Scientists have proven that the interior can influence weight: reasons

Scientists have proven that the wrong interior affects weight gainScientists were able to prove that the interior can both positively and negatively affect a person's weight. The reason is that certain colors or objects increase the appetite or the secretion of gastric juice. Let's find out in more detail.

How interior can affect weight gain

The content of the article

  • How interior can affect weight gain
  • Which interior elements cause weight gain?
  • What should be the interior to lose weight

If there is not enough light in the room, the body begins to relax. A feeling of hunger appears. The reason is that lack of light reduces the production of vitamin D.

Which interior elements cause weight gain?

There are two things in the interior that can affect hunger - the color of the interior itself or the decor items. Let's take a look at the following colors:

  1. Orange and yellow increase the secretion of gastric juice, increasing appetite.
  2. Purple and red can be stressful. And under stress, you often want to eat. Also a bad option if you need to lose weight.
  3. Other warm shades (sand, gold) also improve appetite, but not so much.
  4. instagram viewer
  5. But blue, beige, green, pink, gray and lilac can reduce appetite. These shades are considered cool and neutral, so they do not affect mood and well-being.
Little light in the room

Now about the decoration items:

  1. Watch. Nutritionists believe that they should be in front of your eyes while eating. The watch will allow you to control the time of eating and establish a certain routine that will help with your diet.
  2. Dishes. Choosing a yellow or white plate will increase your appetite. However, you should not choose large-sized dishes for small portions, as the latter makes you want to add more food. But the black-colored dishes significantly reduce appetite, and will be an excellent solution if you need to lose weight. The cutlery is gray in color (cold shade) and therefore does not affect the appetite in any way.
  3. Curtains. It is recommended to choose cool shades. But here a different situation arises, when eating, it is best to open the curtains so that light enters the room. With enough sunlight, you want to eat less.
  4. Mirror. Do not hang them where you eat. They make you want to speed up your meal, which we don't need.
Large mirror in the room

What should be the interior to lose weight

There are certain rules that will help us make an interior that helps reduce appetite:

  1. We open the curtains. When the sun's rays enter the room, the body receives a small amount of additional energy (capable of replacing a small amount of food).
  2. We choose wallpaper or paint in cold shades.
  3. We remove the mirrors.
  4. We put the clock in front of our eyes.
  5. Choosing the correct color and shape plates.
  6. It is recommended to store dishes and household appliances in a closed place (for example, in a closet) so that they are not conspicuous and do not make you want to eat.
  7. Another rule is as little furniture as possible. You should not place decoration items that can distract a person from eating or make him accelerate.
Light room

If you can't lose weight, you should pay attention to the interior of the room where we eat. Perhaps the reason is in it, and we just need to change the color of the room and replace a couple of decoration items.

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