone that the Christian icon is an excellent talisman against dark forces, and it is not in vain that they stand in many homes. But it is important not just to put an icon at home, but to understand that it is faith in the saints and the Lord that gives power to icons. Usually a special place in the house is allocated for them, which is called the "Red Corner".
Cross-stitch. A pattern embroidered with a cross can also bring happiness in love, improve health or drive away evil spirits. But for this you need to know what pattern is needed for what, otherwise the result brought by the embroidery may not please, but rather disappoint. Here are some embroidery patterns you can use:
Pictures-amulets. This option is used to cleanse the energy of a place where households often gather, and this is a very important occupation, because all quarrels and nervousness appear just from bad energy. It is imperative to make amulet paintings from natural materials, because they have a stronger effect and only on church holidays. Therefore, the best solution would be to prepare all the necessary materials and assemble the picture during the holiday. It can be made from herbs, flowers, pebbles, cereals, wood figurines, green, yellow and red threads.
Protect over the door how to do
Eggshell amulet. Such protection is very simple to make, but it does not lose this in effectiveness. For the amulet, you will need an Easter egg shell. It must be crushed and wrapped in a piece of fabric tied on top with a narrow cord. After a year, the mascot stops working, the shell must be buried, and the cloth must be washed and used with the next shell.
Horseshoe mascots. Such a charm can be easily sewn on your own. It is best to use cereals, wheat, or salt as a filler. Make the decor according to your own mood and desire. Intuition will tell you what else should be in your talisman.
How to properly arrange the made amulet?
A very important rule when placing an amulet is the inability to see it at the entrance to the house. Otherwise, the gaze of the ill-wisher will leave protection, which will allow evil spirits to mischief. But do not forget that some talismans should not be visible at all and it is very important to follow this rule. Usually these are amulets that protect against damage or the evil eye.
It is also important that every entrance to the house has a protective talisman. So it will be more difficult for evil spirits to get into the dwelling. Cross stitching can be used to decorate bed linen or hang on the wall, which will bring useful effects depending on the pattern chosen. Some talismans need to be placed next to the bed for the best effect.