How to properly wash tulle so that it is white

Over time, the snow-white tulle becomes gray or yellow. Of course, this fact spoils the appearance of the interior. It is not so easy to cope with this problem, but it is still possible. In this article we will talk about how to wash it correctly, how to return the tulle to its attractive appearance and what means there are for this.

how to wash tulle to be white

General rules for washing tulle

  • Shake the curtain before soaking it. Thus, you will partially get rid of the accumulated dust and will be able to soak the tulle in clean water;
  • In the process of washing, it is not recommended to use bleach containing chlorine. Chlorine-containing products will help restore the former whiteness, but the quality of the fabric will be greatly affected;
  • No need to squeeze out with force, let the water drain naturally;
  • The ideal temperature regime is considered to be 30-40 degrees. At a lower temperature, the fabric will not be washed off, and a higher temperature regime will contribute to the shrinkage of the fabric;
  • In order for the curtains not to lose their whiteness, they should not be ironed. For drying, it is best to hang them on the curtain rod immediately after washing.
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How to wash by hand: bringing back whiteness with natural formulations

The fabric from which tulle is made requires special care and delicacy. It is for this reason that many housewives prefer the manual option of washing with natural bleaches.

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Separately, it is worth recalling once again about the temperature regime. If you don't have a water thermometer handy, you can determine the optimal temperature for washing by dipping your elbow into the water. However, you should not feel that the limbs are hot or cold.


How to bleach with salt

  1. Fill a basin with water at a temperature of about 40 degrees.
  2. Add salt and hand wash powder to the water. For 1 liter of water, you will need 1 tablespoon of salt and the amount of powder indicated in the recommendation.
  3. After that, the resulting composition must be thoroughly mixed so that there are no particles of powder and salt left in it.
  4. The tulle is lowered into a basin and left for about 2 hours.

This cleaning method is suitable if the curtains are not too dirty. For old stains, you must first wash the tulle in ordinary powder, then leave it for 12 hours in a saline solution. After the specified time has elapsed, the fabric must be washed again.

Separately, it must be said about the fact that only rock salt is used for bleaching.

Soda and its bleaching properties

Any experienced housewife knows that soda has excellent whitening properties. It works great with grease stains and removes gray deposits.

Tulle whitening
  1. Take 100 grams of powder and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to it.
  2. Add a bucket of warm water to the mixture.
  3. Place the curtain in water and let sit for half an hour.
  4. After 30 minutes, wash the tulle in the washing machine or by hand.

In contrast to the method of bleaching with salt, the effect will come only if it is pre-soaked.

Is it possible to bleach tulle using ordinary brilliant green?

How to bleach tulle with brilliant green

You will not believe it, but with the help of ordinary brilliant green you can return the tulle to its former whiteness. To prevent the fabric from turning green, you need to know the sequence for preparing the solution.

  1. Take half a liter of water and add 2 tablespoons of rock salt to it.
  2. After the salt has completely dissolved, add 15 drops of brilliant green solution to the water.
  3. After thoroughly mixing the solution, wait about 5 minutes until a precipitate forms.
  4. The most crucial moment is the filtration of the solution. It is necessary to strain the water so that the residue does not penetrate into the container. Otherwise, green spots on the fabric are guaranteed.
  5. After washing the curtains, they are placed in the resulting composition for about 4 minutes.
  6. In the process of rinsing, the fabric must be periodically turned over.
  7. The last step is spinning and hanging to dry.

How to wash in the washing machine so that the tulle is and remains white?

Even from our grandmothers and mothers, we inherited a simple rule that delicate fabrics should only be washed by hand. Nowadays, washing machine manufacturers have taken care of gentle washing. That is why tulle can be washed not only by hand. The most important thing in this process is to choose the correct washing mode and temperature.

Washing tulle in a washing machine

Correct settings

If the washing machine has special modes "delicate" or "silk", then the question of washing disappears by itself. With this choice, you do not need to worry - the settings are already matched to the parameters of the fabric. If the machine does not have such parameters, you need to choose the manual option for washing and set the temperature to 30 degrees. You can also wash tulle in the wool mode. At the same time, the fabric does not deform and is washed with special care.

  • Fold the tulle neatly before putting it in the machine. This will prevent the fabric from kinking during the wringing process.
  • Special bags for washing delicate fabrics are currently available in stores.
  • It is better to use gel instead of powder. Do not put too much funds (half of the usual amount).
  • After the main wash, put the washing machine in the extra rinse mode. This is necessary to completely rid the fabric of particles of detergent powder.
  • Remember that the tulle must dry naturally. Avoid using automatic spinning.

Whitening additives

You can also machine wash with natural bleaches (such as saline). If the curtain is too dirty, then chemical compounds will come to the rescue.

Whitening products for washing
  • Optical brighteners, which include special microgranules that are deposited on fabric fibers. These products are used exclusively for white fabrics.
  • Oxygen bleaches. Can be used for patterned tulle. They have excellent whitening properties and at the same time do not contribute to tissue destruction.

Tips and tricks for ironing tulle

As mentioned above, a curtain made of lightweight materials is best dried naturally and not ironed. But sometimes the tulle fabric is too dense - you can't do without smoothing.

How to iron tulle
  • The fabric should be ironed during the drying process. This means that the tulle must be still damp.
  • Put the settings on the iron "nylon", "polyester" and the temperature regime not exceeding 80 degrees.
  • Test a small area before ironing the fabric. Make sure all modes on the iron are set correctly.
  • Place the curtain on the board with the seamy side facing up.
  • Start ironing from the edge, gradually moving to the center of the curtain.
  • Do not rush to hang the tulle immediately. Spread it out on a wide surface and let sit for about 10 minutes. This will secure the ironing effect.
  • If you are going to iron synthetic tulle, be sure to cover it with a couple of layers of gauze. This will help prevent damage to the fabric.
  • If you have overdried the tulle, you need to select the "silk" or "synthetics" mode on the iron. In order to smooth out existing wrinkles, they must be moistened with water. Iron through gauze soaked in water, while doing so, so that the iron moves in your direction. After the fabric has been completely ironed, it must be completely unfolded and left for 5 minutes.

Separately, it should be said that in the process of ironing, in no case should you use a steamer. Otherwise, you risk getting ugly stains on the fabric. Use only the tip of the iron to smooth ruffles. If the curtain has a pattern in the form of an ornament, then the tulle must be ironed from the inside out.

So, as you could see, if your tulle has lost its former whiteness over time and acquired ugly yellow spots, you should not rush to the store to buy a new curtain. To make it like new, you just need to use one of the proposed methods and return the fabric to its former attractiveness. The simplest option is to wash with the addition of detergent and a specialized bleaching compound. If you need to remove stubborn stains, it is best to use an additional rinse and pre-soak.

Video: how to wash tulle so that it becomes snow-white

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