How to get rid of midges in an apartment: effective methods of struggle

Being uninvited and quite dangerous guests in a living room, harmful fruit flies damage food, indoor flowers, and can also bite a person and tolerate some infections. What to do in cases of their appearance and how to get rid of midges in the apartment? After all, a harmful small gnat appears in the room very unexpectedly, annoying people with its existence. And due to their high-speed reproduction, the advent of insects can turn into a real disaster.

Types of domestic midges

Where, when and why midges appear

In order to know exactly how to remove midges from an apartment, you need to find out the source of this unpleasant invasion. And having understood the reasons for their appearance, proceed to neutralization.

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The most basic motivations for their appearance are:

  • Garbage cans and bags. Ideal for breeding and feeding brown gnats and black fruit flies.
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  • Spoiled vegetables, fruits and bread. Midges simply adore rot, laying their offspring in such products.
  • Pots with indoor plants. With high humidity, pests are sure to colonize on the surface of the earth and on the containers themselves.
  • Plumbing drains. Small food residues remain in the kitchen drainage system, which serves as a reason for attracting insects and their rapid reproduction.
  • Pets. Unpleasant insects can grow up in the remains of animal food or untimely purified water in the aquarium.

Insects at home

Effective control methods

Having determined the reason for the appearance of midges in the apartment, you should start taking measures to destroy them. They consist in:

  • Full inspection of all perishable food items. After the audit, found spoiled food should be thrown away immediately. Cereals stored in the kitchen should be poured into dry and clean containers from time to time to avoid dampness in their environment.
  • Disinfection of drainage passages. An effective method of how to get the midges out of the apartment will be the systematic treatment of the shell and the siphons under it. All actions for the destruction of small pests in the sewer can be carried out using modern chemicals.
  • Working with an ordinary vacuum cleaner. This unit is a rather effective assistant in the emerging dilemma of how to kill midges. Having turned it on at full intensity, you should vacuum the room, and then take the dust container with all its contents outside.
  • Installation of a mosquito net. To prevent the appearance of small fruit flies from the street, you must take care of installing this protective element on the balcony opening and on the windows.

Destruction of midges from indoor plants

If small insects are found on containers with plants, the number of irrigations should be immediately reduced to avoid the multiplication of pathogens. After all, negative microorganisms contribute to rotting and decomposition of vegetation, which serves as an excellent food for the fruit brown gnat-mosquito. Ways to neutralize insects from the ground and flower pots:

  1. Manganese potassium, diluted in the ratio: 0.1 g per 1000 ml of water. Spill the soil once every 5 days.
  2. Sprinkle the soil surface with red hot pepper.
  3. Matches planted in the ground in heads. Per 100 ml pot, 10 pieces around the perimeter.
  4. Complete soil replacement.
  5. Etching with approved insecticidal agents: Actellik, Aktara.
  6. Powder soil mixture in pots with wood ash.

Midges in houseplants

Smells that repel insects

It is also possible to neutralize parasitic insects with the help of some odors that have repellent qualities:

  • Essential camphor. The powdery substance purchased in the pharmacy is heated. When steam is released, containers with a red-hot ethereal substance are carried through all rooms. This method will quickly scare away insects, leading to their complete neutralization;
  • Pelargonium is zonal. The leaves of this indoor flower have a specific fragrance. When grown indoors, the nasty gnats will never dare to settle there.
  • Basil. This king of herbs planted in a pot will be an excellent assistant in expelling the pest. And by spreading its small fresh or dried bunches in the kitchen, you can not only enjoy the spicy aroma, but also forget about the midge forever.
  • Horseradish. This vegetable, twisted in a meat grinder, will serve as an excellent repellent.
  • Orange with cloves. Such a duo will serve as an excellent repeller of annoying fruit flies. Stick the spicy twigs into the peel and place them in a place where small dirty things accumulate.
  • Aroma oils. Lamps, with the addition of cloves, eucalyptus, anise, mint, ylang-ylang, are installed indoors. After the process of release of ethereal vapors, midges quickly leave their habitat.

Smells that repel insects

Homemade traps

Hand-made traps serve as an excellent bait, where all the small midges in the apartment fall, and how to get rid of annoying "neighbors" with their help, the following methods are proposed:

  1. The cups, with spoiled vegetables or fruits laid in them, are covered with polyethylene with pre-made holes. A day later, a large number of insects are caught in such a trap.
  2. Plastic bottles, half filled with sweet juice or compote, are placed in places from which midges fly out. Pests will creep in on the smell of such bait and drown.
  3. Treated paper strips with a mixture of syrup, bitter red pepper and vanillin. Are laid out throughout the room.
  4. Beer or wine left over from the festive table will serve as an excellent bait for parasites. Crawling inside the bottle, midges can no longer get out of there and die.

Industrial glue traps

An effective technique on how to deal with midges in an apartment is to lay out industrial baits in the room. Such octupoles contain a sticky substance that attracts insects. Getting on the surface of such baits, pests no longer have the opportunity to escape from there. According to consumer reviews, the best of them are: FT 001 with an attractant, Flies Away, Bros.

Glue trap for gnats

Chemical methods of destruction

Quite quickly, powerful chemicals will help to neutralize fruit flies that attack premises in an especially hot summer:

  1. Aerosol sprays: Raptor, Dichlorvos, Reid.
  2. Repeller-repellents: Gardeks, Breeze-Anti-mosquito, Reftamid.
  3. Insecticides for cultivating the land in flower pots: Actellik, Aktara.
  4. Means for cleaning and disinfection of sewers: Mole Turbo, Perffi div, Flup, Pothan.

Folk remedies

Chemicals will kill insects very quickly, but how to deal with midges in an apartment in a safer way? An alternative option to replace harmful chemicals will be folk remedies:

  1. A tried and tested method is to clean trash cans, sinks, and drains with baking soda and vinegar.
  2. An effective method is a spicy ground cloves drenched in boiling water. The vapors of such an infusion have a detrimental effect on the midges, which, after the aroma spreads throughout all the rooms, stops flying altogether.

Prevention measures

Knowing the reason why and where the fruit small fruit flies come from, it is necessary not only to get rid of them. You also need to take preventive measures to avoid their reappearance:

  • Systematically remove garbage from the premises, preventing its accumulation;
  • Maintain constant cleanliness throughout the room, especially in the kitchen;
  • Regularly treat trash cans with water with the addition of detergents and disinfectants;
  • Do not leave dirty dishes and rags in sinks, and constantly treat the sewer pipes under them with special means;
  • Dispose of spoiled food and revise it from time to time.

Compliance with all preventive recommended measures will help get rid of harmful midges in the premises, while maintaining cleanliness and comfort.

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