Toaster: reviews, which is better, selection rules, rating

A toaster is a must-have item in the house that allows you to get fragrant crispy toasts in a matter of seconds, which are eaten with gusto for breakfast or as a quick snack. If you are seriously thinking about purchasing this device, then we have prepared this article especially for you. Here we will discuss different toaster models, reviews, which is better, which is more productive, and so on.

Toaster with toast

Selection rules

A huge number of different firms and manufacturers are now represented on the shelves of hypermarkets and in online stores. Helpful consultants will be happy to show you quality models, but not the fact that they will be budgetary. To know how to choose a toaster for your home, check out the following list of options.

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Number of branches. This important parameter should be based on the number of people in the family and the amount of bread they consume. It is logical that the more people, the more departments you need. There are the following options:

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  1. Two branches. If you are planning to cook for yourself or for a small family of two, then this model will suit you.
  2. Four branches. This option will suit a large family of three or four people. In the morning, every minute counts. The 4-compartment toaster saves you valuable time by making four toasts in one go.

Power. The choice of a toaster should be based on such an important parameter as power. The higher it is, the less time it will take to make toast. However, in this case, it may turn out to be overcooked or completely burnt out. That is why it is important to have a part such as a thermostat with a temperature control option. You can set the degrees yourself by experimenting with different modes.

Material. Such a parameter as the body material plays a significant role in determining the price of the device. The toaster can be made from the following materials:

  1. Metal. The metal case looks expensive and solid, and is also distinguished by high strength and reliability indicators, and a long service life. Among the shortcomings, mention should be made of the rather high cost of the device, as well as the sensitivity of the material with various kinds of contamination. Fingerprints will be clearly visible on it, so the surface will have to be wiped frequently.
  2. Plastic. The main advantage of the plastic case is its budget. Another advantage is the rich color palette on the home appliance market. You can choose any color - from dark red to lemon yellow - depending on the interior and style of your kitchen. However, plastic models do not look as representative as metal ones, they can simplify the overall design of the room. Another serious drawback is the inevitable heating of the case during the operation of the device. From heat exposure, the surface can deform or become covered with small cracks.

Heater. The element that warms up the bread and makes it crispy deserves no less attention than the other parameters. The heating part is of the following types:

  1. Metallic. The simplest and most reliable option, proven over the years of use. It is used in most standard models and costs little money. The disadvantage of a metal heating element is the appearance of an unpleasant odor when the device is heated.
  2. Ceramic. This option appeared relatively recently, modern technologies are the cornerstone of its work. It costs much more than a metal heating element, but it also has some advantages. These include a long service life, economical power consumption and uniform heating of the entire device.

Varieties of toasters

To understand which toaster to buy for home use, it is important to determine the individual requirements and wishes for this household appliance. There are the following types of toasting appliances:

  1. Standard. This is the most common, familiar and familiar device to everyone, which evenly fries loaf slices on both sides. The appliance is placed vertically, bread is placed in the compartments. After pressing the button, the slices of bread go down to the heating elements, the power is turned on. After a certain time, the finished toasts themselves jump out of the compartments.
  2. Sandwich toaster. This device is designed for making sandwiches or, as they are also called, sandwiches. In appearance, the device resembles a waffle iron. The principle of operation is as follows: a slice of fresh bread is placed in a mold, on top of it the filling is put (cheese, smoked meat, sausage, etc.), and all this is covered with another piece of bread. Next, close the form, turn on the power by pressing the button and wait a little. You end up with a hot stuffed sandwich that is crispy on both sides.
  3. Grill toaster. Outwardly, it looks like a compact oven designed for making sandwiches. It can also be used to heat and brown other small foods. Such models are more expensive than others, but their functionality is impressive.

Customer Reviews

So which toaster should you buy? Customer reviews are designed to help us understand this difficult issue.

I am a mother of three. In the mornings, I have absolutely no time to get them to school and make breakfast at the same time. A toaster with four compartments helped me with this problem. The children are happy and well fed, but I am calm.

Anna, Kazan.

Hello. I live an ordinary bachelor life, I work a lot, I have no time to eat normally, always in business. The toaster has become my best friend in the kitchen. In a matter of seconds, I have a warm toasted bread that can be eaten with anything.

Maxim, St. Petersburg.

I really liked the hot sandwiches served in the cafe. I bought a sandwich toaster, decided to try this feature and was delighted. Two hot toasts, and between them melted cheese and a couple of slices of sausage. Real jam.

Alexandra, Moscow.

Ten best toasters

Especially so that you do not get confused among the variety of manufacturers and models, we have prepared TOP-10 for you. The "Best Toasters" rating will help you make the final decision on an important purchase.

  1. Bosch TAT 3A011 / 3A014
  2. Electrolux EAT 5300
  3. Bosch TAT 61088
  4. Philips HD 2595
  5. Polaris PET 0702L
  6. Bosch TAT 6901
  7. Delonghi CTO 2003
  8. Philips HD 2596
  9. Philips HD 2630
  10. Electrolux EAT 5300

As we can see from the rating, manufacturers such as Bosch and Philips are in the lead in the list. The point is the generally recognized quality of products, their durability and reliability. Enjoy the shopping!

Video: test purchase of toasters 

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