DIY Easter egg making

Russia, Moscow region, Moscow+79041000555

DIY kitchen repair
Average Time to Read It takes ~ 2 minutes to read

It is impossible to imagine the Easter holiday without Easter eggs. The most popular attribute is chicken eggs, which are colored in different ways just before the holiday. But a more interesting option is decorative eggs, which are also made using a variety of materials and techniques. But at the same time, they can last more than one year with proper operation.

DIY Easter egg from jute twine

One of the simple but beautiful and naturalistic techniques is jute decorating. In order to make such an egg you will need:

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  1. Jute twine.
  2. Lace ribbons.
  3. Artificial egg.
  4. Glue gun.
DIY Easter egg from jute twine

First, the base in the form of an egg must be pasted over with jute twine. In this case, the width of the cord does not play a special role. But with a thicker cord, work will go faster, and the product will turn out to be more voluminous. If the end of the cord is fluffy, then it must be cut and glued in the middle of the bottom of the egg.

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DIY Easter egg from jute twine

Then start winding the twine in a spiral around this starting point.

DIY Easter egg from jute twine

In each row, fix the jute with hot melt glue as necessary.

DIY Easter egg from jute twine

Make sure that the cord lies flat and there are no gaps between the rows.

DIY Easter egg from jute twine
DIY Easter egg from jute twine

When the whole egg is completely pasted over, you need to let it dry a little so that the glue will take on well.

DIY Easter egg from jute twine

A few minutes are enough for this.

Further decoration can be done with an openwork ribbon. To do this, the egg must be wrapped vertically with tape.

DIY Easter egg from jute twine
DIY Easter egg from jute twine

From the top, bottom and on both sides in the middle, fix it with hot melt glue so that the tape does not slide out anywhere.

DIY Easter egg from jute twine

Then do the same on the other side.

DIY Easter egg from jute twine
DIY Easter egg from jute twine

On top, you can glue a decorative flower or a bow from the same tape.

DIY Easter egg from jute twine

This decorative jute egg is ready for Easter.

DIY Easter egg from jute twine

The original craft design meets the latest trends in modern decor. Such an egg will serve as an irreplaceable decoration for your Easter interior or an excellent gift souvenir.

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