Large capacity auger juicer for apples

The high capacity auger apple juicer is quite common and popular for its ability to squeeze out large volumes of liquid. The drink is incredibly clean and with minimal waste. It is a household appliance, but at the same time capable of handling large volumes. And, if you have more than 2 apple trees, you should think about buying this device.

A juicer for large volumes of apples works like a meat grinder. Fruits are laid in the neck, a threaded spiral-shaped shaft (also called a screw) effectively crushes solid particles, then the pulp is squeezed under pressure, the liquid is removed and filtered through a wire rack.

Apple screw juicer

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Criterias of choice

  1. Power is the main condition. The stronger the motor, the faster it can handle large amounts of fruit.
  2. Devices are manual and electric, the latter being the most popular due to their high productivity (from 60 kg of apples per hour).
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  4. Pay attention to the diameter of the neck. The best size is from 65 to 85 mm. It is convenient to place both cut and whole foods in it, and they will not fly back.
  5. Inspect the juice filter attachment. The quality of the drink depends on the diameter and number of holes in it. With larger holes, the juice will come out with pulp, and small holes will filter out the more transparent liquid.
  6. A very good additional feature is the defoamer. It improves the properties of the drink and helps it to be stored longer (up to 2 days without deterioration in quality).
  7. The best apple juicer is quiet and low vibration. Therefore, be sure to ask to turn on the device before buying and evaluate its work. It is good when there are additional suction cup legs.
  8. The automatic cake dispenser will make the fruit processing process faster and more convenient.
  9. And of course, any electrical mechanism needs an automatic lock. It will not allow the device to turn on if it is not fully assembled and will prevent hands from possible injury from the knives of the meat grinder.

Advantages and disadvantages of auger juicers

Compared to the centrifugal one, the auger squeezes out juice more slowly and costs a little more.

But she has much more advantages:

  • The juice is squeezed out from 90 to 95%. Moreover, it can be not only apples, but also carrots, berries, grains, herbs, sprouts, nuts, soybeans and even needles. Such a device handles the hardest products, and very little waste.
  • With the help of a screw device, the preparation of apple and other juices for wine is of the highest quality. And from some products (berries, soft pears), you can make mashed potatoes and baby food.
  • The number of engine revolutions is 76-82 rpm, while the liquid is not blown or heated. Thus, all the necessary trace elements and vitamins are preserved.
  • A lot of pulp remains in apple juice, the taste is rich and without sediment, dense and homogeneous. The liquid inside does not have time to oxidize in a short time and practically does not come into contact with air. Therefore, such devices are also called cold-pressed press juicers. If you want a completely clear liquid, you can pass it through the device again.
  • The auger grinder can work without overheating of the motor from 30 to 60 minutes. Handheld devices will work all day long.
  • The device works silently and in some cases (for example, to get morning fresh juice) this is an important criterion.
  • The size of any juicer does not exceed 50 cm (in height or width), which means you can store the device anywhere. Moreover, they weigh from 7 to 10 kg and they can be moved from place to place, or taken on a trip.

Rating of the best high-performance juicers

Which juicer is the best for apples? You can find devices of European, Chinese and our brands on sale. The most expensive of them, in addition to juice, can squeeze out butter, form pasta, prepare sorbets and desserts.

Domestic high-performance juicers have long established themselves as inexpensive and effective devices. And the latter have a very developed network of service centers, not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia. Therefore, the device will serve for a very, very long time.

  • Juicer Rossoshanka SVPR-201

Manufactured in Belarus. Extracts juice from beets, carrots and the hardest apples. But soft fruits (currants, juicy pears) are unsuitable, as they turn into paste.

In addition to extrusion, Rossoshanka has a further centrifugation function. This design does not damage the seeds and does not pollute the juice with acids, and the product is of high quality. In addition to the centrifugal force, the juicer has an electrodynamic brake for loading fruit. And so the mechanism is quite simple - vegetables or fruits are placed directly without additional devices, and they do not even need to be chopped. A bucket of apples turns into liquid in 10 minutes, the productivity is up to 60 kg per hour, and the juice purity is up to 92%.

Of the shortcomings of the device, a very low flow can be noted, to which in some cases it is necessary to adapt. Also, the removal of residues is manual, and not automatic (after 5-7 kg of apples).

  • Fireworks SVPR-201

This classic model of the Penza manufacturer has been popular with buyers for processing large volumes for many years. Its term of work is at least 6 years. The high-performance apple juicer is very hardy and the 400-watt motor can produce more than 1 liter of juice per minute, and process up to 70 kg per hour.

The technology is designed so that you can load whole apples without having to peel the core out. At the same time, the seeds are not crushed, a high-quality drink comes out with a purity of up to 92%. and without any bitterness The feed opening is quite large and comfortable.

The cycle of work at Salut is continuous, only the cake should be removed periodically. This model is very similar to Rososhanka, only you can buy it for about a thousand rubles cheaper, from 5 thousand rubles.

  • Neptune Kazhi

This is the best and most efficient juicer in our ranking with a cylindrical centrifuge that can process up to 120 kg of raw materials per hour with a motor power of 320 watts. Any vegetables of a rounded shape (tomatoes, grapes, pears) are subject to this device without preliminary grinding. Therefore, Neptune can rightfully be called "an industrial high-performance apple juicer". The unit will work without stopping for an entire hour, the only thing, then you should take a 10-minute break.

The juice extraction rate is 50%. Subsequently, the cake can be used for compote, preserves, marmalades, jams or sauces. Only in this case will the core still have to be removed manually.

There is a defoamer and a direct fluid supply. The asynchronous motor creates high pressure in the extraction area and automatically discards the cake. Moreover, the device is lighter (7 kg) than the above models. Neptune will work for up to 7 years, and is even cheaper than Salut, from 4.5 thousand rubles.

The vibration of an electric juicer is considered an essential function. It's bad that there is no protection against incorrect assembly. The device can work at its limit until it breaks down.

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